What would you compromise on in a relationship?


New Member
This is a spin-off from a thread in the hair section.

How much is too much in regards to compromise in a relationship (dating or married). For example if your man wanted you to wear heels more often but you were a ballerina pumps kinda girl would you wear heals for him, even it was on a daily basis?

What about other issues like weight, hairstyle, friends etc...? What would you be willing to compromise on and what would you stand firm on
I think a happy medium can be found with things that are appearance related. For example, if your man loves you in heels, the compromise can be that you wear them on the weekends when you two are out on the town. Or, if you are protective styling but he loves seeing it down and out, perhaps give him a couple of days a week where it's loose. That is compromise. However, doing something that you do not like or want to do seven days a week just to make another person happy is unfair and NOT a compromise. Each party has to give a little.

Things like that are very easy to compromise on though IMO.:yep: