I've become OBSESSED with Dove Sheer Moisture Mist!

It works well for me as a daily spritz and sealed with oil, on hair that is not "dry" . It keeps my moisturized hair from drying out. I wouldn't think of using this if I was experiencing dryness though. The smell is aromatheraputic for me also.
JenFleets said:
Hmmm... maybe on a cowash day with a wet set... hmmm

I rebuke thee PJ demons!! :whip:

Just *dead* Jen you are crazy-don't slay mine just yet, they're keeping me entertained-lol

I love the smell, but I don't know if my hair loves it because I'm in braids. So I'm really using it for hair perfume. I know the nozzle was driving me NUTZ, but I got a new bottle free when I bought the conditioner a while back and the nozzle sitch is all taken care of now. So much so that I'll keep the bottle and reuse for something else.
I am going to mix it with bt and spray my braids every day and see what happens

That's what I've been doing too. I did it for my cornrows and had the best "take-down" i've ever experienced! No breakage at all not to mention I retained over an inch of growth in a little over 3 weeks. And it makes it so easy for me to get in my daily BT dosage without too much trouble. I just put half and half in another spray bottle and spray in the parts between my twist before work every morning. It is light and refreshing, I get my moisture and my BT!
It works well for me as a daily spritz and sealed with oil, on hair that is not "dry" . It keeps my moisturized hair from drying out. I wouldn't think of using this if I was experiencing dryness though. The smell is aromatheraputic for me also.

You make an excellent point. It does not add moisture so much as it keeps my hair moist between washes. If I washed on Saturday, by Thursday my hair would be crispy, the ends would look a bit frayed, but my hair stays moist and moving until the next wash day.
i like the smell the most...its really does nothing else for my hair.

Same here... the smell is fresh, but that's about it. As a matter of fact, I just emptied out my bottle leaving only about 20% left, and added water so that I can re-wet my hair when doing a rollerset.
This stuff has me running around like Jheri Curl from Hollywood Shuffle!! ~*spritz, spritz*~

I love it for my twist outs (smells great and dries fast!)...a lil Dove Sheer Moisture and ORS Olive Oil Lotion is the ticket!

I do agree, if you are looking for real moisture, this is probably not the product for you. When my hair is thirsty, I use Elasta QP H-two.
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I found this at Wal-Mart this week and I'm in love. I spray my hair before putting it in a french roll and it helps keep my hair from drying out.

I still use this product after three years :D It's great for instant moisture without heaviness.
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Advanced Care Sheer Moisture Replenishing Mist

New Dove Sheer Moisture provides just the right level of moisture to hair with slight symptoms of dryness, without weighing it down. The Replenishing Mist instantly detangles hair to improve combing and manageability while helping to reduce frizz and flyaways. Leaves hair noticeably soft, smooth and full of life. Part of Dove’s expert range of products.

Treat your hair right.

Can you please let me know where in NYC you get yours I can't find it anywhere. Someone told me to try walmart but they are in the process of building one in NYC which in not going to help me :grin: Please someone help . I'm OBESSED and I have not even tried it yet :lachen:

I just bought some yesterday to put it in my moisturizer rotation to give my wallet a break from these higher priced Internet stores. Anyone still using it or have any other reviews? I got mine at Wal-mart for $3-4 and it was PERFECT for my twistout! Just the right amount of moisture and it smells divine!
Can you please let me know where in NYC you get yours I can't find it anywhere. Someone told me to try walmart but they are in the process of building one in NYC which in not going to help me :grin: Please someone help . I'm OBESSED and I have not even tried it yet :lachen:

LOL...NYC w/o it's WalMarts :grin: ! You can find this at most grocery store chains and drug stores (unless NYC is too fancy to have 'em :grin:). This a completely non frills/high end store type product.
Y'all ain't the only ones obsessed by this product. I'm looking at my bottle right now. I love the whole Dove line, tbh. Great value for the $$$$$$$$$.
I love Dove too! Moisture Mist is fabulous and gives great slip for detangling. I sometimes use it in combination with their weightless mousse for my twistouts.

Smells heavenly! :lick:
This is in my stash too. I actually like this newer formula better than the old one that had glycerin in it.
This is great stuff, I put a few sprays in then added some Mizani treatment to it. I love the softness! :love: