Whats The Worst Thing You've Ever Seen Done In A Salon??


New Member
guys I went to a cheapie salon on saturday to get a wash and set. I only use this salon for that and cornrows as they are really cheap and its hard to get them wrong. Anyway, I was sitting under the dyer and watching them do other peoples hair here is what I saw and the first was the most shocking..

1. A lady with neck length thinning hair.. had her hair washed and blow dried.
- put up in a high pony tail secured with a rubber band
- tons of gel was put on her hair to slick it back.
- the gel was combed through
- the part in the pony tail had some hair added to form a long braided strand which was then wrapped around like a small bun
- she was put under the dryer for 15 min to harden the gel, when she gets out it's like concrete.
- now here is the bad part
- the stylist takes a long weft of hair adds bonding glue and proceeds to start wrapping it around the hair just before the rubber band. so it was actually on her real hair.
- more glue was added and it was wrapped around the bun about 4 times and then tucked underneath.
- I hope this makes sense. it is basically like a fixed phoney pony.

The lady loved the way it looked, as I came out I asked her how long she would leave it in for and she said.... wait for it.... 2 months..
she said she would come back in a month to have more gel added and sit under the dryer again and it would be "as good as new."
I could not believe that these ladies were getting away with this.

2. I also saw another woman come in to have the same thing taken out of her hair. It was such a mess. They stylist was literally ripping the weft out of her hair.
I was stuck fast.. she just kept spaying it with finishing spay and pulling and pulling. The woman's hair was sooo thin on the sides and on top.

3. something else I saw which was quite ghetto!!
They had three sinks for washing hair. All three were occupied. One of the stylists must have been on her lunch break because she cracked open a tin of tuna and then... here it goes... asked the washing girl to stand aside and poured the tuna brine into the sink were the girls hair was... I didn't know whether to laugh or cry!! Imagine going to the salon and coming back with your hair smelling like tuna..

what is the worst thing you have seen done in a salon to yourself or someone else?
Good Lord! :shocked: They need to be shut down! :nono:

I remember seeing a woman with almost waist length relaxed hair getting a touch up and a big section came out in the stylist's hand. :ill: She and my stylist :ill: traded some looks and even smiled at each other. :whyme: Then she tried to sneak and throw the chunk of hair into the trash. But the horrified look on my face made the client jump out of the chair and ask what was going on. Then she saw that looooooong piece of her hair hanging out of the trash can and she started screaming and crying.

It gets worse.

When the client demanded that the relaxer be rinsed out immediately, the stylist said, "But it isn't straight yet." I got a wash and wrap that day and never went back.

And little girls left in salons seem to be mistreated a lot, too. They wait forever, their hair isn't treated gently, etc. :nono: One little girl was apparently getting her hair done by (I hope...) a relative. The stylist said, "Her sister has good hair. But this one has that nappy sh*t just like her daddy."
SG: I know just what you mean about the little girls.
I've seen little girl bawl her eyes out as the stylist put relaxer on her hair and then left her for ages.
The girl was shaking so much I got up from the dryer to find they stylist,
I found her out back chatting on her phone.. when she got back to the little girl she actually told her off for making so much noise!!!
I've seen children as young as 6 and 7 screaming when the hair dresser used that hot as heck blowdryer on their tender heads. I wanted to beat the mom's down. If it's hot enough to make a grown woman uncomfortable then you know the kids in agony.

I've seen hair dresser's saturate each strand of hair with cheap alchol based hair sprays before spiral curling with a marcel iron or a curling iron turned all the way up.
Falon said:

I've seen hair dresser's saturate each strand of hair with cheap alchol based hair sprays before spiral curling with a marcel iron or a curling iron turned all the way up.

one word.. "CRUNCH"
I've seen that glued ponytail thing done too. It was very difficult to hide the horror....

I saw a woman go into a salon for a perm and she and the stylist together took a metal tool each and began digging CHUNKS of skin out of this woman's head.....To "lift" her dandruff, they claimed. Then she got a PERM y'all.......said it wouldn't take unless she lifted the dandruff first. :covereyes

The damage to her hair and scalp were upsetting enough - but the fact they they were doing this in mixed company as if it were all good..... :barf:

I've never been so REPULSED in ALL my life..... :nono:
My old stylist was a drug addict and used to go to the restroom to do drugs during heads :mad:. When I say my hair never looked better, though...oh my goodness. I was almost sad when she went to rehab :look:. J/K!

Other incidents of you're just plain old wrong: eating fried chicken while flat-ironing (Crisco is not my preferred essential oil of choice :mad: ); applying perm root to tip; pressing relaxed hair that is more than two weeks post relaxer (the stylist I am referring to has this as a hard and fast rule); running out the salon to talk to your husband "real quick" while a client has just had a relaxer applied; and having clients mix their own relaxer (been here, done this, have the t-shirt).
Tracy said:
I saw a woman go into a salon for a perm and she and the stylist together took a metal tool each and began digging CHUNKS of skin out of this woman's head.....

To "lift" her dandruff, they claimed.

Then she got a PERM y'all.......said it wouldn't take unless she lifted the dandruff first. :covereyes:

:eek: Oh no...this one made me sad!! Btw, welcome back, Tracy :kiss:!
i think that glued pony tail is called a "natural ponytail" its phoney, but your real hair is wrapped around it while tracks are inside of it so that it looks natural and not just perched like a real phoney pony.

well, i havent seen that much bad stuff, but the worse to me is just watching a stylist eat and do hair, talk on the phone and do hair, watch tv and do hair, particularly when theyre dipping in their salad while applying a relaxer or curling someones hair. id be pissed if that were me. no wonder salons smell of burning hair all the time.
Xena said:
- she was put under the dryer for 15 min to harden the gel, when she gets out it's like concrete.
- now here is the bad part
- the stylist takes a long weft of hair adds bonding glue and proceeds to start wrapping it around the hair just before the rubber band. so it was actually on her real hair.
- more glue was added and it was wrapped around the bun about 4 times and then tucked underneath.

This is a new weaving method :) Its suppose to be healthier for the hair :) :confused: :lol: A stylist had her hair like this and was telling me about it.. But usually the wrap the hair then apply gel.. Its called protein bonding (because of all the gel used) :) When its time to take the tracks out they suppose just slide off..
dreemssold said:
My old stylist was a drug addict and used to go to the restroom to do drugs during heads :mad:. When I say my hair never looked better, though...oh my goodness. I was almost sad when she went to rehab :look:. J/K!

Other incidents of you're just plain old wrong: eating fried chicken while flat-ironing (Crisco is not my preferred essential oil of choice :mad: ); applying perm root to tip; pressing relaxed hair that is more than two weeks post relaxer (the stylist I am referring to has this as a hard and fast rule); running out the salon to talk to your husband "real quick" while a client has just had a relaxer applied; and having clients mix their own relaxer (been here, done this, have the t-shirt).[/QUOT

My old stylist was a drug addict too!! His hands were constantly shaking in my head...the times he remembered to show up. When I left him to go to another salon, I was 16 I went to that stylist for 10 years. I stopped when I came in one Saturday Morning and she and another stylist were drinking Alize...
DANG!!:eek: drinking that time in the morning?! I know her liver is messed up!

I remember in early 90 I wanted to get a weave like Janet Jackson in Pleasure Principle video. I went to this well-known salon in mid-town and they assigned me to this stylist. well, she put the relaxer on my hair and after she dug the comb through my new-growth she had me sit for another 15 minutes. I told her my scalp was burning and she said "well you want your hair straight like Janet's don't you?". well, she finally washed it out my head was on fire! She dried my hair then braided and applied the weft on my hair. Now, she was supposed to apply two rows, one in the middle and the bottom of my hair. this ***** DOUBLED the two wefts of hair and placed it on the top of my head!! I had this bump like I had a headache or something! and you know it looked funny because the other stylists were looking and whispering. some of them even shook their heads! I was so upset I just paid my money and left. The next day I had all of these scabs on my scalp from when she burned me. :crying3: My mom called the owner and told him what happened. He apologized, told us to come back so he could give us a refund. He also gave me a protein treatment to use so my hair wouldn't break.

Another spot I went to was in Brooklyn. You couldn't tell these stylists they weren't the bomb! You have a 9 am appointment and most of them come waltzing in at 10 with their breakfasts. So you have to sit for another 20 minutes while they eat and talk about their night! :mad: And if you speak to the receptionist, she has this attitude like you're not supposed to ask her anything! Now, all of them try to outdress each other with name-brand this or that like they making dough, yet around 3pm Pookey and Ronald comes with the leather jackets and other things they boosted earlier that day. Chile, these women would stop whatever they're doing and look at the merchandise! Then, they start placing orders of what they want for next week!!:evil:
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I got a relaxer done at a Dominican salon. The stylist stopped to give credit card info over the phone while 1/2 of my relaxer had been applied. I caught her eye and motioned toward my scalp. When she got off the phone, she was huffy with me. "Excuse me! [That was] my son on the phone!"

Never again.
Dana03 said:
This is a new weaving method :) Its suppose to be healthier for the hair :) :confused: :lol: A stylist had her hair like this and was telling me about it.. But usually the wrap the hair then apply gel.. Its called protein bonding (because of all the gel used) :) When its time to take the tracks out they suppose just slide off..

SLIDE OFF??? maybe if you used a crowbar!!!

How could i forget the classic. I saw this a few months ago.
A woman was complaining about how she booked her appointment for 2:00 and had to be out by 4:00 (it was about 3:15).
The stylist said she would speed up her relaxer by putting her UNDER THE DRYER...

I didn't even stay to witness.. i just asked the lady to put my hair in a pony tail and then left..
1. When i was about 7 years old, I had one stylist 'thin' my hair out b/c it was taking her too long to finish my hair each time. She told my mom in a casual fashion like it was a commom practice.
2. I had one stylist( a church member) put a perm on my head, put me under the dryer for 30 mins, then press n curl the resulting tangled mess. I can't even begin describe the pain of this ordeal. I wanted to walk out but she convinced me that I'd lose all of my hair if she didn't finsh the press. My hair didn't fall out, but it was really damaged. It felt like old doll's hair. I never spoke to that woman or anyone in her fam. again.
Xena said:
guys I went to a cheapie salon on saturday to get a wash and set. I only use this salon for that and cornrows as they are really cheap and its hard to get them wrong. Anyway, I was sitting under the dyer and watching them do other peoples hair here is what I saw and the first was the most shocking..

1. A lady with neck length thinning hair.. had her hair washed and blow dried.
- put up in a high pony tail secured with a rubber band
- tons of gel was put on her hair to slick it back.
- the gel was combed through
- the part in the pony tail had some hair added to form a long braided strand which was then wrapped around like a small bun
- she was put under the dryer for 15 min to harden the gel, when she gets out it's like concrete.
- now here is the bad part
- the stylist takes a long weft of hair adds bonding glue and proceeds to start wrapping it around the hair just before the rubber band. so it was actually on her real hair.
- more glue was added and it was wrapped around the bun about 4 times and then tucked underneath.
- I hope this makes sense. it is basically like a fixed phoney pony.

The lady loved the way it looked, as I came out I asked her how long she would leave it in for and she said.... wait for it.... 2 months..
she said she would come back in a month to have more gel added and sit under the dryer again and it would be "as good as new."
I could not believe that these ladies were getting away with this.

2. I also saw another woman come in to have the same thing taken out of her hair. It was such a mess. They stylist was literally ripping the weft out of her hair.
I was stuck fast.. she just kept spaying it with finishing spay and pulling and pulling. The woman's hair was sooo thin on the sides and on top.

3. something else I saw which was quite ghetto!!
They had three sinks for washing hair. All three were occupied. One of the stylists must have been on her lunch break because she cracked open a tin of tuna and then... here it goes... asked the washing girl to stand aside and poured the tuna brine into the sink were the girls hair was... I didn't know whether to laugh or cry!! Imagine going to the salon and coming back with your hair smelling like tuna..

what is the worst thing you have seen done in a salon to yourself or someone else?

ok! no. 3 on your list, is the worst I've heard !!!!! That alone would have made me get up OUT OF THAT SINK and put foot up in somebody ......YOU KNOW WHAT :spank: :whip:
Growing up, my mom always took to a good friend of family and she would hook me and Cinnabuns up. She was older and her own private salon in the back house. She passed a way a few years ago. :cry: She always took her time and made sure our hair was conditioned well. We didn't care about styles at the time.

I've been to other stylists, but one in particular I remembered, was when I was 15 or 16 and I got my hair done at the beauty salon. I was only getting a shampoo/blow dry with a deep conditioner. My appointment was @ 12 p.m. and she finally got to me at 1 p.m. well actually I should say that the "shampoo gurl" got to me @ 1p.m. Then she slapped on a gang of conditioner and I sat under the dryer for hours while my hair stylst did 2-3 other gurls' hair. I asked my stylist why I was under the dryer so long, she said, "It's for a special deep conditioning!!!" :eek: Needless to say, I didn't get out of there until 4 or 5p.m.
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Well this actually happened to me.

I had about 10 weeks of new growth (before I found LHCF) and I went to a dominican salon where the person getting me ready to apply my relaxer proceeds to comb through my hair anre new growth with a .... wait for it.... RAT TAIL COMB!!!!!
I was sitting in the salon when a woman who had finished getting her hair done lit up a cigarette.

All the stylist screamed, "Noooooooo!!!!" She was like, "What?!" When they told her it was against the law to have open flames in a salon where sprays and chemicals were being used, she had the neve to get mad and put the cig out in a sink where someone was getting their hair rinsed!!!
I was in a local salon where my girlfriend was my hairdresser. We were laughing and trading gossip as she finished my up-do. I was going out that night and sister/friend had hooked me up.

Well, a young customer of the stylist in front of my chair came in. Let me say that I did not like this stylist. She was attitude personified. When she went up to the stylist this young girl had a bandana wrapped around her head.

The stylist starts screeching and yelling at her. "I told you not to cover your hair..I told you to let the air get to it..You are so stupid with your nappy bald self..I hate you b^%&h!

Then she snatched the scarf off the girl's head. It was like someone sucked all the air out of the room..it was so quite.

The young girl's hair and head were horrible! There were large bald paches on her scalp that were red and the skin looked raw. As for hair, she had only fuzz, here and there.

I got out of my chair and snatched the scarf out of her hand and put it back on the girl's head. And took her to the back of the salon-she was crying.

This stylist had done this damage to her hair the day before. And she did it after everyone had gone home for the day, so no one saw it.

My girlfriend who owned the salon fired her on the spot.
What is it with stylist trying to run a rat tail comb through hair that is obviously too thick for that sh*t. I mean I've actually gone to a stylist(who I no longer see) with my hair in a fro and he tried that mess.

I just looked at him and he was like "I had to try" :mad::spank:
I'm so glad that I have stopped using gel as well as wearing super tight ponytails along with it. Gel is so drying to my hair. The alcohol made my hair itch uncontrolably. :(
i had a something similar happen to me. i wanted to get a quick weave but my hair is natural and it can't be wrapped around my head so the lady cornrowed my hair and glued the tracks onto my cornrows! Two weeks later I took the tracks out and it took alllllll day to get the cornrows out. They were literally glued together to my scalp. I got them out and lost a lot of hair.

The second incidence was exactly like the first one you described. I had a ponytail glued to the top of my head. Lost a lot of hair on that one too. I'm so glad I'm not fooling with hairdressers anymore.

Ooh another incident... I was going to this hair dresser to get my hair pressed. After she washed my hair, she didn't condition and she stuck me under the hairdryer. My hair is natural 4a/b so it shrunk into a matted afro that fit the shape of the dryer. It was dry hard and crunchy. She took me out the dryer. Ripped and pulled through my hair to part it and here is the bad part. She didn't comb through my hair first. She took a big handful (literally a handful) of grease and put it on my hair and put the hot comb through my tangled hair. My hair was damn near matted together and she put a hot comb straight into it starting at the scalp. Needless to say she couldn't get the comb through my hair easily, but she forced it through and ripped out a lot of hair along the way.
Wildchild453 said:
What is it with stylist trying to run a rat tail comb through hair that is obviously too thick for that sh*t. I mean I've actually gone to a stylist(who I no longer see) with my hair in a fro and he tried that mess.

I just looked at him and he was like "I had to try" :mad::spank:

that happened to me again recently. That was just the last straw. I'm done with hairdressers. Only ONE of my friends is allowed to do my hair because she listens to EXACTLY what I say and she's always asking me to teach her a lot.
This whole thread is CRAZY! I cannot believe that these are "licensed" professionals. This is why I want to wean myself from hairdressers and just go to them for certain things I know they can't get wrong. :nono:
fletgee said:
The young girl's hair and head were horrible! There were large bald paches on her scalp that were red and the skin looked raw. As for hair, she had only fuzz, here and there.

Lawd ham mercy! :ill: