What! You mean I can't keep it?


...by the way, how do you rate your elucence?
girl I used that and Aveda right after I tired the Justkiya Fizzle and they were both foaming and frothing and doing nothing on their own

So far Ive only re used the Aveda since then and I'm in LOOOOVE!

I still need to revisit the Elucence, someone said its mostly a good detangler not so much a great moisture conditioner? I think that kinda swayed my enthusiam about throwing it back in my head, but I will revisit it again

I got TWO gallons :perplexed I hope I like it:lachen:
Hello ladies! Hate to resurrect an old thread:)grin:), but I have a question to ask of you. I received my correct package a couple of days ago along with the invoice (bill). I can either return the jojoba oil to them or I can pay $37.26 and that half gallon of oil (which originally costs $54.99 without S&H and tax) is mine. I know it's not as good as keeping the oil for free, but it certainly is a discount. I'm leaning toward buying the oil. So, what do you think?
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Hello ladies! Hate to resurrect an old thread:)grin:), but I have a question to ask of you. I received my correct package a couple of days ago along with the invoice (bill). I can either return the jojoba oil to them or I can pay $37.26 and that half gallon of oil (which originally costs $54.99 without S&H and tax) is mine. I know it's not as good as keeping the oil for free, but it certainly is a discount. I'm leaning toward buying the oil. So, what do you think?
i would buy the oil:grin:

you cant beat that and you dont have to ship it back:yep:
89.99 girl they wouldnt get that ish back.... Fo' Real. :lachen::lachen:
Get some veggie oil and fill her up. :grin:

i'm glad to see i'm not the only crimamanila in here! whose to say they actually sent jojoba oil in that container, maybe it was vegetable oil in the first place. i'm just sayin...
Girl buy it! I usually don't like to give money to companies with sh!tty customer service but $37 for a gallon of jojoba oil is a STEAL (no pun)... I lub me some jojoba it is like liquid gold.

But after that I would never ever purchase anything from that company again. The customer service sucks and the fact they were more than likely prepared to re-sell that oil skeeves me out....just NASTY.
Girl buy it! I usually don't like to give money to companies with sh!tty customer service but $37 for a gallon of jojoba oil is a STEAL (no pun)... I lub me some jojoba it is like liquid gold.

But after that I would never ever purchase anything from that company again. The customer service sucks and the fact they were more than likely prepared to re-sell that oil skeeves me out....just NASTY.

:lachen:You took the words right out of my mouth. I'm NEVER buying from them again...but I am purchasing that oil. I really want to try it out. I paid for it today over the phone with this lady in the accountin department. So far the payment has not gone through. I'm not using that oil until the payment goes through and it's officially mine. They may try to pull another fast one on me and I want to be sure that I can return that oil just in case they do. So hopefully the transaction goes through soon so that I can try the oil. I've heard good things about it.