What yal think about this video?

Thank you Jesus I am natural. I remember those days :nono:....

No joke. Relaxers have always been a painful process, even when I didnt scratch or had a mild one.

My chemical burns would puss up and bleed...:nono:
Here we go.....:look: Here's my response from the other thread. Don't feel like formulating another one at this time. Maybe later.

Yep, this has been posted before and no I've never had a perm like this nor do I know anyone who has even when their mom did it for them way back in the day.....
LucieLoo12 said:
Thank you Jesus I am natural. I remember those days :nono:....

No joke. Relaxers have always been a painful process, even when I didnt scratch or had a mild one.

My chemical burns would puss up and bleed...:nono:

Puss up and bleed?! O god! I have heard of a sore but never that extreme, yeah if that happened to me to I would hang up the relaxer towel
I like how her mother is telling her not to put her head under the water while her scalp is burning & is still trying to smooth it. They could do a corrective if her hair was underprocessed. She either needs to learn how to relax her own hair or find somebody else to help her.
This looks to me less like "relaxers are the devil and why I'm natural" and more like someone that simply does not know how to do one the right way. Realxers are enough trouble alone without adding someone to the mix that does not know what they are doing and would risk burning off your scalp just to get some straight hair.