What would you suggest?


New Member
I am dating this guy that I more than like. I have been with him about 3 months, but it seems like forever because we just really like each other and we mesh very well and plus I was really liking him before we actually hooked up so the feelings are pretty strong sooooo...

about 6 months ago, he broke up with his baby mama of about 7 years. Their relationship consisted of him taking care of her. They are from New Orleans. and they were breaking up around the time of Katrina because he caught her coming back from a date with some other guy. The only reason they got back together was because when the hurricane hit, he being a good loving person, wisped her and their son away to houston and for the time being they got back into the groove of their relationship, until she got so fed up with being in houston, she decided to pack up and leave him to go to new orleans to be with her mother and sister. So for about a year they were apart, he came back and started to go through a bunch of crap with her. She did not want to come home because she was with her family. Even though she had a son and practically a husband waiting at home for her. She took him for granted(he doted on her alot and took care of pretty much all the bills while she spent all her money on clothes; jewelry and accessories to make her look like she was rich,when she wasn't) He was actually in houston in school advancing his career and left it all to be with her and he comes back to somebody who just seemed to not want to be with him. He finally told her, "we are not in love, we just doing this to do it and we have a son, we need time apart" They broke up and she was okay with it at first, until she realized that living with her mom in the hood is not as nice as living in a all bills paid, furnished apartment in metairie. She has been trying to get back with him but he has turned her down several times and then we met and like I said we meshed very well, but Lord, I don't like baby mama drama, but I like him and am willing to go through it. At first, I told him to work it out with her because I feel bad about them being together for soo long, but I actually find that in so many ways my strong feelings for him are actually being returned. WOW. I would not stand in his way if he said he wanted to go back her, but everytime we break up for the "betterment" of the situation, he comes back and I ofcourse do not turn him down. He doesn't want to hurt me, but also is a loyal and committed person. He has always been there for her and to not be there for the mother of his child is foreign to him sooo he is stressed about strongly wanting to be with me, but still feeling like he should be with her because they have a child and her parents really can't help her, and she just does not seem willing to help herself. Yes, I hate the situation, but I actually care about him and like I said I would not stand in the way of him doing what he feels he needs to do about this situation even if that meant being with her, but when he comes back to me immediately after like 2 days of trying to keep himself away from me, I am glad they broke up and quite honestly I feel like I would be better for him because we are both self sufficient; mature and I would not cheat on him or have a problem coming home to man and child I love and I don't need a lavish lifestyle. I would not use him to pay my bills or take care of me, but I saw that she would. She is selfish.

That brings me to my question. She called him yesterday and said that there was a tropical depression in the gulf and she was fishing to see what he would be doing about it. It is clear that she is looking forward to a situation like Katrina to bring them back together because poor thing has no where else together and they have a kid together and he has always taken care of her. He was telling me about it and I got afraid. He said, I know I gotta get here out of here if something does happen and I said, "why?" and he said, "how is she going to get out of here?" i said "Drive!" and he said "Where?" I said "I don't know...we you can set her and her son up at a hotel outside of new orleans and even pay for it and she can drive there herself." and he did not say anything after that. I am a tad bit jealous. :ohwell:

If you were in that situation, what would you do? Am I being selfish? I know she would only use the situation to pull him in, but she really doesn't have anywhere else to go and she is not self sufficient (she should be...) I just see someone who does not care about anyone else but herself. When hurricane Katrina came her family all (sister; mom; brothers) all were in shelters, but her she was living it up with Derrick who went to houston, got a job and paid all their bills while they stayed in a wonderful apartment, only to up and leave when right when her sister and mother return to new orleans and fix up their houses. Mind you she does not help her mother pay any bills(she is currently living with her). If the lights go off, she doesn't help at all. I feel like people like that need to be put in hard situation so that they can become self sufficient, but I digress from my anger and see that they have a son and I would not want anyone even her to be placed in a shelter where anything can happen to her, when there is someone there who can alleviate that...DERRICK.

I just wish he would just tell me he wanted to be with her and I would just get over him but I know that we fit very well and I don't want to let him go when I know he wants the same thing I want. I will stop...
Sorry you are going through this because I can tell you really are into this guy. I honestly think he is into you too. However, he does have some issues to sort out with his ex, whether he feels that he must always do right by her because of his son, whether he still has feelings for her, whatever...you need to give him time to sort those issues out. At some point, he has to realise that although he has to take care of his son, he cannot bend to her will, whims and fancies. He has to realise she does not love him and will use him however and whenever she can. I think deep down he knows this anyway but he needs to make it abundantly clear to his ex that he does not want to be with her. Otherwise she'll try everything she can to get in the way of any other relationship he has.

However, you cannot control this situation. Pray, keep praying but let him make up his own mind. Stay calm, do not show your jealousy because you may inadvertently say something you'll regret. If you have to let go of the feather for now, let it go, stretch your hand out, be still and it will fall into your palm. Don't try to catch it. You'll tire yourself out and you'll push it farther and farther away. Good luck!
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You only know his side of the story and it is really painting him as the Black Knight and her as, well something else. I would keep it casual because I believe he will soon return to her and also try to keep you.

It seem like he is waiting for her to "Get It", then things will be ok. If his story is the truth, she will never get it and you will just be hanging out and being the "between" woman.
I am dating this guy that I more than like. I have been with him about 3 months, but it seems like forever because we just really like each other and we mesh very well and plus I was really liking him before we actually hooked up so the feelings are pretty strong sooooo...

about 6 months ago, he broke up with his baby mama of about 7 years. Their relationship consisted of him taking care of her. They are from New Orleans. and they were breaking up around the time of Katrina because he caught her coming back from a date with some other guy. The only reason they got back together was because when the hurricane hit, he being a good loving person, wisped her and their son away to houston and for the time being they got back into the groove of their relationship, until she got so fed up with being in houston, she decided to pack up and leave him to go to new orleans to be with her mother and sister. So for about a year they were apart, he came back and started to go through a bunch of crap with her. She did not want to come home because she was with her family. Even though she had a son and practically a husband waiting at home for her. She took him for granted(he doted on her alot and took care of pretty much all the bills while she spent all her money on clothes; jewelry and accessories to make her look like she was rich,when she wasn't) He was actually in houston in school advancing his career and left it all to be with her and he comes back to somebody who just seemed to not want to be with him. He finally told her, "we are not in love, we just doing this to do it and we have a son, we need time apart" They broke up and she was okay with it at first, until she realized that living with her mom in the hood is not as nice as living in a all bills paid, furnished apartment in metairie. She has been trying to get back with him but he has turned her down several times and then we met and like I said we meshed very well, but Lord, I don't like baby mama drama, but I like him and am willing to go through it. At first, I told him to work it out with her because I feel bad about them being together for soo long, but I actually find that in so many ways my strong feelings for him are actually being returned. WOW. I would not stand in his way if he said he wanted to go back her, but everytime we break up for the "betterment" of the situation, he comes back and I ofcourse do not turn him down. He doesn't want to hurt me, but also is a loyal and committed person. He has always been there for her and to not be there for the mother of his child is foreign to him sooo he is stressed about strongly wanting to be with me, but still feeling like he should be with her because they have a child and her parents really can't help her, and she just does not seem willing to help herself. Yes, I hate the situation, but I actually care about him and like I said I would not stand in the way of him doing what he feels he needs to do about this situation even if that meant being with her, but when he comes back to me immediately after like 2 days of trying to keep himself away from me, I am glad they broke up and quite honestly I feel like I would be better for him because we are both self sufficient; mature and I would not cheat on him or have a problem coming home to man and child I love and I don't need a lavish lifestyle. I would not use him to pay my bills or take care of me, but I saw that she would. She is selfish.

That brings me to my question. She called him yesterday and said that there was a tropical depression in the gulf and she was fishing to see what he would be doing about it. It is clear that she is looking forward to a situation like Katrina to bring them back together because poor thing has no where else together and they have a kid together and he has always taken care of her. He was telling me about it and I got afraid. He said, I know I gotta get here out of here if something does happen and I said, "why?" and he said, "how is she going to get out of here?" i said "Drive!" and he said "Where?" I said "I don't know...we you can set her and her son up at a hotel outside of new orleans and even pay for it and she can drive there herself." and he did not say anything after that. I am a tad bit jealous. :ohwell:

If you were in that situation, what would you do? Am I being selfish? I know she would only use the situation to pull him in, but she really doesn't have anywhere else to go and she is not self sufficient (she should be...) I just see someone who does not care about anyone else but herself. When hurricane Katrina came her family all (sister; mom; brothers) all were in shelters, but her she was living it up with Derrick who went to houston, got a job and paid all their bills while they stayed in a wonderful apartment, only to up and leave when right when her sister and mother return to new orleans and fix up their houses. Mind you she does not help her mother pay any bills(she is currently living with her). If the lights go off, she doesn't help at all. I feel like people like that need to be put in hard situation so that they can become self sufficient, but I digress from my anger and see that they have a son and I would not want anyone even her to be placed in a shelter where anything can happen to her, when there is someone there who can alleviate that...DERRICK.

I just wish he would just tell me he wanted to be with her and I would just get over him but I know that we fit very well and I don't want to let him go when I know he wants the same thing I want. I will stop...

So many red flags chica. This guy may ONE day decide enough is enough but today ain't that day and tomorrow probably won't be either. You're gonna be put in the middle of this tug of war with his feelings probably for quite some time. They've had 7 years compared to your 3 months. 7 years of him basically being her little puppy. Everytime she calls he's gonna come running and even if he puts his foot down and stands up to her that one time, their will always be that next time that he might not. He seems conflicted with his feelings and if I were you I wouldn't get into anything serious with him, because you're only gonna end up hurt. Think of it this way you've just begun seeing him and you're already jealous/unsure/self conscious. Think of what it'll be like a year from now, especially if he (and she) are doing the same thing. He seems to have the superman complex and men like that are okay (when dealing with helping the community, small children, the eldery, homeless, etc) but NOT baby mama's.

And once you get in the picture seriously I'm pretty sure the baby mama will get worse because she's gonna try to take him away from you. Sounds like a messy/drama filled situation. She's already using the "princess in distress" routine to get him back now, if you're in the picture she'll probably continue this times 2 and might even use her son to get back in his good graces.

This is all just my opinion, and I could be completely wrong but I've been in this situation before so I'm just giving you a little advice. I'm not one for dating men with kids/baby mamas anyway but I will make an exception if I see that the guy is completely through with her. However, in this situation it's pretty clear that he isn't.
He is still into her and you are going to get your feelings hurt. Leave it alone.

Also just as ThickHair basically stated.. there are 2 sides to every story. You are only get one side and I'm sure its not 100% true.
He is still into her and you are going to get your feelings hurt. Leave it alone.

Also just as ThickHair basically stated.. there are 2 sides to every story. You are only get one side and I'm sure its not 100% true.

Yep... too much drama, too much silliness, etc., in three months.

This is still supposed to be the happy fun time. If there is this much drama in three months, imagine how it will be in 6, 12, 18, 24... months.

And it's funny how men are soooo quick to talk about their baby mamas/ex-wives/ex-girlfriends like they are the devil incarnate, but the men are total angels who do all of these wonderful things for these mean ole lazy trife women who just take advantage of them.

Waah, waaah, waaah, boo hooo hoo.

Obviously, she wasn't THAT bad since he stayed with her for seven years....

Run away fast. Plus, it doesn't matter how long you FEEL like you've known him or how close you feel to him... three months is VERY little time.
This whole situation sounds bogus to me. If it is so foreign to him to not be there for his child's mother then he should have married her instead of just being the "baby daddy" for seven years.

Also, as others have stated you only know his side of the story. If she was so horrible he wouldn't be going out of his way for her. He would simply provide for his son.

And, why is he so comfortable bringing you into the drama after only 3 months? None of that has NOTHING to do with you. That is HIS bs to deal with and when a man sees that you are taking on his problems as your own, it only gets worse.
P.S.: Are y'all even exclusive, or are you just "dating?" Is this your man? Have you all had the boyfriend-girlfriend talk?
This whole situation sounds bogus to me. If it is so foreign to him to not be there for his child's mother then he should have married her instead of just being the "baby daddy" for seven years.

Yes, that is QUITE bogus to me.

"Practically" a husband doesn't mean **** to me if he's not A husband.

And it also sends up a big red flag that he jumped very quickly into a new "relationship" after breaking up with this woman.
Yep... too much drama, too much silliness, etc., in three months.

This is still supposed to be the happy fun time. If there is this much drama in three months, imagine how it will be in 6, 12, 18, 24... months.

And it's funny how men are soooo quick to talk about their baby mamas/ex-wives/ex-girlfriends like they are the devil incarnate, but the men are total angels who do all of these wonderful things for these mean ole lazy trife women who just take advantage of them.

Waah, waaah, waaah, boo hooo hoo.

Obviously, she wasn't THAT bad since he stayed with her for seven years....

Run away fast. Plus, it doesn't matter how long you FEEL like you've known him or how close you feel to him... three months is VERY little time.

I dated a guy the one I mentioned in a thread I wrote last year sometime, he talked so bad about his ex, I went to high school with her, I was surprised to hear she was so crazy UNTIL he showed his true colors and then I understood it wasn't her it was him.

To the OP, you guys are just dating so I wouldn't even be bothered with it, he isn't your man, what can you say? If you two were in a committed relationship then you all could evacuate together, I know it sounds crazy, but it has happened multiple times with my family. My stepmom understands it because she knows that her stepchildren love their moms and if anything was to happen to our mothers we would be devastated. She may be uncomfortable with the situation but at times like that it's necessary. When you are with a man with children you have to realize that the child comes first and mommy and child are a package deal so she will come first too.

But in this situation seems like he is playing you...I guarantee he's still having sex with his ex.
Yes, that is QUITE bogus to me.

"Practically" a husband doesn't mean **** to me if he's not A husband.

And it also sends up a big red flag that he jumped very quickly into a new "relationship" after breaking up with this woman.

I'm not convinced that he broke up with this woman at all. Especially if they've been "breaking up" since Katrina hit. Re-reading the OP it seems to me that she left him and they just have one of those dysfunctional off and on types of relationships.
This is why I don't do men with kids :lol:

I hear you!!

How are you going to get mad at your man for paying his child's mother's rent and you know if he doesn't she and the child will be kicked out. That's money that could have gone to me instead.

I was with a guy with a child, he helped the mother get a car because she didn't have one...I was mad... But then I thought about it, she and the baby caught the bus in the rain, extreme heat, cold, etc. That's not good for the baby, just so happen the mama benefitted.
I hear you!!

How are you going to get mad at your man for paying his child's mother's rent and you know if he doesn't she and the child will be kicked out. That's money that could have gone to me instead.

I was with a guy with a child, he helped the mother get a car because she didn't have one...I was mad... But then I thought about it, she and the baby caught the bus in the rain, extreme heat, cold, etc. That's not good for the baby, just so happen the mama benefitted.

See and that's the type of stuff right there that just....ugh.. I don't even want to think about it... Let me get outta this thread :lol:
Please leave him alone...

I have a feeling he's not entirely honest with you or his baby's mother.

Guys tend to tell one sided stories...

From my experience, women usually tend to act certain ways because they feel that they're entitled...in this case it can be because of the child...but it can also be a lot more...don't stick around to find out.
If she's that unstable why doesn't he get custody of his son, and then be with you? If he's the one with with a job and his own home then every thing seems favorable for him.
OP, please take note: Baby daddies almost always paint their baby's momma out to be crazy, broke, busted and disgusted, dumb, miserable, and anything else negative he can paint her as so that the new lady in his life will feel more secure in the new budding relationship. I've seen it more times than I can count from guys... even my daughter's father included when he first got with his now wife.

Gather your heart and roll out. 3 months is nothing compaired to 7 years. There is too much drama and unresolved issues going on for them, you will most likely get hurt.
So sorry that you're going through this. I think you care for him a lot so you really want this to work out. It would be easy like you said if he just told you that he wants to be with her. To me he has. There is one line from your post that just stands out for me.

He was actually in houston in school advancing his career and left it all to be with her and he comes back to somebody who just seemed to not want to be with him.

That to me says it all. And remember if he is Prince Charming, that would make her Cinderella. So please take a hint from 'Cinderella' who was so crazy to leave her prince & the happily ever after to return to her family & a life of misery. Run.
He is trying to make you feel he is "helping her because of the child, like many ladies her stated he is probably still involved with her. Please be careful of any man who constantly trashes his ex, it is usually a ploy to get sympanthy from the new women. The new women thinks he such a nice guy , how could she treat him like that?Maybe she has a reason for acting like that. But the truth is a mature man who has ended his relationship with the mother of his children is not to bash her, he will simply say something like they had threre differences and it did not work out.:yep:
I have made my decision. I forgot that I posted this until I was feeling like I need to go and then I was like ohhh yeah, there are other people who i am very sure responded.

I was talking to him tonight. He was talking about how she was going crazy today. He went to go spend time with his son(according to him) and then she was asking him about where he had been the past couple of days.(He and I went on a mini trip because he was on vacation and I was off from work). So she went stalking looking for him and could not find him. He said that she was crying and screaming and yelling and asking him to marry her and blah blah blah...soooo then we were talking about how he was saying how irresponsible she was. He felt like she should have grown up with him while they were together and that she was still soo irresponsible considering she had their son and I stood up for her because I was like well I went through alot of that stuff too when I first moved out of my parents house and blah blah blah. Of course he was like well you don't have any children, I know you would mother up and blah blah. So then we were talking about him taking care of his son and letting her take care of herself and he was like "she can't do anything for herself...she will end up in a shelter...you think I should let her stay in a shelter while i take care of our son" and I said "yes. She won't be in there for long and she will woman up." After I got off the phone with him, I was like, I know I need to end this. I just figure that some people have those kinds of relationships. There are alot of immature women and men, who date and marry mature people who take care of them and hey, if the person is willing to do that, then, let them! So I have decided to remove myself.