what will u do when...?


New Member
You reach your hair goal? whether that be natural or relaxed. what next?
for those who have reached your hair goals; what did you do?
Obviously you will keep your hair in tip-top condition etc but what then?


ill continue growing it to wherever it wants to grow to. and ill continue to maintain the health of my hair. either by trimming or whatever
Probably move on to a longer hair goal...lol. Seriously, not much will change for me. I think I will probably wear my hair down more often b/c it will be easier to maintain a length than it is to attain it (I hope).
um...i'll be content, i guess....i'll prolly stop taking as many pictures and buying as many products...things will just slow down :D
Once I obtain my 1st goal (shoulder length dry), then it's off to my next goal (arm pit dry).

Hmmm, I'll prolly wear it out more, & keep it trimmed at this length. I may even throw highlights in it (again)... I'll be HAIR HAPPY!!
I'll stop getting sew-ins. Then i'll probably try and grow my hair to its longest possible length. My goal is waist, so that might be my maximum possible length anyway.
Since my hair is a very personal part of me just like when I get those few lbs off or my skin nice again I will just enjoy having it at its maximum and it will fall in with the rest of my life. Just like getting a job or getting married, having a baby etc. It will be part of my fullfiment in life and a important aspect of who I am and become.
I will FLIP it and SWING it all up in pplz faces!

nah i'm kidding... hmmm i'll keep it moisturized, but I won't obssess about it cuz like someone said it'll probably be easier to maintain the length than to achieve it, ya know? and I'll wear it down more often... haven't done that in MONTHS!
my Japanese boyfriend can't run his fingers through my hair when it's always in a darn bun... with the naps underneath, lol
It's hard to say really, my goal is BSL while curly, so lets multiply by 2 for shrinkage... and I think my hair grows about 5" a year... so... about 7-8 years! Who knows what I'll be thinking then...

Woah, 7-8 years til hair goal is kind of depressing...
What will I do after I reach my hair goal??? Nothing special, just continue to take care of it and maybe wear it down more often than I'm doing now. I do know that I don't want butt length hair, that is just too much work and too much hair to be dealing with for me personally. Mid back (5 inches past bra strap) is fine enough for me to be able to do different styles and whatnot.

Last relaxer touch-up: July 5th, 2005
Next relaxer touch-up: Sept. 5th, 2005
Current hair length: 2 inches past bra strap length (blown out straight)
Challenges: MTG challenge beginning on July 7th, 2005
Ultimate hair goal: 5-6 inches past bra strap by Dec. 2005
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Well I just did the BC so I have plenty of goals to keep me going for a while. My first is to be able to put my hair in a ponytail and from their shoulder length. I know I have a couple months and years even before getting to that point so I don't know what i'll do when I get to that point.
Once I reach my ultimate goal of 3 inches past bra strap, I will completely stop obsessing over my hair. I will continue with my healthy hair care regimen, but I will stop trying new products "because it might make my hair grow faster" and so forth.
I am going to wear a bun on the side like the pic in Lurraine's album. Thats something I always wanted to do but was never able to. I'll probably press my hair a little more often. if my hair does not grow at least 2 inches my next summer I going to assume I have reached my maximum length.
Not much will change for me. I'll probably just start wearing my hair down more, just show it off a little more. The bun is seriously b-o-r-i-n-g.

I should be at waist length in less than a year. *fingers crossed*
chocolate01 said:
Well I just did the BC so I have plenty of goals to keep me going for a while. My first is to be able to put my hair in a ponytail and from their shoulder length. I know I have a couple months and years even before getting to that point so I don't know what i'll do when I get to that point.
I cant wait to put my ahir in a ponytail too :perplexed if i remember correctly from when i did a previous BC, it didnt take long at all......
Im not actually sure what i will but i think wear it out more (i wear it in a bun 99.9% of the time).
what about ladies who are relaxed? would you consider going natural? and vice versa? Im staying natural...just very long term thinking....say in 20 years time or when im older..much older i cant be bothered with the hassle of having my hair relaxed at 68 years of age...ya know? lol

When I get to my 1st goal of healthy bra-strap length, I'll go for my main goal which is mid back... then who knows. But the biggest thing for me is having healthy hair not just length. I'll have to learn how to wrap more hair so this should be fun :)
I think my new goal would be to have all my hair one legenth. I will just enjoy trimming until the shortest layer reaches mid back. Then, I will promote this site like there is no tomorrow when people ask about my hair and share as much knowledge as possible with others.
My first goal is to keep my hair healthy as I transition to natural. As such, that probably means that I'll have my hair shorter than I've ever worn my hair in memory (the shortest has been at my neck). That will be a big mental transition for me.

Then I'll focus on growth, so then I'll move to the infamous LHCF "growth" challenges. :D