What was your OLD regimen?


New Member
I know some of you don't even want to remember.:lachen: But before you joined LHCF (or any hair board) and before you started on your new hair journey, what was your old regimen?


here's mine:(

1) Wash every 2 weeks OR whenever I couldn't stand the stink smell and dirtiness of my hair anymore.:look:
-I used whatever shampoo and conditioner was around. And oh yeah, I use to use Clarifying shampoo nearly ALL the
time. I had no idea it was stripping the hell out of my hair.
-I never deep conditioned
-I trimmed maybe once a year. AND GUESS WHAT!? I used regular ole scissors [whatever was around]. HORRIBLE.:eek:

2) Relax/perm the ENTIRE length of my hair, every single time!. OMG! Root to tips!!!!!!! Every six weeks. :(

3) I used a regular ole flat iron &curling iron.
-Sometimes 3 to 4 times a week.

4) Glued in weave.
-There's nothing wrong with wearing a weave, but it is important to wear it correctly. I wasn't. I use to glue tracks to my
scalp FOR YEARS! And I do believe that is what caused my hair to thin out.

5) Moisturizing
-I only moisturized when I blowdried my hair or when I flatironned.:perplexed I used Doo-Gro on my scalp.

6) Protein treatments
-Huh? It was non-existent!

Oh goodness, let's see.... Perm and glue in weave every 4 weeks (even when I didn't have new growth!) I used pink lotion and a curling/flat iron damm near every day. That was my regimen since I was about 13, and I always wondered why my hair didn't grow! I'm surprised I still have hair on my head! Oh, forgot to add that whenever I saw a hair color I liked, I bought it. I used to perm, color, blowdry, curl in ONE day! I think I've used every color made by every company!
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ohh where do I start?

-only washed when I felt like it.. around once a month.. before I went to a stylist that washed me every two weeks.(now I wash all the time)

-guilty of the hair glue on the scalp for my weave..which always pulled out my own hair.

-too much heat every day...no wonder my hair was a brittle dry mess!!

-I didn't even care about my hair's health for a long while...

-I also had relaxer mishaps with overlapping!!

luckily I came across hair tips on a few websites when I did decide to search for healthy black hair and I have been forever changed...my eyes have been opened!
- I washed my hair when it smelled really bad and I had too much dandruff to ignore.:cool:

- Never moisturized, I only greased my scalp:ohwell:

- Flat iron hair with no product (not even heat protectant) so it would swing.:perplexed

- Let my friend use her marcel irons on me and would wonder why my hair always smelled burnt:eek:

- Let my hair stylist put a relaxer on my sensitive scalp that would burn me until I cried so I could get my hair straight:mad: :mad: :mad:

The list goes on... This is sad:(
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Too bad...

My old regimen was horrible (my hair was above the neck, and in a terrible condition >_< )

  • I moisturized my hair once or twice a week (only the scalp.... my ends were not very important :))
  • Gel was my everyday friend
  • Tight ponytail
  • I washed my hair every 3 weeks, with whatever product (no difference between conditionner, shampoo, clarifyer, since it was wrote in english. My level in english has increased by the help of LHCF !)
  • When I wore braids, I never washed it, or maybe because of the smell :rolleyes:
  • I combed & brushed my hair all the time
  • Never drink water
  • I relaxed every 6 weeks :perplexed
  • I used to sleep in a silk scarf :cool: but it wasn't helping... my hair was so traumatized
Oh mon dieu.... I'm ashamed :(
Wash every 2 or 3 weeks with CON


Blow Dry on high

Flat Iron

Grease my scalp 1 time a week (I have dry scalp)
wash weekly

conditioning meant 5 minutes tops

blow dry after every wash with a COMB attachment

only leave in was infusium

proceed to curl, gel, spritz, oil sheen my hair into some crazy style

oh yeah, don't forget every color known to man (some that are not found in nature)
and Permanent, double processed hightlights over 70% of my head.
I washed every 1-2 weeks and air dried. I got my hair relaxed at the salon every 12 weeks. Bought a new half wig on relaxer day and wore it until the next relaxer. Threw it out and started the process over. I used Glaze to slick my edges down between relaxers. Sometimes I got a weave if I had the money. I still washed every 1-2 weeks and airdried. I was too lazy to blow dry. That's about it. I never deep conditioned though. Or wanted a trim. I usually just got one when I got a relaxer if it was included.
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Man oh man, the horror! I cringe when thinking about how I used to treat my tresses.

1. Wash with CON (or whatever other shampoo was around) once a week
2. Use Pink Oil Moisturizer as a leave-in & daily moisturizer
3. Blow-dried soaking wet hair with a comb attatched
4. Relaxed every 6 weeks from root to tip
5. Curled my hair darn near everyday with curling irons
6. Rarely got trims, but I got them when I wanted my hair to grow :confused:

Through out all of this, I was surprised that I was able to keep my hair on my head in high school. It started breaking off badly my freshman year of college when I started putting all that permanent color in my hair.

It wasn't until I found LHCF and Black Hair Media that I learned how to properly take care of my hair. I'm so glad I did. This was the best $5 that I've ever spent on haircare.
Um, my regimen was a combination of Motions products. I washed weekly because that is what my mother always insisted on, and relaxed every 6 weeks because that is what I thought everyone did. My hair was overprocessed, dry, and I used too much heat too often. It would grow very quickly to shoulder length, but would never ever go any further, and I would cut it back to neck in frustration when the ends got hectic.
Wash once a month with whatever shampoo I had around.

Conditioned with Garnier deep conditioner for exactly 3 minutes

Blow dryed soaking wet hair with a comb attachment (I did use a heat protectant though)

Greased my scalp with ORS Carrot Oil everyday

Relaxed from root to tip every 5 weeks (some time every 3 weeks) :eek:
I would wash and condition with what ever was laying around. I would blowdry on high heat with the comb attachment. Grease my scalp and curled everyday with my conair gold iron.
:ohwell: OMG I'm almost too embarrased to write this :ohwell:

1.no head scarf

2. What's moisturizer?i'm not putting anything with water on my hair, it'll turn my perm:lol: ?!?!? Protein,wha?

3. Shampoo every 2-3 weeks..........notice I didn't write "condition"

4. Blowdry soaking wet hair on high heat with comb attachment, I didn't even know there was such a thing as a heat protectant.

5. heavily grease my scalp and hair.
comb thru with a narrow tooth comb from root to tip

6. EVERYDAY: Gel and spritz my hair and then curl it on high heat with my curling iron. I'd hold the iron on my hair for atleast 10 seconds ya know so my curls would hold right!

Now that I think about it.,, How in the heck did I have hair????:lol:
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  1. Washed my hair when it was stinky (about every 2-3 weeks).
  2. Hot oil treatment with HOT melted grease
  3. Washed with whatever cheap shampoo mom purchased; washed hair the wrong way so it always ended up matted when I was done.
  4. No deep conditioner; just used any ol cheap conditioner mom purchased, left on for one minute and rinsed. No leave-in was used. Grease was applied and my hair was either rollerset or airdried into my signature "troll" look :(

ETA: I never trimmed. A stylist wacked off all my hair once a year.
Moisturizing? What is moisturizing? What is protein?
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Before LHCF:
To make a long story short before discovering LHCF, I was destroying my hair and was very ignorant of it. Think of a good hair care regimen, where the words "I do" are, I never used to do it. And where they say "I never" or "I don't," I always did.:lol: In fact I didn't really have a hair care regimen before LHCF. I had a hair massacre regimen or a hair careless regimen!:lol:
1) I just used to wash my hair -no prepoo..never heard of it, rarely did deep conditioning.
2) I never really used leave-ins except for using hair grease a few times during the week. I didn't know anything about sealing moisture in with oils/grease.
3) I kept my hair in thin freestyle braids (like Moesha) or thicker braids .(like Janet in poetic Justice) when younger. Didn't use braid spray. I've worn sew-ins and phony ponies for weeks/months but didn't take care of my real hair underneath them. I definitely did not wash & condition my hair in these styles when I used to wear them because I didn't want them to stop looking fresh so soon.
4) I tried trimming my hair at one point to make it grow--didn't work.
5) I used to comb my hair from top to bottom, and comb it plain dry at that--didn't dip a brush in water first or add a moisturizer, nothing.
6) I used to use fine tooth combs and I brushed all the time. At one point, I tried to brush a 100 strokes each night. That did not stimulate growth for me as you can probably guess.:look:
7) I relaxed every month to a month & 1/2. I left the perm on for full 20-30 minutes+extra minutes:eek:
There's a few more things {u dont want me to go into how I used to spritz and crisp my hair with flat/curling iron...}, but I am going to stop here.
:nono: I know...shameful.:lol:
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Oh man...I'm glad I'm not alone :perplexed

1. Would wash hair once a week, or sometimes longer when it got stinky.

2. Would do this wash faithfully in the kitchen sink with my head flipped over, conditioner was putting in the daily con for 3 minutes.

3. Detangle from root to tip with no leave in at all.

4. Blow dry soaking wet hair with comb attachment, then flat iron with my gold n hot (until that broke, then bought a ceramic).

5. Apply a drop of moisture so my hair would keep its swing all week.

6. Wear hear down all week long, when my ends started looking fuzzy and dry, I'd just do my wrap extra tight that night to smooth them down.
I washed about once every two weeks....with any ole shampoo--then I got 'high classed' and started using that Pantene for relaxed hair.

I conditioned with the Pantene for black folks for the 1-2 minutes that's suggested on the bottle..

Never moisturized.... Occasionally deep condition with Lekair Cholesterol

Never used a leave-in conditioner.

Greased my scalp with any grease.

Wrapped hair occasionally with motions wrap/setting lotion...

Slept on regular pillowcases---used a regular bandana to hold my wrap. (yawl know those 'gang' looking bandanas)

Used my curling about 4 or 5 days a week, to 'bump' my hair...

Never took vitamins.

Used Let's Jam gel on my edges nearly everyday..:ohwell:

Let my stylist (whenever I went to her--which was about once a month)...relax my hair to the ends, and leave on my head for about 20 minutes...until my scalp was flaming hot...

Used my brush DAILY!!

Wore my hair down almost daily--if not clipped with any ole barrett---mostly with the metal clip.

that's about all I can think of now..... :ohwell:
My old regimen was...

get a sew in, keep it in for 8-12 weeks. Take it out, redo it all over again. Probably get a relaxer at the redo. Shampoo and grease.
Well, let's see. What did I do to achieve that dry, overprocessed, straggly mess I called hair?

*Washed whenever
*Never even heard of a prepoo
*Sometimes just shampooed with a conditioning shampoo, no conditioner
*Leave In? What? :confused:
*Mositurized rarely
*Combed and brushed all the time
*Overlapped relaxers like it was in the instructions

One day at work, I looked in the mirror and my ends were so frizzy it looked like I had a pompom border around my neck. It was unbelievable. The friz was about 4-5 inches up the hair shaft. I realized I was embarassed and as soon as I got home, I did some searches and here I am. Thanks to all of you.
As much as I hate to think about it Im just glad I dont do it anymore but it was horrible and amazing I had any hair at all.
My old HORRIBLE regimen:
-Washed every 2-3 weeks
-Rarely deep conditioned, I thought the "instant" conditioning in the shower was enough
-Curled it almost daily
-Wrapped nightly with pink oil moisturizer (yes I still curled every morning)
-Avoided water like the plague!
-Brushed and combed it roughly
-Relaxed faithfully every 4-6 weeks (or whenever my edges got "rough")
Concidered that my hair was strong because I still had hair on my scalp so I cont'd for a long time with this regimen...

1. Blowdryed with comb attachement
2. Combed roughly
3. Used perxide to bleach my hair:lachen:
4. Never deep conditioned
5. Curled my hair every day
6. Sleeped with no satin scarf
7. Never cut my split end to retain my lenght :confused:
8. Used hair sprays, pink moisturiser and heavy greases almost every day
9. Let my hair down all week long

I started wanting to take care of my hair when I saw improvement after buying quality poo & cond (Salerm)... Never thaught my hair could be better!
Let's see:

Wash every two weeks (didn't want to wash out my perm)
Condition (no deep condition) sometimes just a conditioning shampoo
grease scalp and blow dry on highest heat (or sit under dryer at max heat)
Flat iron or curl on the highest heat with tons of hot six oil on the hair
wrap at night and wear a scarf
perm repair or 911 on hair as it felt dry between washes

Tight braids worn for 4-5 weeks without washing (I would pour witch hazel through my hair when it smelled :eek:

Perm the day after the braids come out
Permed every 3-4 weeks, root to tip

I never really trimmed--only get if cut if it looked damaged...or even cut it myself

No wonder it fell out :look:
Before LHCF...

My mom gave me a relaxer touch-up every 4-6 weeks...

Either my mom or I shampooed my hair 2-4 weeks...

After washing, either my mom or I would blowdry my hair, apply grease, blowdry again...

So the only products I used were relaxers, shampoo, and grease!

I used curling irons occassionally throughout the week...

At night, I just slept on my hair with no covering. Later on, I started wrapping my hair and covering it with a scarf...

My relaxed hair grew to armpit length back in high school, then it steadily started getting shorter and would only lay a few inches passed shoulder length...

In late 2003, I cut my hair to chin length hoping it would thicken up...

In Apr 2004, I found LHCF. I started trying different products but gradually went back to being a product minimalist. I grew my relaxed hair back to shoulder length. Months later in Oct 2004, I decided to transition to natural...

In May 2005, I did the big chop. Now I'm natural for life! I still have a simple hair care routine except I do a variety of hairstyles now!
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I washed my hair every 2 weeks or so with a shampoo/conditioner combo. I didn't deep condition at all. I would sit under the dryer to let it dry and then pull out the hand held dryer!:eek: I would then flatiron it. I probably flatironed about 3x/week. I usually just used oil to moisturize but the oil I used had protein in it. :ohwell:

I relaxed every 5 weeks and got a trim every other relaxer.

Can we say hot mess!:lachen:
- Washed every two weeks, sometimes if I didn't have shampoo I used dish washing liquid. Crazy, right? Sometimes I would just wash and go, no deep conditioning, and no leave in.
- I never knew what moisturizing was until I came on this board. I thought grease was a moisturizer so I always greased my scalp and then applied it to the length of my hair.
-Relaxed the entire length of the hair every 4 to 6 weeks. This was a stylist doing this, I didn't know better.
- Blowdry then flat ironed once a week with grease, the hair would sizzle like frying bacon.

It's a wonder I had any damn hair at all.
- I washed my hair weekly, which I still do to this day, but I would ball it up on the top of my head to wash it, which always tangled it.

- I would put the pantene hair moisturizer on it whenever I thought my hair needed to have something on it, so it was always dry.

- I never wore a scarf to bed, so my hair was not only dry, but broke off constantly.

- I would relax all of my hair (ends and roots). ACHHH! :eek:

- I used a curling iron or flat iron on my hair just about every single day.

- I used a blowdryer more often.

- I rarely trimmed my hair, so I'm sure the split ends were scary.

- I rarely deep conditioned my hair.

No wonder my hair was in such bad shape and I couldn't retain any length. My hair had stayed at shoulder-length for most of life. It wasn't until I came to LHCF that I finally learned how to take care of my hair. Now, I'm at APL and my hair is the healthiest it's ever been! :yay:
i relaxed every 4 weeks once even 2 weeks(that was in highschool luckily my hair didn't fall out)
washed once a month usually on relaxer day.

heat in the hair every day sprayed hair with spritzed then curled. my ponytail fan was the ish though.lol

black gel was my staple lol.
amazingly my hair stayed shoulder length but my ends were fried.

now i am natural and i am still tweaking m regimine.
my hair is so healthy now.
-Relaxed every 6-8 weeks because that's what my stylist recommended. Boy was she wrong.
-Washing once a week.
-No deep conditioning
-No Leave-Ins.
-Using grease, which I absolutely hated.

Whew! Thank God for LHCF :D
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Shampooed every 2 weeks or longer.

Combed wet hair from root to tips.

Greased the scalp.

Never covered hair before going to bed.

Wore a tight ponytail everyday.