What Would You Do?


Well-Known Member
...if someone you are starting to befriend was being talked about behind her back?

My job has a "communal" lunch setting, and naturally, the women of color tend to sit together. Today, the woman with whom I'm developing what I think is a nice friendship wasn't at lunch, and the conversation became about her, and I was just uncomfortable.

My friend had attempted to organize a game night for "the sistas". Her goal was for us to be able to kick back and have some fun with some drinks outside the workplace. I thought it was a good idea since I haven't been at the organization long. My friend asked one of our coworkers if she would mind hosting the event at her new home and the coworker agreed. These women RSVP'ed yes, but as the event date approached, several ladies backed out and everyone agreed to postpone the event.

I didn't know until today that the other ladies backed out because they didn't really want to go to the event in the first place. Even the person that agreed to host the event said that she never really wanted to do it. From that point the conversation just became about why my friend only invited the black women and how she was jealous of the coworker's new home... blah, blah, blah.

I was dumbfounded and ashamed that I said NOTHING to these women about how they should have been honest with my friend from the beginning about their concerns. I eventually just made an excuse to leave the table, but I feel horrible that I didn't stand up and say something. Furthermore, I don't know what to do from this point.

I am guilty by association in this matter whether I participated in the dialogue or not, but should I tell my friend about what happened? Is that snitching?

Is ignorance bliss for my friend, or should I let her know that these ladies are not being genuine?

or should I just stay out of it and hope that my friend will eventually see these ladies' true colors?

I would really like to see black women get along better, but maybe it's just none of my business...
I wouldn't say anything to the friend and I wouldn't hang with the other women. You're still new there and that's just way too much pending drama to get sucked into.

OAN: Why would she want to throw a party but then ask someone else to host it? That wouldn't sit well with me if I were the home owner.
I dislike hearing and seeing black women not getting along. After that "conversation" I would stay away from those women. THIS

Also, are you in a cutthroat industry? I prefer to try to have all black women be friends in the workplace, but that seldom works out.
who plans an event and then asks someone else to host it?:lol:

these women are black and they are upset that she only invited black women? what, they think that's racist?:lol:

i probably wouldn't tell her but i would keep my distance from them. i hate shady, fake people. if you don't like a coworker, keep it polite and professional. don't be smiling in their face, accepting invitations while dogging them behind their back.
who plans an event and then asks someone else to host it?:lol:

these women are black and they are upset that she only invited black women? what, they think that's racist?:lol:

i probably wouldn't tell her but i would keep my distance from them. i hate shady, fake people. if you don't like a coworker, keep it polite and professional. don't be smiling in their face, accepting invitations while dogging them behind their back.

IKR?!?! Yeah.. I'm gonna keep my distance from these ladies. Such a shame. Why can't we all just get along?!?!
All good responses. After processing everything over the weekend, I decided to do as most suggested. I'm not going to get sucked into the drama. I'll keep quiet. If a similar situation arises, or if the Game Night issue resurfaces, I may steer her away from the idea.

As for me, I won't be associating with these women. They showed me their true colors, and I won't be trying to repaint them. It's sad that "we" can't get along...
I wouldn't say anything to the friend and I wouldn't hang with the other women. You're still new there and that's just way too much pending drama to get sucked into.

OAN: Why would she want to throw a party but then ask someone else to host it? That wouldn't sit well with me if I were the home owner.
Good question. The coworker's new home is rather large (according to the pics), and I got the impression it was based on space.
My job has a "communal" lunch setting, and naturally, the women of color tend to sit together. Today, the woman with whom I'm developing what I think is a nice friendship wasn't at lunch, and the conversation became about her, and I was just uncomfortable.
I would stay out of the drama and avoid the women just not overtly.
piece of advice DO NOT SIT AT THE "BLACK" TABLE EVERY DAY AT LUNCH You are at work to manage your career not hunt for BFF's. That is not a call to avoid black people but to manage your career upward/across movement you need to cultivate relationships across a broad sprectrum