What's in your spray bottle?

Cool thread!

I don't have anything in a spray bottle as of yet, but after reading through soem of the thread I Definitely intend to make up my own concoction...
made with

Evian water
A lil Castor Oil
A lil Olive oil
Mane n Tail Hair Strengthener OR 100% Aloe vera juice :grin:
Optimum Creme hairdress
Pro line hair food
B & B Castor oil with aloe..

I'm search of a moisturizer so far I like them all but we will see after the 5 week mark.
Re: What\'s in your spray bottle?

I have a large spray bottle that sprays a fine mist. Right now it has distilled water in it. I've thought about adding jojoba oil and/or essential oils to the bottle. I've also thought of substituting the distilled water for rosewater or a different hydrosol.

I was wondering what the rest of us here on the board have in our spray bottles.

BTW---does anyone spray their hair with leave-in conditioner (as opposed to water) and then apply their oil/moisturizer?

I do! When air drying I spray on Infusium 23 moisturolgie leave in first and then put on ORS Carrot Oil and my hair airdries very soft and moisturized. If I'm roller setting I put a cream leave in first and then Kemi oyl. These methods work great for me!:grin:
Do ya'll consider ur mixes more beneficial use for ur hair than maybe STA SO FRO or CARE FREE CARE REG/GOLD sprays ?

Much, much, much, MUCH better. :grin: And a crapload cheaper, too. :lachen:

My mister has 1 part Elasta QP, 3 parts glycerin, 1/2 part oil of some sort (or Oyin Honey Hemp), and 5 parts water. :grin: I soak my hair in it at night before I go to bed, and baggy, and mist again in the morning.
right now,
my water bottle only consists of water and msm

i'm going to add vegetable glycerin as soon as i can get to the vitamin shoppe to get some.
Do ya'll consider ur mixes more beneficial use for ur hair than maybe STA SO FRO or CARE FREE CARE REG/GOLD sprays ?

My hair just doesn't like those products. If they work for you, use them. However, you many not know that they aren't working until you start trying your own mixes.
Here is what is in my spray bottle

Home Made Leave-in
Cheapie Conditioner - Suave, Vo5, etc.
Amla Oil
Jojoba Oil
Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe Vera Juice
Infusium 23
Curl Activator
Peppermint Oil

1 Part of everything with the exception of curl activator and conditioner those I put in as 3-4 parts. The peppermint oil I will put in about 10 -12 drops to every 8 oz that I make.

You can consider the parts as ounces.

Use your descretion on the oils and the other items. Use what works for you. If the Infusium does not work for you then take it out. I have at times added a detangler as well as other oils.
I have a lovely mix of

bottled water
proclaim oil 7(trying to use up)
elucence cond
peppermint eo
rosemary eo
blackstrap molasses
tap water & bottled water (don't ask why i mixed the two, idk) 8-12 oz
1 capful of hot 6 oil
2 pumps of Nexxus humectress conditioner
2 capfulls of EVOO

& I'm going to add infusium 23
my moisture spray recipe:

get a 16 oz spray bottle, fill 1/4 (of the bottle) with wave nouveau finishing lotion, 1/8 veg. glycerin, 1/8 aloe vera juice or gel, 1 tablespoon msm powder, 1 tablespoon each jojoba, coconut, & castor oil, fill 1/2 or rest of bottle with distilled water. shake & go. you can play with the amounts of ingredients if this mix doesn't work for you. you can also drop in some essential oils for fragrance.