What was your routine as a child and how was your hair?


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I don't remember much about my hair when I was a child but that's probably because I wasn't concerned with it. All I remember was that my hair was extremely thick and very long...waist length when stretched/wet. It was very curly. My mom would shampoo it every single night before bed. Most of the time she would just shampoo with the Aussie Moist Shampoo, condition with the Aussie Moist Conditioner, and then spray the Aussie Hair Insurance Leave-In. Then she would put it in a ponytail. I remember it being very painful when she would brush through it. It was like she was raking through it. My mom is white with straight hair so I guess she wasn't very accustomed to dealing with my type of hair (3b/c)


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My routine was to let my mom take me to the local beauty school for a curl (4th-6th grade) or relaxer.

How was my hair? JACKED UP! :mad:

I didn't even realize that my hair was curly until I did the BC four months ago. She could have saved her $10 and just bought me some activator.

Four girls and my mom never learned how to comb hair :confused:
My hair was always braided up in a bun. My mom faithfully used DRC, indian hemp grease and revlon flex extra body shampoos and conditioners. I saw a thread that stated that apples juice helps with hair health and I think thats true because when I was younger all I ever drank was apple juice and sometimes my mom would make carrot juice ...my hair was natual and almost waist lenght and so dense and thick back then. It was so bad I hated when it was time to wash and braid my hair cause it was so difficult get through all that hair. Everyone use to ask my mom if that was all my hair. All was good until the horrible day I relaxed my hair and my hair broke off...Im always bra strap now...my hair is no where as thick as it was when I was younger but Im working on it....hopefully it will get back to how it use to be ::sniff:: -Melissa note to self. I will never relax my future daughters hair. Its not worth the pain.
My hair was long and thick, like little Rudy from the Cosby show. No one knew what to do with it. I believe my hair was washed once every two weeks...not sure, but I started going to the salon to get my hair washed and pressed, with my mom, when I was about six. I didn't care much about my hair back then, and I got my first relaxer when I was ten....and it's been shorter ever since :ohwell:
My hair was pretty long...no OH MY GOD long... but long.I think that my hair didnt get to its full potential becasue my mother left my ponytails in for a week at a time..and when it was time for wash day she would use a BRUSH on my wet hair :( Im pretty sure that caused my hair not to grow past a certain point.
i had a long curl untill 8th grade graduation and then she blow dried it out so i have two 8th grade pictures one with a curl and one with a big mushroom
My hair basically stayed braided in big twists. My mother probably washed my every 1-2 weeks. She would always hot oil it with sulphur 8/glovers mange. I would hang past my shoulders when it wasn't straight. Then when I got older she'd press it. I think that when the trouble started all that heat and grease. Then I got tired of the pressing comb and wanted a relaxer. I think I've transtioned from a relaxer to natural at least 3 times in my whole life. :lol:

The is of me after a barber "trimmed" my ends...:mad:


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I have a couple of photos of my hair as a child (one is natural, one is quasi pressed, now that I think about it) in my online album. My family says my hair was thick, curly (but I think it was actually coily) and easily tangled.

I remember green ultra sheen grease. black rubber comb. gumball looking hair twists. I don't recall getting my hair washed, but I remember the combout-sitting on the floor between my mom or granny's legs on a pillow. The parting and grease and braiding, and the occasional "pop" with the black comb against my head cause I would squirm (tender headed). I also remember cringing from the hot comb when my great aunt (professional stylist) would do my hair. Hated that experience, so I can't imagine going for the press too often after I transition.
Cheleigh said:
I have a couple of photos of my hair as a child (one is natural, one is quasi pressed, now that I think about it) in my online album. My family says my hair was thick, curly (but I think it was actually coily) and easily tangled.

I remember green ultra sheen grease. black rubber comb. gumball looking hair twists. I don't recall getting my hair washed, but I remember the combout-sitting on the floor between my mom or granny's legs on a pillow. The parting and grease and braiding, and the occasional "pop" with the black comb against my head cause I would squirm (tender headed). I also remember cringing from the hot comb when my great aunt (professional stylist) would do my hair. Hated that experience, so I can't imagine going for the press too often after I transition.

Oh yeah! How could I forget about the green grease!:lol:
My mother used Ultra Sheen, Blue Magic Begamot and my favorite was Dax. Just slap on some Dax with a bit of water and I was good to go.

BTW-Anybody remember a product called "Herbex"? It was a comb out spray sort of like Stasofro (sp?).:confused:
my mother never used grease or anything like that. it was just aussie moist shampoo, aussie moist conditioner, spray in some aussie hair insurance, and brush into a ponytail.


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My hair was in braids & twists most of the time, my mother would wash my hair once a week deep condition with Queen Helene Cholesterol every 2 weeks. After washing she would use Ultra Sheen hair grease and make around 4-8 braids, occasionally she would press it out and make shirley temple curls, it was simple and effective. Even after I got my first relaxer my hair was still healthy, the length of my hair was mid back then. :)
Wash condition at least every week sometimes more often, oiled and braided, tied up in scarf or cap @ night before bed. No heat except for the very rare occasion, otherwise it was a natural curly do for outings. My hair got to BSL natural but I believe it could have gotten much longer if I hadn't taken over and jacked it up.
Washed weekly and greased. Combed out two pig tails or one ponytail. My mother didn't know how to braid so that was it. I would get any one who knew how to braid to do my hair in cornrows.

Grease Blue Dax
Shampoo any thing that was in the bathroom
Water to slick it back
no rubber bands (horror story of some girl sleeping in rubber bands through the night and waking up to there hair laying next to them)
Bubble gum ponytail holders(Bo Bo's)
Press only on special occasions (birthday, christmas, picture day at school)

And my hair was brastrap. :perplexed
I think my 1st relaxer I was like 10, and I was excited too :( I was in my uncle's wedding. My hair as a kid was washed maybe once every 2 weeks, and braided in cornrows, or sometimes put in a pony tail with ribbons. It was nice and thick and was close to bra strap. Shoot my hair was at least a lil past shoulder length till my college days of hair experimenting :(
Well, my mother was rather old fashioned and believed in a lot of myths. So she:

Washed my hair once a month... with Prell Shampoo because it got the hair squeaky clean and that was a must.

Oiled it nightly with Dax hair grease

Mixed Glover's Mane w/Petroleum jelly and used this on my scalp weekly

Styled it in either three ponytails, one on each side and one in the back. Or one ponytail on the side. Sometimes she would cornrow it.

She pressed it about once a month.

My hair was thick, but it never grew past chin length.

I remember my hair being kind of hard, dry, and rough to comb. She said I had... bad hair. I guess so the way she was taking care of it. :ohwell:

Things got better when I turned 14 and my aunt sent me to the beauty salon for a weekly shampoo and conditioner. Then my hair grew a lot! I started using better products. It was always soft too. :D
my hair would either be in pony tails or braids..i hated those pony tails because my mom would put like 10 of those bad boys in my hair..and i would have different color bows...my mom would just wash it and comb thru and grease my scalp with some bergamont or royal crown and put back in pony tails or braids...and then when i got a little older in 4th or 5th grade on some special occasions my mom or my nanny(grandma) would take a hot comb to it....my hair was like Keisha Knight Pulliam(Rudy Huxtable) but i think mine was not as long as hers...it was thick because there were no chemicals in it...i remember one time i got so tired of those stupid pony tails i took them a loose and tried to put them back and my mom got mad at me for doing it because it would take her time to do them over...so she let me walked around jacked up with those crazy looking pony tails lol...i wish i could have that hair back...and then in 6th grade i demanded that i wanted a curl and that when all my hair went because the lady supposedly over proccessed it and then they told us that i had to cut it all off.. :(
Mine was always around shoulder length. I got my first relaxer at age 7.

I would wash it once a month and grease it a few times per week. It was usually in braids or ponytail braids. I don't recall the product names.

Well now that I know what my hair wants, I can see why it was never long. My current regime is so different.