What would/does your ex say about you?


New Member
I'm just curious. :look:

Mine says that I'm "mean" and "hard to get along with" but that I'm probably one of the most intelligent people he's ever known. He also thinks I'm a good mother and generally a good person but a bad driver...well, he doesn't think I'm a bad driver...just that he's a better driver....even though he's had more accidents and has gotten 4 tickets within the past two months while I've only received 3 tickets in the past 3 years and none this year.:rolleyes:

What does your ex think or say about you and is he right?
He'd probably say that I was argumentative and selfish. But then he'd also so that he probably made me that way.
and what do you say?

i say no way. i cried so much over him and what happened between me and him and now i see it was a blessing things are over with me and him. he's been in and out of the mental institution. everyone that sees him tells me he looks crazy. i wish him the best but im glad he's out my life.