Your theories as to why your hair was longer and thicker as a child.

No relaxers
No heat
No rubber bands
Cornrows re-done every two weeks with a shampoo, conditioner towel dry, and greased up scalp, hot oil treatments in the winter
Grease in scalp every other day
silk scarf at night.
No brushing

I'm about to start a "Back in the Day When I Was Young" Challenge, and do the things to my hair that my mother did back in the day..just modified.
No relaxer - This was the beginning of the end of my healthy hair
No Heat except on special occasions (picture day at school!!!):)
Low manipulation
My mom was very into nutrition. We ate balanced meals...vitamins etc. As an adult I slacked off (just now correcting this) and my hair has shown improvement. I'm hoping that after 10-15 years of healthy habits I'll have the same hair again...
According to my Mother, the quality of my hair seems to be better, but I think that's because they always combed my curls out and put a lot of grease on my hair. As far as the length goes, I'll just have to wait and see since I'm still growing my hair out, but my theory on length is that 24 inches on a 5 year old will look way longer than 24 inches on an adult, so that could be a reason why some folx don't seem to think they have as much length as they did as a child.
I think it was not having chemicals in my hair. My mom started lightly pressing my hair around 8 yrs. old then sent me to the beauty shoppe to get it washed, conditioned and pressed every 2 weeks. So although I got heat twice a month, I didn't get a relaxer until I went off to college (and ruined my hair!) :lol:
Now I'm transitioning so I can get back to my roots so to speak :)
GoGoChik said:
1. Diet- I only ate what my mom cooked at home and she made wholesome meals everyday. I had McDonald's once a year.

2. Greasy, Greasy Hair- mom put coconut grease, bergamont grease, and pink oil moisturizer on my hair everyday. Yes, I had a grease stains everywhere I sat. :lol:

3. Braids, Braids, Braids- even on Easter/Christmas my hair was braided up, I just had prettier hair accessories.

4. Mild Relaxers- I used kiddie relaxers until I turned 17. Now I just use mild relaxers.
i never had long hair as a child. it wa salways ear length but it was really thick. i always come compliments on how thick my hair was even when i got a relaxer. one stylist complained my hair was so thick but so short:ohwell: i think the thickness was either due to eating better, cuz I dont eat the crap I eat now and/or castor oil. my grandmother used to uses tons of that stuff in my hair. im going back to eating better and ill see how it goes.