What's in your moisture mist?


New Member
I notice that a lot of you say that you make your own moisture mist.

I tried to make one tonight but I know that I probably need to add something more.

I mixed about 3oz of Moisture Milk conditioner, a tablespoon of Garnier Instant Melting Condish, half a teaspoon of Mizani Overnight Treatment and a few oz of tap water in a spray bottle.

Where can I get glycerine from?

What else can I add to my spray or is this enough for now?

Also, I am interested in trying Megatek or MN. I assume that since these are growth aids, I would only apply them to my scalp rather than to the length of my hair, making adding them to my moisture mist pointless. Any thoughts on this?
Where can I get glycerine from?

I've seen it at the Health Food Stores in the Beauty Section. Or you can always check Lotioncrafters.com:yep:

When I made my Midst, I had Silk Amino Acids, Honeyquat, Water, a little wheat germ oil, oat Protein, a drop or two of EVOO, a drop of Almond, Avacado, Jojoba Oils etc...made a really nice midst.

(Didn't use any conditioner, although not a bad idea.)

Since I use Mega-Tek on Scalp only (not on my length) chances are I would not add it to my midst mixture.:look:
I use rosewater, veggie glycerin, some distilled water (I hate the smell of roses), oil (grapeseed in the summer, probably sesame or similar in the winter), aloe vera juice, and whichever conditioner I feel. I have one that's based on the Hairveda SitriNillah and Oyin Honey Hemp that I use when I feel my hair needs extra moisture but I don't have time to really deep condition. I got my glycerin from Vitamin Shoppe, but I think you can get it from a pharmacy. I got the rosewater from Whole Foods.

I have a MT/MN mix, and I use that every other night on the scalp only. The MT is very protein rich, so you don't want that on the lengths of your hair unless you're going to be washing, and I've just never used MN on my lengths. Other ladies can weigh in on that for you. With the MT, make sure you've got lots of moisture, and you'll want to do something for any increased shedding (people often go for garlic based conditioners like Alter Ego or take garlic supplements). HTH.
I notice that a lot of you say that you make your own moisture mist.

I tried to make one tonight but I know that I probably need to add something more.
**************************I have aloe vera juice, water & elasta QP moisturizing conditioner. I find that you should the majority of it to be water based b/c thats the ultimate moisturizer. You don't want alot of products in your mist or you'll have a bunch of build up and that defeats the purpose.

I mixed about 3oz of Moisture Milk conditioner, a tablespoon of Garnier Instant Melting Condish, half a teaspoon of Mizani Overnight Treatment and a few oz of tap water in a spray bottle.

Where can I get glycerine from?
***********I got mine from the good 'ole Beauty Supply store

What else can I add to my spray or is this enough for now?
*****************I would replace one or 2 of your conditioners or treatments with just water and a tad bit of 100% lemon/orange juice (for the acidity but be careful how much).

Also, I am interested in trying Megatek or MN. I assume that since these are growth aids, I would only apply them to my scalp rather than to the length of my hair, making adding them to my moisture mist pointless. Any thoughts on this?
*********** I used MN off & on for a couple months and can't remember if I experienced major growth..I can that means I didn't get it :perplexed I'm seeing alot of growth just from moisturizing, sealing & DC regularly. Simplicity is the key!!!!

Hope this helps!!!:rolleyes:

************** See the stars above for my answers!!!!!
I experimented with a moisture mist and the smell was terrible. Now, I keep it simple with conditioner diluted with water.
I have a MT/MN mix, and I use that every other night on the scalp only.

What is the ratio of your MT/MN mix? Is there anything else that you add to it? How long have you been using this mixture? Have you experienced noticible growth from this mix?
I've tried a new one that has been working for me. 50% Aloe Vera juice, 50% rose water, then oil(Jojoba, coconut, EVOO,etc) then a tbs of VO5 tea tree therapy con.

I have only use MN and it worked great for growing my edges back. I mixed it with jojoba and tea tree oil.
Mine is about half and half water and aloe vera (the kind you have to keep refrigerated), and to that I will add cone-free conditioner and oils--coconut, jojoba, whatever light oil I have on hand. So maybe equal parts of all? I never measure. And I try to make only enough to last one week.

It ends up being one part distilled water, one part aloe vera, and one part mixed conditioner/oil.
I've tried a new one that has been working for me. 50% Aloe Vera juice, 50% rose water, then oil(Jojoba, coconut, EVOO,etc) then a tbs of VO5 tea tree therapy con.

I have only use MN and it worked great for growing my edges back. I mixed it with jojoba and tea tree oil.

We were posting at the same time, and ours sound a lot alike. *hi fives you*

Except for the rose water. What's the difference between using that and regular distilled or spring water?
What is the ratio of your MT/MN mix? Is there anything else that you add to it? How long have you been using this mixture? Have you experienced noticible growth from this mix?

I used 6 oz. of MT and 1 tube of the 4% MN, mixed with some JBCO, burdock, nettle, horsetail, and garlic oils, along with some MSM. I've been using this and/or a variation thereof for around 6 weeks. I'm natural and have close to 75% shrinkage, so I can't comment on the growth yet, but I've definitely noticed increased thickness, which I've heard is the first step. I also am taking hair vitamins and chlorella. I've taken hair vitamins pretty consistently for a while, so I know that's not contributing to the thickness, but I can't really say for sure the amount contributed by the chlorella versus the growth aids.
Aloe vera juice, rosewater, distilled water, SAA, wheat protein, honeyquat, panthenol, castor and coconut oils (sometimes when I am renewing it, I will add a splash of liquid MSM and a splash of liquikelp).