What's In Your Spray Bottles?


Ayurvedic Life
What mixes do you ladies have in your spray bottles and when do you use it...

1. Are you relaxed or natural?

2. What are your mixes?

2 cups water
1 cup avj
1/4 evoo

For those mixing with water with oils/leave-in, aren't you worried about bacteria growing in the bottles or do you have a special way of preventing this?

Answer: SunnyDelight
I add a few drops of tea tree oil to each bottle. It kills bacteria.
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Plain ol' H20. (Though I might get a separate spray bottle this week to add an aloe vera gel and water mix - so yeah add, two cups of water and one half cup of aloe vera gel to this post, lol).
In my daily moisturizer...I have around 1/5th grapeseed oil and the rest is water. Sometimes I will used EVOO and water.
I have 2 :look:.
1 with distilled H2O and SAA
1 with equal parts distilled H2O and IC Fantasia lv-in

Oh yeah, I'z natchal:yep:
1.) Relaxed
2.) 1/2 Infusium 23 Pro-vitamin leave in
1/4 Herbal Essence Helly Hydration
1/4 water
1 tbs of each EVOO, EVCO, & castor oil

I only spray this on my cornrows while wigging it.

I have two bottles.

1. Water, jasmine eo

2. Water, light leave in (currently Darcy's Cocoa Bean Smoothing Cream)

I used to put oils on my bottle, but it is pointless since I usually seal the spray in with oil anyway. I also tried AVJ in a bottle with water before, but I didn't see a difference in my hair. I spray and seal every other night.

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I have 3

1 - ACV and water - I use this to "pre wash" my scalp before I cleanse
2 - coffee - I use this under moisturizing DCs
3 - tea spritz - varies, but always has AVJ, marshmallow, nettle, lavender and burdock root

Oh and Im natural
I have a few bottles.

1. Distilled H2O
2. Distilled H2O + jojoba oil
3. Distilled H2O + rosemary, pepermint and lavender EO (for my scalp)
I have 3 bottles . I alternate depending on style, etc

Im natural
1. Distilled water
2. Distilled water, avj, vanilla essential oil
3. Distilled water, glycerin, conditioner, tea tree or rosemary oil

.... I used to have a bottle for 'tea spritz' I need to make another

I don't measure-i eyeball it :look: :yep:
I have 2 spray bottles

Prepoo bottle: water, olive oil, and aphogee 2 minute reconstructor
Bottle 2: Aphogee pro-vitamin leave-in and water
For those who do a "tea spritz" bottle, can you please share how you use it (i.e. daily) and how you made it (i.e. strength). Thanks.
For those mixing with water with oils/leave-in, aren't you worried about bacteria growing in the bottles or do you have a special way of preventing this?

I have always wanted to make my own daily spritz but I am too paranoid about the possibility of bacteria growing in it.
i'm natural.i put the shea moisture coconut & hibiscus mist in mine, its almost gone. next there will be some komaza califa, aloe my hair or coconut curl mist in it....i think some ppl on the forum say that califa is so concentrated it can be diluted with water.:yep:
Distilled water & rose water in one bottle

Distilled water, glycerin, aloe vera jelly, jajoba oil

@k enitan

I add a few drops of tea tree oil to each bottle. It kills bacteria.
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