What would you do if your SO/DH Family member....


New Member
Joined this site so they could see what you're posting about them?

We're pretty candid on this site (sometimes) and I think most of us take steps to appear as anonymous as we can, but lets say someone you knew decided to join the site to see what you were posting.

What would you do?
Change my email address linked to my lhcf account so they can't search for me. not post pictures of my face. Not use my first and last name as my user name. So they could not prove it was me.
Hmm, could have joined out of interest true...but if they told you they read one of your posts then you know for sure they were e-stalking you.

All that above seems extra to be - you shouldn't have to hide and dodge to post on a largely anonymous forum.
That's why I try to delete things too personal OR try to control myself and not post personal stuff. But it's soooo tempting to chat on here. But my face is on here and someone can easily recognize me just as I've recognized them.
People seem to get annoyed when I delete the posts but I'm doing the best I can to protect my personal biz....AFTER I done said too much. Lol
Also, I don't really like the past creeping up as a jab in a new topic.
I would think he was dumb because he could have easily looked on my laptop/iPad because I always have LHCF tab open on my laptop. I don't talk about our relationship drama on here and he would probably be bored to tears with my posts here.
I would think that kneegrow is crazy and that he coulda put his six fifty towards a new conditioner for the person he's obviously obsessed over instead of wasting it on a forum where he would have to search forever to find anything of importance that I've posted here but haven't already told him. Spying on a SO screams control issues and insecurity to me. Gotta reevaluate the relationship after that one
There is nothing that I've said on this site I wouldn't say in front of or to my husband, but thats just me. If anything he would call me boring:lachen:

If my mother was on this site I would probably clean up my language:look::lol: Other than that, nope.

I don't post anything too personal on here so I wouldn't care.

But I would think they are lame for joining a message board just to spy on me. Get a life!