What! You mean I can't keep it?

so it is wrong to say that keeping the oils is stealing...which is technically is.
to me you can tell the true character of a person when:
1) they are being inconvienced
2) when they are being treated mean
3) when they are not being watched..or think they are not being watched
4) when they are stress
5)when the situation is so tempting, it's almost asking you to go on and do it.

What is really in there..comes out.
good advice for picking out friends/husbands
nah girl you really cant tell nothing, you can no way know the whole story from this thread on a person. God as my witness knows the money , large amounts , that I had to say NO To and could have easily had in my hands , but he told me NO, the oil is easy, keep it and pay later since you didnt ask for it, turning down hundreds and then some because it was not money that was to be taken

thats more like standing where ten thousand might fall, really reading a whole person's character over this oil thread is just nuts at this point

its judgment plain and simple

We all have our true Character and its for God alone to deal with and/or change, we are never just who we are, the whole total sum of our being, by one instance alone.....you now this Oneya!
nah girl you really cant tell nothing, you can know way know the whole story from this thread on a person. God as my witness knows the money , large amounts , that I had to say NO To and could have easily had in my hands , but he told me NO, the oil is easy, keep it and pay later since you didnt ask for it, turning down hundreds and then some because it was not money that was to be taken

thats more like standing where ten thousand might fall, really reading a whole person's character over this oil thread is just nuts at this point

its judgment plain and simple

We all have our true Character and its for God alone to deal with and/or change, we are never just who we are by one instance alone.....you now this Oneya!
I just think it would have been stealing.
i don't think it was a good idea to actually give advice on how to steal...let it be haphazard..or spontaneous.
I just think it would have been stealing.
i don't think it was a good idea to actually give advice on how to steal...let it be haphazard..or spontaneous.
well girl, I said what I would do and no matter what anyone thinks of others on this thread, in the end its STILL their personal thing to live with

no point in turning this into the 'lets hang ya'll out to dry cause your so bad and now we really know you and who you really are and how wrong you are and I wouldnt do that thread'

You cant shove righteousness down someone's throat, in fact at that point I dont even think its righteous anymore

let everyone be accountable to whom they are and thats God alone
In my opinion, I wouldn't want the jojoba oil regardless. Since they made it so apparent they didn't want me to have it it totally lost it's appeal to me. It was an appealing thought in the beginning, but I'm the type of person that when I'm told I can't have something, then I don't want it. I guess I'm like my mom in that sense. She's the type of person that if she asks for something and you show the slightest bit of hesitence or sign that you don't want her to have it, she'll say "Never mind, I don't even want it anymore". I guess that's called being prideful. I don't like having to beg for things, and if I feel that I have to do that then I'd rather not have it at all. Do you ever feel like that Irrisistable and Oneya?
and a person whole character cant be judged by this thread

in fact cant be judged righteously by flesh at any point at all

in my opinion is it the small things in life that matter the most because it becomes a habit and leads up to huge actions.
let's just agree to disagree.
In my opinion, I wouldn't want the jojoba oil regardless. Since they made it so apparent they didn't want me to have it it totally lost it's appeal to me. It was an appealing thought in the beginning, but I'm the type of person that when I'm told I can't have something, then I don't want it. I guess I'm like my mom in that sense. She's the type of person that if she asks for something and you show the slightest bit of hesitence or sign that you don't want her to have it, she'll say "Never mind, I don't even want it anymore". I guess that's called being prideful. I don't like having to beg for things, and if I feel that I have to do that then I'd rather not have it at all. Do you ever feel like that Irrisistable and Oneya?
Yeah I feel you on that too, and your mom, man she must have been raised around mine, my mother will boycott a store, even if its REALLY inconvenient for her to do so if she didnt like how something went, they wont see her green money no more! I feel you, it puts a bad taste in your mouth, you cant even enjoy the oil anymore, mistreated and offended by THEIR mistake, girl they messed up! They could have, without you even asking rectified this in a way that would have kept you ordering from them:yep:
Yeah I feel like that.
I don't like to ask for stuff, I feel that they if they person wanted me to be have it they would have so.
What has this jojoba oil done to us? I can't wait to get that stuff out of my house :lachen:.
:lachen:for some reason this reminds me of a funny episode on a TV show. This could make a good soap opera.
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Yeah I feel you on that too, and your mom, man she must have been raised around mine, my mother will boycott a store, even if its REALLY inconvenient for her to do so if she didnt like how something went, they wont see her green money no more! I feel you, it puts a bad taste in your mouth, you cant even enjoy the oil anymore, mistreated and offended by THEIR mistake, girl they messed up! They could have, without you even asking rectified this in a way that would have kept you ordering from them:yep:

That's what I'm saying! I get this nasty feeling in my stomach every time I look at that oil. I keep thinking "I want it out of here!". I'm honestly offended by their actions. Like the saying goes "I'm taking my business to a better company" :grin:. They won't get one red cent from me anymore.
:lachen: What happened in here? Good vs. bad because of some oil?
LOL okay? And why are some people OVER analyzing things. I can't say for everyone but a lot of us where joking about being jojoba cleptos. No need for the Honest Abe speech. Ninjas cant never have no fun:rolleyes:
:lachen:for some reason this remembers for a funny episode on a TV show. This could make a good soap opera.

:grin: Yeah, we have to think of a good name for it. We could call it As The Jojoba Oil Gets Returned :lachen:. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?
in my opinion is it the small things in life that matter the most because it becomes a habit and leads up to huge actions.
let's just agree to disagree.
we can do that

but I'm sure your a growing changing evolving human being in the Lord GIRL. Ever changing! it all counts , and we all miss small things and big things all the time. but we get ALOT right too , for all the little ways we mess up, I trust he loves his children and yes he calls us to HONOR but we are all a work in progress
LOL okay? And why are some people OVER analyzing things. I can't say for everyone but a lot of us where joking about being jojoba cleptos. No need for the Honest Abe speech. Ninjas cant never have no fun:rolleyes:
nope! I do think most of it was us just being silly and laughing at it, werent even thinking about the 'high moral' thing when we was just making jokes

I mean I was serious , but still :lachen:
we can do that

but I'm sure your a growing changing evolving human being in the Lord GIRL. Ever changing! it all counts , and we all miss small things and big things all the time. but we get ALOT right too , for all the little ways we mess up, I trust he loves his children and yes he calls us to HONOR but we are all a work in progress
very true, since I manage to mess up all the time.lol.
thankfully God is full of grace.
I feel like it's my job to overanalyze.
It's my burden.

Aww, don't feel like that. It's not a burden. Some people are just naturally like that. You're a lot like my best friend. She loves to analyze what people say. If you say something she doesn't understand she'll be the first person to ask "What do you mean by that?". She does it to make sure she's understanding you correctly and to see if we're on the same page. And trust if we aren't there'll be a debate until one of us either sees the light or agrees to disagree :lachen:. It helps us understand each other better though, so I'm not mad at it.
Aww, don't feel like that. It's not a burden. Some people are just naturally like that. You're a lot like my best friend. She loves to analyze what people say. If you say something she doesn't understand she'll be the first person to ask "What do you mean by that?". She does it to make sure she's understanding you correctly and to see if we're on the same page. And trust if we aren't there'll be a debate until one of us either sees the light or agrees to disagree :lachen:. It helps us understand each other better though, so I'm not mad at it.
yeah...you know what?
It comes from being sensitive...that's it.
I forget that sometimes, I am more sensitive..so this reflects in my personality.