What's the best compliment you've ever gotten about your hair...


Well-Known Member
that you can recall.

I have two fairly recent ones. Earlier this summer, my niece and my mom came to visit me for a few days. As we were running around on a Saturday, we stopped to get something to eat. My niece said Grace. She starts off thanking God for her mommy, daddy, family, etc and then she pauses, looks up and says, "And thank you, God for Aunty's pretty hair." My heart just melted then and there. :grin: Especially since the day before I had worn an Instant Updo hair extension, but this day I was just wearing my natural curly hair, nothing special.

Then yesterday, I did a wash and go and just came in to the office in my curls, though they were still wet. A white male coworkers says to me, "So is the wet look on purpose or because of the weather (my note: it's been raining non-stop here). Either way I like it." I said, "oh well, I deep conditioned last night (like he knew what that meant! lol) so I got up this morning to wash it. It'll be dry by this afternoon." A black male coworker chimes in, "Girl, what time did you have to get up to do that!?" And the white guy says, "I know, with all that hair!" I'm sure this meant nothing to them, but it really made me feel like I'm making progress in my journey, that they would even say that since I feel like my shoulder length hair is nothing.
When I got my braids last month, I went to a new stylist. As she started with the first few braids, she asked me why I was getting it braided up. I told her about my growth goals, how I wanted have less manipulation, etc. She told me "You hair is so thick and it looks so healthy, you don't need braids. Your hair is pretty already."

That made my day, cause I was going through the 12-week-stretch-so-I-hate-my-hair stage.
that you can recall.

I have two fairly recent ones. Earlier this summer, my niece and my mom came to visit me for a few days. As we were running around on a Saturday, we stopped to get something to eat. My niece said Grace. She starts off thanking God for her mommy, daddy, family, etc and then she pauses, looks up and says, "And thank you, God for Aunty's pretty hair."

Now, if that aint the sweetest thing I've ever heard. Your niece sounds like a doll:yep:

ETA: You're definitely doing something right, because kids speak the truth (whether good or bad):grin:
One of the best compliments I ever got was from one of the female associates at the law firm that I'm clerking for right now. It happened over the summer.

I was sporting a twist out, but it was humid out, so my hair, while it still had SOME definition, was poofy as hell! :lachen:

I was moaning and groaning about it. Saying, "Ugh! I hate what this weather does to my hair. It looks awful!"

The associate, who was White, looked at me with wide eyes and said, "Are you KIDDING me? Your hair is so BEAUTIFUL! It always looks great and I would KILL to have the kind of volume that you have."

I was cheesing for the rest of the day :grin::grin::grin:
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When I wear it straight, people talk about how bouncy, flowing and thick it is. They think my hair is long when it is roller set very tightly, but they have no idea!:grin:
It looks like a wig. I have been told several times that my hair looks like a wig. Or, WOMEN are staring/chatting among themselves trying to figure out if my natural hair is a weave.
I was at the eye doctor and I was sitting with the assistant (a latina with effortless waistlegnth hair) trying on the different contacts, and she simply and genuinely said "your hair looks so healthy". I told her thank you but trust me this didn't just happen.:)
recently the guy I'm seeing was looking through some old pics of me(I was proving that I used to be overweight)

Him: whoa! Look at this one; you do look alot fuller
Me: I told you
Him: and your hair used to be straight, like a relaxer?
Me: yep, for a lon....
Him: DON'T ever do that again! It looks so much better now!:blush::rolleyes:

In another moment

Him: I Love your hair
Me: it looks awful right now, are you serious?* He'd convinced me to take it down from the high puff I'd been wearing all day, so half curly half straight*
Him: yeah it's beautiful *reaches for my head and rubs my scalp*:rolleyes::lick:

I think he might be a keeper.:rolleyes:
One of the best compliments I've ever received (at least is was a compliment to me) was that I had "Oprah Hair'. The person was saying this because my hair was so thick and full and swinging that day. It was a couple of weeks ago. I've always loved Oprahs healthy head of hair in the past so I thought it was a great compliment.

That's one but another was from my own husband. I wore a weave for a while to grow my hair out and get through that in between phase. Anyway, when I first had my weave taken out and got my hair done and came home..my husband looked at me and said..'you look beautiful..but I thought you were getting the weave taken out today???'...LOL He couldn't believe I had the weave taken out because my hair had grown to the same length and was thick and full just like the weave I'd had in before...lol. He had to touch it to believe me. I'd had the short Halle for so long and it was his first time in all of our years together--since we met back in college that he'd seen me with below shoulder length hair (with the exception of the weave of course).
Now, if that aint the sweetest thing I've ever heard. Your niece sounds like a doll:yep:

ETA: You're definitely doing something right, because kids speak the truth (whether good or bad):grin:

She is a doll. And thanks! That comment from her definitely motivated me to keep it up.
My co-workers and family always compliment me on my wng. :D I've received more on the wng than my beloved pincurls. :rolleyes:
One from a white girl in vet school who had blond stringy hair.. we were in the horse barn one day and I had my hair in a ponytail with a baseball cap on, my pony was long and thick at the time. She grabs it and says... "ohh I want a ponytail like yours, one day I will have hair like yours" And then she proceeds to ask me what products I used on my hair.

The other was from my husband.. when I met him 15 years ago, my hair was midback and thick. We were still dating at the time, and he took me out in his convertible one day and I forgot to bring a hat. My hair just whipped around in the wind as we drove up the coast. I thought it was looking a mess when we got to our hotel 2 hours later. He stops the car at the front of the hotel, we get out and I am frantically trying to fix my hair and his mouth is hanging open and he says that I had the sexiest hair he had ever seen. I was like are you crazy... but he said that he couldn't believe it looked that great after 2 hours of blowing in the wind. :)
Soo....:look:...I took these as compliments :lol:

"Is that a wig? It looks so perfect" (?thanks...?)

And I have a coworker who's been asking me, like every 3 days:

"Did you just get your hair done?"
I don't know if this is the best (I'd have to think about it) but a recent one felt nice. :yep:

A group of young teen girls (who happened to be white) were in a public restroom when I walked in and they all exclaimed how much they loved my long hair! I was wearing mine out in a rollerset. I realized their hair was worn in various lengths, all much shorter than mine. One of the girls said she would love to grow her hair to my length. I thanked them all.
I was back at home a feww moths back and I was washing my my hair to put it back under my wig. I was standing in the doorway detangling and talking to my dad when he suddenly stopped and said "Damn girl, all that is your hair??? Turn around here and let me see..."
He proceeded to put his reading glasses on to give my hair a good once over:lachen:
I went from a very short afro to a relaxer in April of this year. After my hair started to grow I've had so many compliments from chruch member, family and neighbors.
Okay so I was flat ironing my hair about an hour ago and my mom walked passed my room and was like, "Wow, your hair is still growing?" I was like, :grin:
It felt really good to hear that from her because in the beginning she was a lil skeptical about what I was doing. It's all good now though. She be on my jock LOL!
My dad told me that I offically didn't have hair on my head anymore, I now had a mane.

I was back at home a feww moths back and I was washing my my hair to put it back under my wig. I was standing in the doorway detangling and talking to my dad when he suddenly stopped and said "Damn girl, all that is your hair??? Turn around here and let me see..."
He proceeded to put his reading glasses on to give my hair a good once over:lachen:
I love it when Dads give out hair compliments!! It really feels special! :)
Once I was at Kinko's making copies. I was wearing my hair pressed straight, but it was still kind of big looking. I turned around because I felt someone looking at me. This Caucasian lady says, "I was just admiring your beautiful hair." It made me feel pretty good :-)
The best compliment I've gotten recently is that my hair is getting longer. The best compliment I ever got with my hair that I can remember is that it was really soft and thick.
I think like someone else posted, I take it as a compliment when people ask if it's all my hair or if Im wearing a weave.:grin:
Cool thread.
The best comes from those you love. For me, it was mother telling me that my hair is very thick and my edges are almost entirely filled in. She knows that the fine edges has been a challenge nearly all my life. So she's gotten haircare tips from me. That's the greatest compliment because mothers always tell the truth, good or bad. :yep:
I love it when Dads give out hair compliments!! It really feels special! :)

It is, indeed. My dad came into town this weekend for a big convention. We went out last night with some friends for a few drinks. I had washed, deep conditioned and blew my hair straight. The good news is that my hair has gotten so thick that it took me over an hour to blow it dry. I had to take breaks in between. It's grown, too, and I'm 16 weeks post relaxer. The bad news is that it's been raining cats and dogs, so by the time I got to his hotel, my hair had mostly reverted. It still has some length to it, though. So, while we were out, one of my friends tells my father that I never wear my hair out. I replied that I need to get it done. And my father says: No! It's so long and thick! Don't do anything to it! That made my night. :bighug:
My hubby (or anyone for that matter) hardly ever compliments my hair because I wear it in a bun 99.9 percent of the time. A few weeks ago, I co-washed and wore my hair down after a braid out. We were outside and a breeze flew by

dh: Mmmm.... Something smells good
me: What does it smell like?
dh: All fruity and good
me: Is it my hair?
dh: *sniffs* yep, that's it. Your hair smells really good. It looks really nice to
me: :grin: :drunk:

I was just so happy cause since I wear my hair in a bun, no one ever sees or compliments it. It was nice for my hair to be acknowledged :)