What were your hair issues when you first joined LHCF....

The middle picture was what just about every strand on my head looked like. The ends felt and looked like the end of a broom. My cousin joked about using the hair I trimmed off as a brillo pad. :(

They'll be nothing but a memory soon. :yep:

I hope so. I have been doing more trims to get rid of some of them but I don't know. I need to formulate a plan of action....Maybe I should change the way I relax....Maybe this is a sign I need to go ahead and transistion and just stop playing :lol:
The middle picture was what just about every strand on my head looked like. The ends felt and looked like the end of a broom. My cousin joked about using the hair I trimmed off as a brillo pad. :(

They'll be nothing but a memory soon. :yep:

You are on the right track :up:
Well, I just joined and my problem is short hair. I'm having a really hard time trying to figure out how to style it without direct heat and how to stretch.
I hope so. I have been doing more trims to get rid of some of them but I don't know. I need to formulate a plan of action....Maybe I should change the way I relax....Maybe this is a sign I need to go ahead and transistion and just stop playing :lol:

The books always say it's caused my overprocessing, heat, and handling but I had the most when my hair was natural. I transitioned to natural thinking it was the relaxer. I also didn't use direct heat that often (but when I did it was super hot). I think my hair was too dry and I was handling it much too roughly and much too often.
The books always say it's caused my overprocessing, heat, and handling but I had the most when my hair was natural. I transitioned to natural thinking it was the relaxer. I also didn't use direct heat that often (but when I did it was super hot). I think my hair was too dry and I was handling it much too roughly and much too often.

Thanks. I think relaxer run off is to blame. Oh well, need to cut an inch or two off anyway.
To be honest....(don't kill me lol) I REALLY DON'T KNOW!!! My hair has always been long, shiny, and healthy looking, BUT...I ALWAYS have split ends and my hair is STUCK at BSL (been the same length for YEARS)....can someone tell me what my hair issue is?? lol :rolleyes:

SistaSlick where ya @?? lol
Issue: dry, brittle hair
  1. Possibly the result of a glossing, (which was supposed to be a temporary rinse, but I think it had hydrogen peroxide), or
  2. my solution to strengthen it.... I think I OD'd on the protein, or
  3. Minimal moisturizing, no oils.
  1. Finding the long hair care sites for tips
  2. learning about jojoba & rosemary...started my love for oils & herbs for the hair.
  3. Moisturizing & sealing
Result: Soft, strong, healthy hair
My issues were dry and dull hair so far I have learned a lot especially concerning the protein/moisture balance. I have picked up a lot of simple basics and can proudly say that tonight I had a successful wash, protein, co-wash, oil rinse,d/c, and leave-in regimen that I may adopt for future washes because my results were phenomenal. Soft, moist and shiny hair........yipeeee thanks a lot LHCF sisters:grin::grin::grin:
Well, I just joined a few days ago, so the issues I'm currently having are:

My hair breaking in the shower. I swear, clumps were coming out every time I shampooed; which I now know was WAY too frequently. I wasn't conditioning nearly as much as I should be, and I'm still figuring out what my staple products are.
I've been CO washing for the past week, and that's just...too long. So I need to figure out how many days I can go in between a shampoo. It's comforting to know that other people still are tweaking with that whole deal!

Also, I don't color or relax my hair, and I think my hair type is 3b...so, it's all a learning experience for sure!
Well, I just joined a few days ago, so the issues I'm currently having are:

My hair breaking in the shower. I swear, clumps were coming out every time I shampooed; which I now know was WAY too frequently. I wasn't conditioning nearly as much as I should be, and I'm still figuring out what my staple products are.
I've been CO washing for the past week, and that's just...too long. So I need to figure out how many days I can go in between a shampoo. It's comforting to know that other people still are tweaking with that whole deal!

Also, I don't color or relax my hair, and I think my hair type is 3b...so, it's all a learning experience for sure!

This happens to me too sometimes and I don't know why! And I condition/cowash often...so I don't know what's up...:perplexed
I started my hair journey before I found LHCF but I really didn't know what I was doing besides using Kathy Howse's products, transitioning to natural (my hairline was thinning) and using no heat.

Once I found LHCF I began to understand why my hair was dry, weak and would shed and break. Learning about protein/moisture balance has helped my hair tremendously. Learning about reading product labels and understanding the needs of my hair has also helped. Protective styling and low manipulation has also been a winner.
My problem was: After wearing falls and not taking care of my own hair, my hair started gettting really thin. This is odd because my density is naturally thick.

Before that while going to the hair dresser, my hair was a "V" APL (guess it just grows that way) and still I would have little pieces of hair on my back. Not a lot, about 10-15 but it wasn't normal shedding, more like breaking off. Oh, and I thought pink oil was a moisturizer. I used it faithfully and my hair still was breaking off.
I actually stumbled across this site while I was looking for a good moisturizer. I was having a problem with dry hair and I came across Robin's site first. Then after further investigating, I came across a couple of other hair sites. Then finally here. :grin:
I was trying a little bit of everything, committing to nothing and always trying to dye it all kinds of weird colors. My hair always hovered at shoulder length, with it gradually shortening to the front.

Now I am a texlaxer...
I've killed color. I've usd henna for conditioning, but that was one time.
For the first time in years I know what my real hair color is (reddish brown)... and my hair is thicker than a Snicker.
Before my friend turned me on to this forum,, my hair was stuck at above shoulder length, dry, breaking, brittle and I was dependant on stylists for maintaining my damaged hair.. and now the rest is history!
I was natural and decided to get a relaxer about 2 years ago. The stylist kept giving me corrective relaxer because my hair held onto my curl pattern and they said that my hair needed to be bone straight in order to do rollersets.
My hair was still ok but then I ended up getting bleached dye jobs and it was all to much for my once strong healthy hair. The thing is my stylists never said anything like ur hair is becoming weak but I new something was wrong. So I decided to find a solution to correct my hair before I ended bald:blush: and that When I found LHCF:grin:
I was stuck at SL with thinning, dry, dull, breaking, lifeless hair. I stayed dyeing my hair every color on the shelves. I also had a dry, itchy, clogged scalp (from glue in weaves) and BIG flakes of dandruff. Just a HAM :ohwell:
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Before the forum i was using Cathy Howse's product line but I still didn't have a clue about taking care of my hair. My hair was dry, I had see through ends, very uneven lengths all over and it had no body or movement. I didn't even know it was possible for black people to even grow long hair unless you were mixed a.k.a light-skinned. It was just the way i was raised. I'm so glad I found LHCF because without you guys I don't know where my hair would be right now. My hair is now thicker, less breakage, and it's just made a complete 360. I'm almost full APL now and I couldn't be happier. But to tell the truth my real fantasy is to be MIDBACK length by the end of 08'. Oh my god if that happened I wouldn't know what to do with it.
My hair was a dry ,overprocessed mess stuck a sl with the dreaded upside down v in the back.I washed about once a month if that (yuck:blush:) never dc'd didnt use the right products or techniques i never trimmed and pulled every relaxer to the ends. I took about a year to turn my hair around now it is bsl with heathy blunt ends. Thanx girls!