What would you do if you found nude pics of him on his ipod?


New Member
My BFF found nude pics of her SO on his ipod pictures folder. She said they were kinda artsy but nonetheless they were nude and she said the worst one was him with a hard d--k laying on a bed. She confronted him not because he had the pictures but why were they on his ipod, that he carries around with him? He said that there was no reason, he just put them on there. She said she broke up with him b/c she said "I don't believe him." I kinda agree...I mean who carries nude pics of themselves around to look at on the way to work??!!! :nono:

What do you ladies think?
I would def want to know who else he has shared those pics with. And you're right, it's so weird, why would anyone want to have that on their Ipod??? Reminds of that Adrienne Bailon incident.
Hahaha it got me thinking of the down low thing. But to be honest he doesn't seem like that type of guy. (Not that I'm a good judge of character)

I totally think that "no reason" is not an acceptable answer, but she asked me if she did the right thing.

I know that in iTunes you have to pick what you want to transfer to your ipod so I don't think he could just randomly transfer them there. But my SO said I'm thinking about it too hard and maybe he just likes looking at himself. Still who looks at nude pics of himself walking to work saying "Damn that's hot right there?"!!!! That's still wack!!!

So she asked me if she should take him back, but I can't give her an answer. I mean he insists there was no reason to them being on there and he swears he's not cheating....
I would find them on his library and put them on my iPOD to look at during the day :look: LOL don't know if I would break up with him though.
Possibly but these were those artsy-naked pics...I kinda know what she means..like the ones that are all black and white meant to seem artsy.
If he's not a model who are the artsy photos for? And who took them? This is just a bunch of BS. She decided to break off the relationship for other reasons as well!!
She knows that even if he's innocent that he is just not wrapped too tight:nono::nono::nono:
I talked to her tonite and seems that she wants to give him another try.

He told her that he paid a photographer to take the pictures two or three years ago in NYC because he wanted some sexy pictures of himself.

He has never really given her any "gay vibes" so she says, but she also added she wasn't mad about the pictures. (She said "everyone has done some crazy ish before") but she is mad that he recently added it to his ipod. She feels like why was he carrying those pics around with.

He swears up and down, he had them on there for no reason and he's not cheating. So she will take him back, but I want to convince her otherwise. I think "no reason" is BS for why they were on his ipod.

Or should I just stay out of it?:ohwell:
I think "no reason" is a BS answer as well. I mean, I've added my entire "My Pictures" folder which is just where all my pictures are and ended up with something I didn't want on my iPod. But nude pictures...that she's never seen? That's suspicious.
I would find them on his library and put them on my iPOD to look at during the day :look: LOL don't know if I would break up with him though.

:lachen::lachen:Why was this my first thought as well?

Maybe he just like admiring his johnson? Eh, he probably does show whomever might be interested though.
I'm really not understanding the gay assumption. But let LHCF tell it, all men are gay or DL. :look:

It could be he has em to show other chicks what he's working with.
I dunno, people put a lot of things on their ipods, he could be proud of what he has, I don't think its that serious, if she found it in his outgoing box in his email account then she would have a problem, lol
Is there a correlation between men having nude pics of themselves and being gay?

I swear everytime I get on LHCF I learn something new.

"No reason" does sound fishy though.