Whats the best way to Turn My Hair Brown Naturally/ without Harmful Dyes?


Well-Known Member
So I wanna try a fresh new color:grin: I googled it and I saw honey is natural hair lightener a pretty good option I think I'll incorporate it into my spritzes from here on in I also tried a cinnamon hair lightening recepe I saw on fotki but you're supposed to do that a few times and I was too lazy I only did it once but I really wanna lighten my hair naturally without harmful permanent dyes.

Have any of you inadvertently turned your dark hair brown?

Has anyone done it on purpuse successfully?

Any recepes?

I'd like any and all ideas!!:) TIA!!
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thanks kerryann!! I've heard of that one but they also warn that its very drying on the hair my hair is already naturally very dry so I dont really wanna risk anything that may make it worse or lead to breakage:ohwell:

Maybe theres some kinda mixture that can reduce the drying effects of lemon?? :scratchch
Some people use coffee -

Peanut Oil naturally lightens the hair. I noticed some extra highlights when I began using it, and discovered that that was causing it.
the cinnamon thing is very interesting... anyone know of color damage with it? i have color damage on my ends and I hate my hair when its like that... so... does it do that?
I buy a hair dye at Whole Foods that is soy based. Its a little costly ($18 a box and I have to use two) but I like the fact that it is better for my hair. When I get home I'll post the name.
These two ladies lightened their hair with cinnamon. I've never tried it but here are their fotkis...
I knew about ebonyprincessh but i never saw the relaxed girl's fotki thanks so much for the links!!!

I see the missing link for me here is the honey i think doing honey + cinnamon will really make the difference.....I'm gonna give it a whirl:yep:
yeah thats what I heard... maybe this then henna?
i still wanna know if it damages...
anyone... plz... LOL
Well honey is a natural humectant thats used routinely for deep moisture treatments so you def don't have to worry about damage like at all....and I put cinnamon in my hair before no adverse effects;) don't worry lol I think lightening this way then hennaing is 1000% the way to go:yep:
Really? That's awesome!! Peanut oil shall be finding its way into my regimen:yep: how do you use it Soleil?

I was using it to seal. I'll try almost any oil once - especially fatty nut-based ones. :yep:

It's a mid-weight oil - maybe a tad heavier than olive oil - and it made my hair feel very sleek/silky while I was transitioning. I think it was Neith that said she does hot oil treatments with it as well. :lick: It helps that it's cheap and readily available.
That one cinnamon treatment really did make a big difference in my hair, whenever the sun hits my hair now, the brown is really noticeable, I need to stop being ao lazy and do them on the regular:rolleyes: All I have to do is get my life together and start using a spritz that has honey in it and putting honey and cinnamon in my DC's....I think I'll add some cinnamon to my lekair cholesterol tonight:yep:
I did quite a bit of research on lemon juice on hair and its known to be harshly drying on the hair, my hair is already naturally dry and brittle so I really don't wanna exacerbate that......also I read many places that this is only effective on those that already have somewhat light hair. but thanks so much for the tip remilaiku!:yep:
Definitely honey and lemon with a bit of water, used as a spritz before you sit outside in the sun a few days a week. should lighten your hair gently over time. honey added to water starts up a chemical reaction which produces teensy amounts of peroxide, which lightens hair. it's totally safe on the hair, unless you're a baby, in which case ingestion of honey could kill you (honey is toxic to babies). but if you're reading / typing on this board, that should clear you from that category, lol!

+ honey is a humectant, similar to glycerin in the way it draws moisture from the air into the hair. when combined with lemon juice it'll cancel out lemon juice's drying effects. :yep: