What's going on?


New Member
Went out with this guy for the second time. Both times dancing, but also with other ppl. He emails me off the chain, but doesn't call. He says that his english isnt that good, but it is.

He works for a famous design company here, recently said his boss is nuts and making him been super busy.

But went out Saturday night (with friends) and he said he had a good time and was super touchy feely with hand holding and all. Bought me a drink and we chatted for a bit. Me and the girls left early.

Both of us went home alone. He was sick on Sunday, I emailed him saying "get well". He said thanks and we chatted a bit by email again.

Today wanted to ask him out this wkend, but he never replied to my "How's your day" email--but he said "I feel better on his facebook"

I'm thinking "He's just not that into me"...
What do you ladies think?

FYI-Email is "text msg" here, he's Japanese, 33, single and has told me I'm cute on several occasions.
Maybe he's just not a phone person?
I would "be easy" for a few days and let him make contact.
He obviously was able to get to a computer, so obviously he chose to ignore your message for the moment.
When I guy wants to "get at you" he will. It will be no second guessing about it. Just fall back a lil bit and see how much advancing towards you he makes..This will let you know blantantly if hes into you or not.
just ask him what he thinks about you and or if he is really into someone else?
Yep, I agree, maybe you're right "He's just not that into you" but that doesn't mean you can't still hang out. if you enjoy one another's company and no one has any pressure or expectations, then I say have fun.