What was your happiest hair moment?


Well-Known Member
I love hearing happy hair stories! Share your happiest hair moments!

My happiest hair moment of all time was the day I bc'd... It was soOo liberating! All my friends thought I had lost my mind because I did it myself out of the blue... but I felt so great & beautiful...

Also another happy time for my hair was a few days ago when I realized I had had a wonderful growth spurt & i'm 1 inch above BSL (I was APL for months)
My happy hair moment was last week when I did my roller set and my husband loved it ...He kept saying how beautiful it was. He kept staring at me. He kept saying how he loved the curls way more than the straight look I do. That made me feel really good ...Needless to say when got home b/c we engaged in some activities:blush:. I sweated my hair completely out. Oh well it was nice while it lasted.
My happiest hair moment happens to be an on-going one. I lurked on this site for a while before officially joining in Aug 06. I got serious in March 07 and started to track my progress. It's amazing to see how much my hair had changed for the better. March 08 -- my one year mark of tracking progress -- will be a testament to the greatness of the wealth of knowledge I've picked up here.
My happiest hair moment was Valentines Day 2004. I went to have my hair done and they sylist and I originally planned for an updo for the night, but she curles it so beautifully, that is looked so pretty down. I told her to leave it down and she showed me how to put it up if I changed my mind. It was so nice, even my grandfather was feeling through my hair for tracks. :lachen:. I haven't been able to duplicate it since.
My happiest hair moment is when I completed my 2 year transition (July 20, 2005-July 20, 2007) I didn’t think I had that much patience to do a long transition like that, but I surprised myself in the process! :lachen: Another happy hair moment was earlier this week, when I did a ponytail rollerset (no heat) on my hair for the first time since being fully natural, I was expecting my hair to come out semi straight as usual, but the results were even better my hair came out as if I actually flat ironed, I was pleasantly surprised, even my mother was she thought I had relaxed my hair! :lol: Ahhh the joys of being natural! :love3: :D :love3:
When my hair actually touched my bra strap this summer.

I could hear a choir singing the halellujah chorus!!!!!!! :lachen:

Okay maybe not a choir but I sure was.:yep::drunk:
Great thread! :up:

I have so many happy hair moments and they continue.:yep: My first happy hair moment when starting this journey, was learning how smooth and "straight" I could get my hair with rollersetting and without heat! I had not heard of such a thing before and for me it was dream come true. For a long time I was like this :superbanana: :woohoo2: :woot: :woohoo::dance7:
I have alot of happy moments but I just had one like 10 minutes ago.

I am at my parents house cooking to give my mom a break. My dad wanted hot wings so I was making those when I asked him if he thought I was offically shoulder length. He looked at me and said I think you are....Then he adds, you know you have Gorgeous hair either way. Its totally transformed.

Needless to say I am still smiling about that.
I had a few. The first was when I was 10 and my aunt dyed my hair and after she had rollerset it and took it down and I shook my vibrant plum colored hair down my back in glee. It made me feel so special and like I stood out.

The second was when I was going to this high school in NJ and we had to take this swimming test. My hair was straightened but I was natural and I jumped in the pool and my hair curled up in the most perfect way. People were staring.

Another was when I self-relaxed my own natural APL hair and it wound up being just past WL when I was finished.

Most recently, feeling my natural hair thump in the middle of my back while I'm rinsing conditioner out of it lets me know my efforts aren't in vain.

I want long hair. I want waist length hair. But yesterday I realized my hair is in such good condition, I'm enjoying it NOW. I'm getting the same amount of joy from it now that I would if it were waist length.

My scalp doesn't itch any more

My hair is shiny, manageable, smooth, silky, healthy looking

It retains its style for an entire week

I don't have to use a lot of heat or use the flat iron every day or even every other day.

it moves shakes , blows in the wind.....

I could go on and on but the point is, I've never been happier with my hair. Its finally perfect. Its exactly where I want it to be, it acts the way I want it to act and I don't have to jump through hoops to make it that way.

I can't say enough.

I am extremely happy with my hair the way it is now. I can't wait for waist length!!!!:)
RIGHT NOW!!! A few weeks ago, I was afraid I would have to cut about 5 inches off! It had been damaged after a relaxer, and I noticed at the beginning of December that it had started breaking severely on the right side and in the back; and my edges had been eaten away during the relaxing process! A real mess.

I've been doing almost everything suggested here on the forum, and just this week with 6 weeks NG, I did the coconut milk/lime, henna, and caramel treatments. Tonight, with 6 weeks NG, my hair looks like I've had a fresh relaxer, and it looks healthy! I can tell it's growing, and the damaged areas are not quite as noticeable. I'm extremely happy that I didn't BC up to my shoulders.....I'm going to be patient, persevere and "Let patience have her perfect work, that (my hair) may be perfect and entire....wanting (for) NOTHING (more)". :grin: