Does Your Man Let You Pump Gas When Y’all Are Out Together?

He always pumps my gas when we are together without question. I have no problem pumping gas when I'm alone. I've never felt unsafe. It's just a normal thing car owners do. *shrugs*

He also mostly drives even if its my car but I do sometimes drive my car with him in the passenger seat. I also sometimes treat him to dinner. I see absolutely nothing wrong with those 2 things. Although he says Im always like "I'm treating you today" when the bill is like $20 He says thats my threshold:lachen: I hate Valentine's day so never want to do anything or want gifts and he likes that day so I was like u know what? Im going to give u a good Valentine's day and I took him to Mortons. He was SO excited. I said see it was over $20. Lol

I thought I was the only one that makes her man drive even if we're in my car :lol: I do not think it looks right for men to be driven around by women.

But yeah, no. I've never pumped my own gas around any man except my dad recently Bc he's done enough for me to be lazy if he wants :lol:
*tip toes into unicorn world*
First question how does she know what he was doing on his phone?! (all up in the business huh?)
I've pumped and he's pumped more often.
I thought I was the only one that makes her man drive even if we're in my car :lol: I do not think it looks right for men to be driven around by women.

But yeah, no. I've never pumped my own gas around any man except my dad recently Bc he's done enough for me to be lazy if he wants :lol:

Nope, we drive my car the majority of time since mine is better on gas mileage but he still always drives.
My family teases me about being a spoiled princess because I never drive. I will make my friends/family drive even if we take my car. :look:
*tip toes into unicorn world*
First question how does she know what he was doing on his phone?! (all up in the business huh?)
I've pumped and he's pumped more often.
Cuz they were talking pretty loudly I guess. They guy got out first then got back in the car. Then the girl gets out and starts pumping it. Then the guy stays on his phone, leans out the car window and yells: “they have showings at this, this, and this time time? Which one do you wanna go to?”
Dh does it now but I clearly remember years ago he didn't budge. I don't know if it was because I always took the lead. I know he liked when I did certain things for him, like I am treating him and paying for the meal. But we were going through some things and he worked a lot so he wasn't doing those things he felt like I could do.

I remember many years ago you all talked about your husbands/SO filling up your gas tanks; and taking the car for oil changes. I was like dh doesn't do that and I kept complaining to him. He barely filled his gas tank up and always rode on E. Which I hated. But he has came around and did a 180 in the last year so now I don't do it. I shouldn't have to lift a finger when dh and ds are around. Ds does the pumping when we are out as well.

Dh did say numerous times in the past that I emasculate him. Now that I am typing this, I believe I did in many ways. I don't think I gave him the chance to do certain things besides clean in the past because I already did them.:oops:
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I don't even get out the car and he wouldn't let me do it even if we're in my car. I don't think I've pumped gas in the presence of a man since I was like 12 when my mom deemed my younger brothers old enough to do it for the family car.

If I'm alone or with an older woman family member, I'll pump.
I thought I was the only one that makes her man drive even if we're in my car :lol: I do not think it looks right for men to be driven around by women.

But yeah, no. I've never pumped my own gas around any man except my dad recently Bc he's done enough for me to be lazy if he wants :lol:
Mine doesn't have a license but he already knows that as soon as he gets it, I'm not driving anywhere.
My family teases me about being a spoiled princess because I never drive. I will make my friends/family drive even if we take my car. :look:

I wish I could pull that off, but I drive a luxury car and most of my ppl are scared to even try :lol: I don't hate driving, tho.

If anyone tells bae they saw me with another dude in the car, he just needs to ask if I was driving or not :look: That'll tell him everything.
I've only pumped gas once in my life and that was to learn in case of emergency, lol. My dad was pretty cool about filling up my high school and undergrad car as long as I paid the insurance every year.
Sooo I was on a business trip a couple weeks ago in San Carlos/Palo Alto Bay area, CA. My company rented me a car, so I had to get gas. I went to a gas station, swiped my card, activated the pump, put the lever in and squeezed the handle. And nothing happened! I kept trying to pump the gas, but it wouldn't come! So I cancelled the transaction and tried everything again, it still wouldn't pump!

So then I go to another gas station. And the same thing happens!! And I'm like what is going on?! So I go inside and ask for help. I've been pumping my own gas for over 10yrs, I know how to pump gas! :lol: The guy comes out to help me and get this: he pushes the pump in to the tank more and it starts working! Like it wasn't fully inside of my tank. What the hell kinda gas pumps yall got in the Bay area!? Ridiculous! :lol:

I have decided that I don't like pumping gas in other states. It's always extra s***! Like the time I got damn near accosted trying to pump my own gas in New Jersey! lol
NEVER. He even takes my car when I am home and fills it up. One time he was out of town and I realized we'd had our car for 3 years and I didn't even know how to open the gas cap or what side of the car tank was on. My car is always full of gas, washed, detailed and all fluids level and clean.