What's My Hair Type?


Well-Known Member
What's my hair type? I REALLY want to know...sometimes I feel I'm in between 3c-4a, not 3c AND 4a, but in between those two :look:. Is that possible?

Thanks in advance.
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for me its hard to tell because it looks like ur hands might be weighing your hair down so i can't really tell if there is a curls pattern and how big or smalls the curls might be...

How long is your NG?

ETA: looking at it again i *think* i see the beginning of a curl trying to happen. So that *might* eliminate 4b.
hmm...... ( looking back at it one more time.. lol)
your hairlooks similar to the way mine looked very early on in my transition and im like 3/c4a ( wont know for sure until BC and get rid of the relaxed ends weighing it down )

are you transitioning? stretching?
Hiya :)

In my opinion you will need more new growth to determine a type.

Really? Ok, now I really want to stretch for 5 months now. I'll definitely come back and repost then :yep:

your hairlooks similar to the way mine looked very early on in my transition and im like 3/c4a ( wont know for sure until BC and get rid of the relaxed ends weighing it down )

are you transitioning? stretching?

i hope so, you have a nice texture.

just stretching :)
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