What's the best compliment you've ever gotten about your hair...

I was shopping at Wal-Mart and it was raining so I wanted to make sure I had myself covered before leaving the store. There was this older black woman and several white women doing the same because the rain was coming down. I was wearing a braid-out, but I had my hair pulled back into a ponytail. So the black lady says, "you're going to get all your pretty hair wet. Is it yours??" I thought that was nice.


My brother also complimented me. I was doing the my big protein treatment and my hair was wet, so I went outside a bit to help it dry. My brothers were sitting at the table playing cards, and he takes one look at my hair and says "Dang, you got some long hair. You just don't find hair like that anymore unless its a weave."
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Okay this was when i was in highschool (now in college)...but i was doing a play at a convention center and everyone was in the backrooms/dressing rooms getting ready. So i guess i always looks so plain (my hair in a bun or pinned up) during previous rehearsals. So on the opening night i went and got ready put on my clothes, stage makeup, shoes, curled my hair, everything. When i came out our director looked at me perplexed and said, "Where did you get that wig from, i don't remember bringing one like that?" And with pride i said, "Oh its my hair!!!" :grin::grin::grin: (i was cheezing inside...lol)
It's been happening often lately.

A few weeks ago a girl at my job said, "Wow, your hair is so long!"
Then on Wed at class a girl said "Oh, I'd love to do your hair" I saw how she was eyein my hair. (scissoring it with her eyes)

Yesterday my brother asked if my hair was a weave! After getting a little upset, he said "It's just I've never seen your hair like that. It looks nice.":lachen:
My best compliment is when ladies come up to me and say..."your hair is so pretty and full of body...Uhm, if you don't mind me asking...is that a weave and if so who does it for you"...:spinning:
My mom wanted to see my hair after I took my weave out (she begged my not to get it). I sent the pic to my dad's email. My mom has NO idea how to turn a computer on. So my dad pulls up the pic and (I'm on the phone w/ him while he is pulling it up) . He yells" baby come she the pic your child has bought her some more hair". I was like "dad, it not a weave", he was like "oh you got you a wig, huh". My mother and I could not convince him it was not fake.

My trim turned into a big cut (my fault). So when I go home 4 the holidays he going to be like "I knew that was not your hair , girl". He is not going to let it rest, LOL!
I was on a mini-cruise and a very attractive man gave me the cutest compliment. He said,:rosebud: "You have mermaid hair and it looks perfect next to the water ." :rosebud:
I was showing my mum pix on the camera it came to one of those back of head shots and she went "I thought you said you were going to take out your extensions" this was me:perplexed my sister went "that's all her hair" - I was :grin: all day - my hair is only just past shoulder I was always a fine-haired child and she was shocked at the thickness.
I love this thread and everyone's posts! Made me smile.

Last year after the BC I flatironed my hair like 2 months later and the white girl at my job whispered "hey Maria is that a weave?" Ahahaha I said no. And then told her never to ask a black woman that ever again :nono: LOL

Yesterday I went to visit my niece and the first thing she said when she opened the door (she's 8) was "Your hair looks so pretty!" I was happy because up until a few months ago she HATED curly hair - hated my BC too! Little brat! Now she loves my wash-n-go's. Now she loves her curls. She looks up to me and it meant alot.

My last one before I bore you, I will usually wear a ponytail. Whenever I flatiron my hair I get the "Maria, I didn't recognize you! Your hair is so long!" I love that. I'm so cheesy LOL :blush: :drunk:
I've posted the story around here somewhere before so I won't go all into it, but this guy @ a restaurant told my BFF and I we were endangered species because our hair was long, healthy and OURS!! I thought it was cute.
I went to have my hair relaxed at a white salon and the stylist told me my hair was long. I had only heard that a few times and I honestly didn't know my hair had grown so much because I'm usually bunning it up. The other time is when I had my hair braided at an African shop and all the women there were like your hair is sooo thick.
A few months back i walked in walgreens and i was in an aisle when the security guard approached me. He said, "Excuse me sista but i just had to come over here and tell you when you walked in it was like watching a movie or something. Your hair was blowing in the wind and it was just beautiful. Sorry i just had to tell you that." I replied thank you and smiled. I thought that was kinda cute. I go to walgreens every other day (90% with my bun) and never thought he even noticed me.
People don't usually give me right out compliments like "Wow, your hair looks great". They usually ask if I'm biracial, and when I say no they reply "You have nice hair" or something like that. And other times they'll ask me if I'm wearing weave and when I say no they'll say it looks nice. Either way it makes me feel good to know that my hard work is getting noticed :).

P.S. I just remembered the other day what my 6-year-old little brother said. I just came out of the shower from washing my hair and I was combing it in and applying conditioner in front of him (because he was in my room looking for help with his homework) and he says "Your hair is really long now. It touches your back. Your hair never used to touch your back". I got kind of huffy with him and replied "Yes it did, it's just a bit longer now" and he says "No it didn't, and it's a lot longer". :rolleyes: Gotta love kids, lol.
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People don't usually give me right out compliments like "Wow, your hair looks great". They usually ask if I'm biracial, and when I say no they reply "You have nice hair" or something like that. And other times they'll ask me if I'm wearing weave and when I say no they'll say it looks nice. Either way it makes me feel good to know that my hard work is getting noticed :).

P.S. I just remembered the other day what my 6-year-old little brother said. I just came out of the shower from washing my hair and I was combing it in and applying conditioner in front of him (because he was in my room looking for help with his homework) and he says "Your hair is really long now. It touches your back. Your hair never used to touch your back". I got kind of huffy with him and replied "Yes it did, it's just a bit longer now" and he says "No it didn't, and it's a lot longer". :rolleyes: Gotta love kids, lol.

That is frickin adorable:yep:
Mine had to be from dh.My hair wasn't done,just washed and conditioned.
He was trying to get me to chill out,but i had to finish up with my hair.
He said"It's soft already.You don't need to do anything else to it."
Out of all the remarks about my hair growing,etc.the little ones mean the most because i know its healthier when i don't have to add fifty-leven products and do a million things to it for it to be wearable:yep:
That is frickin adorable:yep:
Mine had to be from dh.My hair wasn't done,just washed and conditioned.
He was trying to get me to chill out,but i had to finish up with my hair.
He said"It's soft already.You don't need to do anything else to it."
Out of all the remarks about my hair growing,etc.the little ones mean the most because i know its healthier when i don't have to add fifty-leven products and do a million things to it for it to be wearable:yep:

LOL, yeah he's cute and thinks he's always right (wonder where he gets that from :grin:). Children are naturally very honest when it comes to expressing what they like and/or don't like and it means a lot to me as well to hear nice comments from the little ones.
I was told i should be a hair model.

I also remember a friend telling me she was praying her natural hair would be just like mine after she BC'd
today my guy friend at work ask me "what are you doing to your hair? it looks moist"

yesterday he rubbed my hair and told me it was soft and growing.
I really do appreciate all the comments I get about my hair...but recently someone posted the comment in my fotki "you look like a black pokahontas"...that kinda made my day :grin:
My aunt who laughed in my face at the start of my hair journey when I told her my ultimate goal would be MBL recently complimented me on my hair.

Her: I just love your hair it's so healthy and full!
Me: Thank you auntie!
Her: Whatever your doing just keep it up because your hair is just so beautiful!
Me: Cheesing on the inside all day long!
I sometimes get "Who does your hair?! I need their number..." :grin:

It makes me feel good bc I do my own hair and am not a professional, just one of Nikos' cousins!:lachen: