Does our type really correlate with our length? TYPE 3s!

What is your type and length?

  • 3b and SL

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3b and APL

    Votes: 8 4.5%
  • 3b and BSL or longer

    Votes: 16 8.9%
  • 3c and SL

    Votes: 10 5.6%
  • 3c and APL

    Votes: 15 8.4%
  • 3c and BSL or longer

    Votes: 19 10.6%
  • 3c/4a and SL

    Votes: 26 14.5%
  • 3c/4a and APL

    Votes: 36 20.1%
  • 3c/4a and BSL or longer

    Votes: 49 27.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Well I don't really count right now because my hair is relaxed and I'm going to transition, but I do know my hair type because I went natural a few years ago and still have the pictures. I am a 3b/c-4a. My hair is shoulderlength right now due to a hair disaster. But the longest I let my hair get before cutting was midback length a few inches shy of waist length.
I think I'm more 3b/c but I answered the 3c one. 3c and longer than BSL.
I was stuck at SL for years though. I got my spurts when I was pregnant (all those good growth hormones!)
I'm a 3b/c and I'm currently at APL. I don't know if should vote since I've only had "this" hair about about 1 year and 6 months (I Bced on 2/8/2008).
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Used to think I was 3c but I don't know if it's hair training, right products or just the TLC but it is starting to look more 3b.
i voted 3c/4a bsl or longer. before coming to lhcf my hair was relaxed bone straight every six weeks and would never go past my shoulders. since i began lurking in october 08 and finally joined that december my hair has grown to bsl, but i credit that to the hard work i've put in and the fact that i haven't permed since oct 08.
I'm 3c. I voted for apl but my hair is between apl and bsl with some strands at bsl. My hair can get very dry and needs a lot of moisture to retain length. Before I started lurking on this board, my hair was damaged from hair colouring and improper combing; it stayed at sl for years. I had mbl hair at some point when I was younger but I didn't even believe that my hair would grow past sl again until I found this forum, got my hair issues in order and finally started seeing some progress.
i voted 3c/4a apl, but the longest my hair has ever been was waist length (more or less) when my mother took care of it, i could probably be longer than apl if i let go of the scissors.
Okay, after a couple of days, this is how it has panned out.

Okay, after a couple of days, this is how it has panned out.


I will preface my statement by saying that I know you said this isn't scientific. And with this being said I don't want people to go with this data and run with it and start saying type 4 doesn't grow.

This survey does not include: how long an individual has been on LHCF, when they last cut there hair, how often do they trim, is BSL or beyond even their goal?

And, let's say this was a scientific poll and all figures came out the same--(i posted this earlier in the thread) maybe this shows that 4's should take advice from 3's because if "4's can't grow their hair (WHICH THEY CAN) why not try a new technicque?

I hope I stated that all right, but just in case:

I will preface my statement by saying that I know you said this isn't scientific. And with this being said I don't want people to go with this data and run with it and start saying type 4 doesn't grow.

This survey does not include: how long an individual has been on LHCF, when they last cut there hair, how often do they trim, is BSL or beyond even their goal?

And, let's say this was a scientific poll and all figures came out the same--(i posted this earlier in the thread) maybe this shows that 4's should take advice from 3's because if "4's can't grow their hair (WHICH THEY CAN) why not try a new technicque?

I hope I stated that all right, but just in case:


:lachen:I love your conclusions/ interpretation. It just goes to show there are so many ways to interpret data and what do with the information depends on the point of view of the person reviewing the study. I'm sure MSA's thoughts about what she would do with the results are different because she is comming from an alternative POV. (ie using results to support one's POV)

I don't think we can say whether growth rate vs. retention is responsible for the difference. To do that you could ask folks to measure inches in a six month period without trimming and calculate a rate.

Of course there are variables that have not been corrected for but you could assume that the same variables are present in both groups. Like time on the board, cutting etc.
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Interesting thread(s).

It would be nice to see the correlation between hair density and hair length; or, strand diameter and hair length.

Over the years, I have made a random observation that higher density individuals tend to have more success regardless of hair type. Among my family and friends, those with higher density and thicker strand diameter (coarser) have an easier time growing longer lengths. The family members with thinner hair with fine strands have a harder time with achieving length. The latter happen to be in the 3a-3b category, while the former range from 3b-4b.
Interesting thread(s).

It would be nice to see the correlation between hair density and hair length; or, strand diameter and hair length.

Over the years, I have made a random observation that higher density individuals tend to have more success regardless of hair type. Among my family and friends, those with higher density and thicker strand diameter (coarser) have an easier time growing longer lengths. The family members with thinner hair with fine strands have a harder time with achieving length. The latter happen to be in the 3a-3b category, while the former range from 3b-4b.

I really have to agree with you... But at the same time, although very coarse hair is good for some types of hair, it doesn't really help the 4B girls because this type of hair is very hard to moisturize (in its natural state), thus the retention may be a challenge. Dense hair is very good for all types of hair I think, really good, because it is easier to camouflage whatever setbacks you may have had down the road:yep:
Okay, after a couple of days, this is how it has panned out.


Thanks for the results Mwedzi, it, in fact, confirms what I already knew: it is more challenging for some hair types to retain length. It is not impossible, just a little bit more challenging:yep:
And, let's say this was a scientific poll and all figures came out the same--(i posted this earlier in the thread) maybe this shows that 4's should take advice from 3's because if "4's can't grow their hair (WHICH THEY CAN) why not try a new technicque?

I've read and acknowledged all your disclaimers. :yep:

My disclaimer is that I did a crapload of statistics projects in college.

My question to you is based on the poll questions, what techniques are 3's using that 4's are not? I need you to consider that everyone who voted is on the same hairboard with access to all the same information.
I've read and acknowledged all your disclaimers. :yep:

My disclaimer is that I did a crapload of statistics projects in college.

My question to you is based on the poll questions, what techniques are 3's using that 4's are not? I need you to consider that everyone who voted is on the same hairboard with access to all the same information.

I didn't say that was the only reason or the reason. I mentioned length of time on the board, etc--that was one tiny piece of a longer post so you have me looking like i said 4 hair doesn't grow because you aren't using 3 techniques....ummerrraaaa NO.

In my thread, people with access to all of the same information admitted some use all advice regardless of hair type and some don't. AND I didn't say 4abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz hair doesn't grow because they are not using type 3abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz techniques. But I did mention it as a did at my post on another thread where people IRL and some ladies on the board said they wouldn't listed.

But maybe that's a good thread, what techniques do 4's use that 3's don't and vice versa. Still would be missing a lot of variables.
Okay, after a couple of days, this is how it has panned out.


Thanks for putting this information together Mwedzi!!! I think it is great to recognize the difference between hair types. I'm a 4b fine haired relaxed girl and its taking me much longer to reach my hair goals compared to my 3 something counterparts. IMO if we act as if there is NO difference between hair types and how long it takes to retain length we are doing ourselves and potential newbies a disservice.
I didn't say that was the only reason or the reason. I mentioned length of time on the board, etc--that was one tiny piece of a longer post so you have me looking like i said 4 hair doesn't grow because you aren't using 3 techniques....ummerrraaaa NO.

In my thread, people with access to all of the same information admitted some use all advice regardless of hair type and some don't. AND I didn't say 4abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz hair doesn't grow because they are not using type 3abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz techniques. But I did mention it as a did at my post on another thread where people IRL and some ladies on the board said they wouldn't listed.

But maybe that's a good thread, what techniques do 4's use that 3's don't and vice versa. Still would be missing a lot of variables.

I don't believe you think type 4 hair can't grow, if you didn't you probably wouldn't waste your time trying to give 'us' hair advice.

I'm not trying to put words in your mouth (or outta your keyboard). You said, let's assume this was scientific with the same results, if it is then 4's should take advice from 3's, hence my question: What about the data given gives you that impression?

Based on your follow up post, I understand that the question was rhetorical and your assumption is based on another thread. That's fine.
Thanks for putting this information together Mwedzi!!! I think it is great to recognize the difference between hair types. I'm a 4b fine haired relaxed girl and its taking me much longer to reach my hair goals compared to my 3 something counterparts. IMO if we act as if there is NO difference between hair types and how long it takes to retain length we are doing ourselves and potential newbies a disservice.
I agree. But I am surprised by the results. I didn't realize type 4's so outnumbered type 3's on the board.
Thanks for putting this information together Mwedzi!!! I think it is great to recognize the difference between hair types. I'm a 4b fine haired relaxed girl and its taking me much longer to reach my hair goals compared to my 3 something counterparts. IMO if we act as if there is NO difference between hair types and how long it takes to retain length we are doing ourselves and potential newbies a disservice.

I never would say to pretend there are no differences at all. That's silly.

I think it's silly to pretend there are no similarities too. :yep:

Type 4 hair is more fragile. Everyone who knows anything about the structure of hair knows that.

Growth POTENTIAL though... I don't think that there is any difference in that. Well taken care of type 4 hair can grow just as long as anyone elses.
I never would say to pretend there are no differences at all. That's silly.

I think it's silly to pretend there are no similarities too. :yep:

Type 4 hair is more fragile. Everyone who knows anything about the structure of hair knows that.

Growth POTENTIAL though... I don't think that there is any difference in that. Well taken care of type 4 hair can grow just as long as anyone elses.

I don't like anyone is denying the similarities, all types for 1-4 have similarities.

Growth Potential and Growth Retention are two different things and my post was referring to retention. My hair grows without any problems, my issues are not with growing my 4b hair but retaining it. Even those with well taken care of type 4 hair may have a more difficult time at retaining length than type 3. I think that's the point many are trying to make!:yep:
How about adding 3a's 3a/3b to the list. Possible 2c & 2c/3a too? Could be why the low numbers for 3's.
The top layer of my hair is 3b and the underlayer is 3c. So I voted 3b since that is what everyone see's!! My hair is WL. Longest was TL. Cut it in Nov '07 to SL out of boredom and got it colored brown as well. Then cut it again in Mar '09 to APL. When ever I have had it long I straightened it with the flat-iron. Now I'm wearing it in its natural state and I want to see what it looks like that long. Right now at WL stretched it's BSL when dry. So at TL stretched I'm thinking it will be MBL when dry. Which is my goal to be MBL when it is dry! :grin:

Oh, and I've never had trouble growing my hair. However, I think it is growing slower now that I am getting older (not positive since I don't straighten my hair anymore). I do think I've never had trouble because I've pretty much had healthy hair all my life. First year of college with be the exception when I was doing everything imaginable to my hair since my mom NEVER let me use heat (no flat-irons, blowdryers, nothing). Once it started breaking off I learned my lesson and went back to treating it like my mom taught me!!