What! You mean I can't keep it?

Yeah, now I feel bad now :(. I guess I was being naive. I just really wanted my conditioner and I didn't call to mind that # 1 I wasn't going to get to keep the oil and # 2 that the oil would be so much more expensive than the conditioner. Oh well, I've always had an over active conscience. I would have been walking around like I was a criminal if I would have kept that oil, thinking the feds were going to jump me at any moment :badcop:...:spank:, lol. Oh well, maybe I'll be blessed for my good deeds with three inches of hair growth in one month :rolleyes:...:grin:.

if you want it , keep it, and pay for it for it too, at your own convenience

that makes perfect sense to me

nah they hand delivered it to you, their mistake, these instances its usually 'their loss' too just like you figured it would be

My daughter walked in a 7-11 and I stayed in the car, gave her my card, she came out with stuff end of story

next time she goes in , She goes in, I'm in the car, she has my card, I see her talking to dude and a strange look on her face, The Mom in me jumps to alert at the look on her face-jumps out of car and goes in

Dude explains to me , that he didnt charge her for some of the stuff the last time she was in there and WE NEEDED TO PAY FOR IT

why did he say that to me? I was like I SAW HER AT THE REGISTER, HOW IS IT HER/OUR FAULT YOU DIDNT CHARGE HER, dude was like 'I had to pay for it' I was like 'and how is that our problem again?" I am not paying for it, He said something about calling the police , I WAS LIKE PLEASE DO, NAH I WIL CALL THEM FOR YOU and be sure you pull that video tape of YOU NOT CHARGING HER , but her bringing the items to the counter and providing proper payment too, In fact lets open a whole police investigation , call the Sherrifs over them 2 liters YOU DIDNT CHARGE HER FOR, I just want to see the look on their faces when they get here

Dude said 'NEVERMIND'

lol its not that I wouldnt have paid, just dont be upsetting my child, thats a no go and threatening, nah!

ETA: Oh and the reason she looked upset when I saw her , is because he was in there threatening her with the police and acting mad at her, and I came to find out after, that he was in there trying to blame her for not looking at the reciept. I didnt need to ask her what happened, I knew by her face, it was on and poppin with this dude, I know my daughter would not have been making that face unless it was about something, he figured he would badger and blame and threaten her into something , all the more reason I wanted the police to come if thats how he wanted to get down :lol:
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if you want it , keep it, and pay for it for it too, at your own convenience

that makes perfect sense to me

nah they hand delivered it to you, their mistake, these instances its usually 'their loss' too just like you figured it would be

My daughter walked in a 7-11 and I stayed in the car, gave her my card, she came out with stuff end of story

next time she goes in , She goes in, I'm in the car, she has my card, I see her talking to dude and a strange look on her face, The Mom in me jumps to alert at the look on her face-jumps out of car and goes in

Dude explains to me , that he didnt charge her for some of the stuff the last time she was in there and WE NEEDED TO PAY FOR IT

why did he say that to me? I was like I SAW HER AT THE REGISTER, HOW IS IT HER/OUR FAULT YOU DIDNT CHARGE HER, dude was like 'I had to pay for it' I was like 'and how is that our problem again?" I am not paying for it, He said something about calling the police , I WAS LIKE PLEASE DO, NAH I WIL CALL THEM FOR YOU and be sure you pull that video tape of YOU NOT CHARGING HER , but her bringing the items to the counter and providing proper payment too, In fact lets open a whole police investigation , call the Sherrifs over them 2 liters YOU DIDNT CHARGE HER FOR, I just want to see the look on their faces when they get here

Dude said 'NEVERMIND'

lol its not that I wouldnt have paid, just dont be upsetting my child, thats a no go and threatening, nah!

Thanks for the advice. I'm going to see what I can do. I honestly feel that I should be compensated for the time that they've wasted. I've already waited a week for the product, and now I have to wait an additional week. I'm going to call them again tomorrow and say that they've inconvenienced me and that I would like to be compensated. They should upgrade me to priority shipping so that I can get my package sooner. Why should I have to wait? If they did their job correctly then this whole situation wouldn't have happened. And I was really looking forward to continuously purchasing from them, but after this ordeal I don't think I will. I don't want to have to go through this everytime I run out of conditioner :nono:.
Thanks for the advice. I'm going to see what I can do. I honestly feel that I should be compensated for the time that they've wasted. I've already waited a week for the product, and now I have to wait an additional week. I'm going to call them again tomorrow and say that they've inconvenienced me and that I would like to be compensated. They should upgrade me to priority shipping so that I can get my package sooner. Why should I have to wait? If they did their job correctly then this whole situation wouldn't have happened. And I was really looking forward to continuously purchasing from them, but after this ordeal I don't think I will. I don't want to have to go through this everytime I run out of conditioner :nono:.

Girl when I ordered some elucence it took FOREVER for them to ship it to me I payed by PAYPAL, they took so long I emailed them and called them and left a msg, next thing you know they put the shipping charges back in my paypal without me asking

another instance I ordered a CD and it never got to me, I emailed them and they still didnt get back to me, I gave them negative feedback and opened a PAYPAL case, they got back to me :grin: it was an address mistake and they STILL sent me the CD express mail

so yeah they should do something, it was YOU that was inconvenienced , it aint your fault they didnt get the order right, I wish someone would tell me to ship back their oil when they sent it to me , it wouldnt matter if it was the same price as the conditioner or not to me:nono:
:lachen:jojoba oil?!!! i wouldn't have said a word. i'd just have ordered another bottle of conditioner...
Try and research on the matter further to see what your rights are as a consumer. For example, if an order is shipped late, another one is shipped by mistake to replace it, and you receive both, then the second shipment is treated as a gift and should not be claimed back by the company. I'm not quite sure if that applies in this case, or if I've got it completely wrong. It might be worth checking out in what instances something is treated as a gift.
I know that this is not right....
But I would transfer the oil into anothre container, place the empty bottle in a box and spread some oil in the bottom of it (like it leaked out) and return it to them.:lachen::lachen::lachen::look:

I am so serious....:look:

Too Funny! I can't believe that won't let you keep it since they didn't send the right product you really needed AND now you have to wait even longer to get it...they should have let the oil be a "We apologize gift". I would have told them that and asked to speak with the Manager.
Yeah, now I feel bad now :(. I guess I was being naive. I just really wanted my conditioner and I didn't call to mind that # 1 I wasn't going to get to keep the oil and # 2 that the oil would be so much more expensive than the conditioner. Oh well, I've always had an over active conscience. I would have been walking around like I was a criminal if I would have kept that oil, thinking the feds were going to jump me at any moment :badcop:...:spank:, lol. Oh well, maybe I'll be blessed for my good deeds with three inches of hair growth in one month :rolleyes:...:grin:.

You should never feel bad for doing the right thing. I am a goody too-shoes and 9 times out of 10 it always comes back to me in a good way and a bigger way. We're all just playing around in this thread, it's easy to say what you think you would do in certain situations. But I do agree that what's wrong is that they didn't seem to be apologetic and subtly threatened you with an invoice when THEY made the mistake. You were nice and they did not appreciate it. They should send your conditioner asap and it should maybe be a bigger bottle and they should not charge you for shipping. They should offer you something for your inconvenience and patience. Whatever happens, you should feel good about being an honest person:yep:.
Yeah, now I feel bad now :(. I guess I was being naive. I just really wanted my conditioner and I didn't call to mind that # 1 I wasn't going to get to keep the oil and # 2 that the oil would be so much more expensive than the conditioner. Oh well, I've always had an over active conscience. I would have been walking around like I was a criminal if I would have kept that oil, thinking the feds were going to jump me at any moment :badcop:...:spank:, lol. Oh well, maybe I'll be blessed for my good deeds with three inches of hair growth in one month :rolleyes:...:grin:.

Don't feel bad. Whether it's called "holier than thou" or something else, everyone has their set of morals and scruples and no one should have to apologize for having them. I know I'm in the minority but I would have sent it back, too. Though I might have put up an argument for getting a store credit or something since they are inconveniencing you by making your have to mail it back. Your time should be worth something.
What's the price difference between the oil and the conditioner? I'm all for doing the right thing, but I also believe that things happen for a reason. :yep: It's all part of the greater hair care plan. :lol:
You should have asked them what they're going to do with it. They should not be selling it. YUCK. They have no idea who you are or what your intentions are or if you've refilled it with fish fry grease.

I ordered from Sephora and the perfume bottle was broken. They sent another one and asked me to toss the broken one. It couldn't be sold so what would be the point of them even paying for return shipping?
What's the price difference between the oil and the conditioner? I'm all for doing the right thing, but I also believe that things happen for a reason. :yep: It's all part of the greater hair care plan. :lol:

I originally thought they had mistakenly given me the gallon of jojoba by accident, but it was actually only the half-gallon. Even so the half gallon costs 55 dollars (rounded without shipping) whereas a gallon of my condish only costs 37 or 38 dollars. So with S&H I would have paid 66 dollars for the half-gallon of oil but I only paid 48 or 49 for the gallon of condish. Jojoba oil sure ain't cheap :nono:.
I originally thought they had mistakenly given me the gallon of jojoba by accident, but it was actually only the half-gallon. Even so the half gallon costs 55 dollars (rounded without shipping) whereas a gallon of my condish only costs 37 or 38 dollars. So with S&H I would have paid 66 dollars for the half-gallon of oil but I only paid 48 or 49 for the gallon of condish. Jojoba oil sure ain't cheap :nono:.

I think you need to do some further investigating on the issue and try to get that oil for free! :lol: There's got to be a way for it to work in your favor.
Oh yeah, and I meant to say that I did call them this morning and sent them an e-mail last night telling them that I understand that mistakes happen but that they've inconvenienced me and now I not only have to wait an additional week for my conditioner I also have to go through the effort of calling fed ex to pick up the package they mistakenly gave me. I told them that I felt that I should be compensated for my wasted time and they decided to refund to me the cost of shipping (which is $10.95). At least it's something. I don't think I'm going to order from them anymore :nono: They very well may be a reputable company with very little mishaps, but this was my first time ordering from them and they not only gave me the wrong product but also gave me headaches in the process. So I think I may just buy my giovanni conditioners in liter sizes at costco or something. At least then I'll know I'm getting the right product :grin:.
You should have asked them what they're going to do with it. They should not be selling it. YUCK. They have no idea who you are or what your intentions are or if you've refilled it with fish fry grease.

I ordered from Sephora and the perfume bottle was broken. They sent another one and asked me to toss the broken one. It couldn't be sold so what would be the point of them even paying for return shipping?

I think you make an excellent point. But they made it very obvious to me that they don't care about customer satisfaction that much at their place of business. They care more about the money. Fortunately I'm not a spiteful person that would purposely ruin a product, but like you said, they don't know me. They could be putting another one of their unwitting customers in harms way due to this. I don't think I want to order from a company that just accepts returned items and then re-sells them to the masses (and at full price) :nono:.
I don't think I want to order from a company that just accepts returned items and then re-sells them to the masses (and at full price) :nono:.

Me neither. I was going to order some Giovanni liters, but I guess I'll stick to TJ Maxx and Marshalls.

I'm about to write to them and tell them I read about their nasty policy online and I'm disgusted and offended. Just cause I have nothing better to do tonight than be outraged.
Don't feel bad. Whether it's called "holier than thou" or something else, everyone has their set of morals and scruples and no one should have to apologize for having them. I know I'm in the minority but I would have sent it back, too. Though I might have put up an argument for getting a store credit or something since they are inconveniencing you by making your have to mail it back. Your time should be worth something.
Let me clear up what I was saying........cause I suppose it would be the thing to do

see someone brought how all of us that would keep the oil need to get right with God. The way I feel about things like this, is not that those that wouldnt keep it are acting 'holier than thou' just that there will always be someone that IS litterally HOLIER THAN THOU , on one thing or another, such as I might keep the oil, but I might feed someone's hungry kids as well, You might send the oil back, but might pass up someone hungry with loads of money in your pocket, (just examples) now God sees all, and no there are not little things that just slips by him, but he weighs the heart and the heart alone, I believe personally everything is personal between that person and God, every issue, every weakness, every strength, you cant read a persons relationship with God or where it stands, because of one action. That is all.

Mary broke her alabaster box full of expensive oil and the disciples said she should have sold the oil and fed the poor, see people always got something to say, about others and God, but its personal, finger pointing and all that blah blah, your so wrong with God cause you would keep the oil hoopla that got started here, who knows what that person did that didnt please God that day. ehh, it matters not, its wasted energy to worry about others and God, he is God all by himself , and yes there will always be someone doing something better than YOU , what I meant by holier than thou, nobody knows the ways I MIGHT BE MORE HOLY than them as well, but I dont spend my time on that. We all have our walk and its personal and cant be judged by flesh , nope, not at any point

that was my point

not calling anyone as though they are acting holier than thou, but litterallly there is always someone who either not high enough/ or more holy by comparison on something. why, because aint none of us totally HOLY, but one person might have 'overcome' in one area, and in other areas another has not yet and vice versa, its a lifetime process, every day , and every breath, Thats the case for every person on earth, because we are all in process, God allowed everybody to have theirs and it doesnt stop, thank God

some of us have overcome in some ways on some things and some might still be in process, shoo my neighbor couldnt even take a grocery cart home without feeling guilt, its all about our own walks and levels and one can always be higher, but just when you feel your higher, you just never know how God might see that one person that you found one niche that your higher on, or where they might have overcome in ways you might not have. how this turned into the finger pointing get right with God thread-I dont know, but it did :drunk:

everybody is so quick to act like 'I caught you slippin with God' I mean really whats up with that, we all are slippin one way or another
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I don't think any person who posted on this thread is automatically a good person or a bad person judged solely on whether they would have kept the oil if they were in my position or not. Being good or bad (or righteous or wicked) is the culmination of how you live your life. For instance, I could be a horrible person, secretly doing very sinful things, but in public I could give to charity, help out the needy, etc...But because my heart isn't good, I am not good. On the other hand I could be someone who has a filthy mouth and I cuss like a sailor and I would cuss you out in a quick second if you got on my nerves. But I could also be the type that would save your life at the drop of a hat if you needed it. Long story short, I don't believe anyone is purely good or purely bad. We all can learn from one another. I may be righteous in one area of my life, but another area needs improvement, and likewise another person could be righteous in an area where I am wicked. We all make mistakes and do things we shouldn't at times. But it's our intentions, heart condition, and the way we choose to live our lives all together that truly reflect whether we are good people or not. Sorry to get off topic, but I love having discussions and I thought I'd put my two cents in, :grin:.
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I think you make an excellent point. But they made it very obvious to me that they don't care about customer satisfaction that much at their place of business. They care more about the money. Fortunately I'm not a spiteful person that would purposely ruin a product, but like you said, they don't know me. They could be putting another one of their unwitting customers in harms way due to this. I don't think I want to order from a company that just accepts returned items and then re-sells them to the masses (and at full price) :nono:.
I totally agree with your sentiments, its shocking at best they trust you to send it back :ohwell: or even asked you to be inconvenienced even further

I would be done with them too
I don't think any person who posted on this thread is automatically a good person or a bad person judged solely on whether they would have kept the oil if they were in my position or not. Being good or bad (or righteous or wicked) is the culmination of how you live your life. For instance, I could be a horrible person, secretly doing very sinful things, but in public I could give to charity, help out the needy, etc...But because my heart isn't good, I am not good. On the other hand I could be someone who has a filthy mouth and I cuss like a sailor and I would cuss you out in a quick second if you got on my nerves. But I could also be the type that would save your life at the drop of a hat if you needed it. Long story short, I don't believe anyone is purely good or purely bad. We all can learn from one another. I may be righteous in one area of my life, but another area needs improvement, and likewise another person could be righteous in an area where I am wicked. We all make mistakes and do things we shouldn't at times. But it's our intentions, heart condition, and the way we choose to live our lives all together that truly reflect whether we are good people or not. Sorry to get off topic, but I love having discussions and I thought I'd put my two cents in, :grin:.
Thank you , you made my points so much easier than me :grin:
We are here>>>>><<<<< on that!

Great post! The whole point of your post took a 'detour' LOL
Thank you , you made my points so much easier than me :grin:
We are here>>>>><<<<< on that!

Great post! The whole point of your post took a 'detour' LOL

:lachen::lachen:Yeah, I thought so, lol. But I'm used to flitting from one subject to another, and I like discussions. It's really interesting to see what's beyond the superficial and to know how people really feel on certain issues. It helps us all be able to understand and respect one another on a more personal level, in my opinion :yep:.
so it is wrong to say that keeping the oils is stealing...which is technically is.
to me you can tell the true character of a person when:
1) they are being inconvienced
2) when they are being treated mean
3) when they are not being watched..or think they are not being watched
4) when they are stress
5)when the situation is so tempting, it's almost asking you to go on and do it.

What is really in there..comes out.
good advice for picking out friends/husbands
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so it is wrong to say that keeping the oils is stealing...which is technically is.
well if it were me I would keep and not feel like I stole anything because they gave it to me when I didnt ask for it , so Technically I didnt steal it, I would make the offer to pay for it if I wanted to keep it and pay at my convenience

ohhh good example, my pharmacy gave me a med for 1 dollar, I thought it was strange when my daughter came out and told me , but said well 'maybe my insurance added it back to the formulary now and they are compensating me, because I always paid full price and it was expensive. went on about my business, a week or so later, they called about it. I was like well I can pay for it next month, could they press me to pay for it NO, could they press charges NO, I paid them when it was convenient for me because no it was not theft that they gave me the med and charged me wrong, thats happened on their end , not mine. They even had to keep giving me my other meds when I needed them in the meantime or they would be breaking a law

and if I didnt pay, there still would have been nothing they could do, NOTHING, They called, I let them know when it would be convenient for me and they had to deal with it and this was a drug

phhhh an oil? haha nah Muffin did not commit theft in any way shape or form
so it is wrong to say that keeping the oils is stealing...which is technically is.

You are right, it is stealing, in a sense. But I think what Irrisistable was trying to say is that no one should be judged purely bad just because they did something like that. I remember in the Bible it says something like "We all sin and fall short of the glory of God" in some way or another. We may very well try to be good people 100% of the time, but we may only succeed 50% of the time. A person in my position may have been so tempted (maybe because they wanted it really badly or needed oil but can't afford it) that they ended up doing it, but felt very guilty about it. Yes it was wrong, but it doesn't necessarily make them a bad person. If one wants to be righteous one shouldn't go out of their way and try to become a thief, but if you stole something because perhaps you didn't consider it stealing and later you found out that it was or you were so tempted that you ended up stealing, then yes it was wrong, but that doesn't make you a wicked person.