What was your hair type as a child VS. Now?

Looking back at some photos of me as a child before my mother attacked me with the dreaded relaxer, I've realized that my hair type has changed so much over the years. Our hair changes quite a bit throughout our lifetime, it's fascinating. It's also made me think about why some mothers relax their children's hair at a certain age. For example, it seems like up until I turned about 4 my hair type was 2c-3a-ish. Then all of a sudden it turned drier and more coarse and ended up as a thick 3c. Because of such a drastic change in texture, my mother probably felt like she had no choice but to relax me at the tender age of 6. About 5-6 years ago when I first went natural my hair looked like a mixture of 3c/4a/3b (but it was damaged to high hell). But now with my second transition it looks like it's gonna turn out 4a/3c :D . I wonder how much more it's going to change over the years and how it will impact what I choose to do with it. Then again, I'm one of the youngins' on here, maybe some of the older ladies here have had more experiences with this. So how much has your hair texture changed with age? (exclude any stories about hair texture change due to supplements...only age as a factor)
i have been told my baby hair was a looser curl instead of a coil. when my baby hair started falling out in PATCHES (freaked my mom out :lol: ) it was replaced by the texture i have now.

of course it's in much better shape now that i know how best to treat and take care of it... :grin:
I was and still am a 3c/4a... before and after relaxer. Though when I wasn't taking care of my relaxer.. my hair was brittle dry and hard. Now that I am taking care of my relaxed hair.. it is soft, medium fine textured and pleasant to touch:lol:

as a kid.. before my relaxer days.. it was always soft, thick and had tons of elasticity!.. so now when I stretch out my relaxer to 3 months.. I enjoy seeing my soft, wavy coils coming in and I can't keep my hands out of my new growth!
Mine has changed several times. I think I use to be more of a 3a/3b up until high school. Then it changed to a 3c. Now I think I'm mostly 4a with some 3c. The experts say hair texture changes 7 times in our life time so it's not unusual at all.
my mom (God Bless her turning 74 tomorrow and 100% natural after giving up the CFC - yea mom!!) has been watching me transition and she says my natural it's exactly the same as when i was a kid.

no change and still the same.
I think mine is still the same, although it seemed a little curlier when I was a kid. Then again I didn't see my hair out much so I can't remember.
Well, my mom has 3c iish hair, think of Jone from Girlfriends maybe a little loser. She didn't know how to take care of my hair which is inbetween 3c and 4a so she took me to the hair dresser. Only recently did we discover that I actually had curly hair, not just kinky. She was so suprised when I showed her my curls.

Everyone in my family was always saying, "Between your father and your mother, you shouldn't have hair like this." As if it was a bad thing. But looking at my mom you wouldn't think her hair is the texture it is cause she looks straight West African but isn't, feature wise. She dark brown. And my dad is bi-racial with wavy hair so I used to just relax my hair since I was like in 9th grade cause I didn't know my hair texture.

Point is: I always tell people that most African-Americans probably have curly hair but don't know it because of straightening it all the time. You have to actually take care of your natural hair and then you will see what texture it is.

Darn: Scratch that term A-A. I hate it. It is soooo undefinitive.
My hair is the same.
It was only different for a few years around 10-12 years of age when it was a type 1 for a while. Weird! :confused: I guess the hormones were to blame!
When I look at pictures of myself as a child my hair type appears to be pretty much what it is now. My individual strands were much finer when I was little though.
I was 3d/4a then. My coils were very loose and I had curly hair. After my first relaxer at 14:mad: I dont know what I had. Now I am 3c/4a. Until this lady texlaxed me when I asked for a texturizer.....can I never get it right? :whyme:
I'm not sure what my hair is now because I have 2 or 3 textures in my hair. Right now, the top of my hair is 4 something. The curl pattern is coily and kind of tight and the middle and back of my hair is super wavy and curly. It's like if you parted my hair in half, one section would be a semi bushy afro and the other section would be fine, wavy and soft...very weird. I don't know if it's always been this way. I remember going to my grandmothers house when I was 5 the day after my mother pressed my hair and my grandmother was angry beyound belief saying she ruined the texture of me and my sisters hair...so I guess it's been different since then. My sister still has the wavy hair though all over her head and doesn't need to relax...it's almost a must for me.
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Whats crazy is I had very straight hair (2 something)and my mom washed once a year (I know). She combed and brushed it out weekly with mineral oil and a stocking cap over the brush. Now, I have no idea I think it is a 3c with 4a spots but I am texlaxed so who knows.
My hair hasn't changed, it's still 4b with little 4a around my hairline.

The only time I experienced looser coils was when I was taking MSM.
FlowerHair said:
My hair is the same.
It was only different for a few years around 10-12 years of age when it was a type 1 for a while. Weird! :confused: I guess the hormones were to blame!

Bravenewgirl87 was the same way when she was young! But my hair was thick and kinky back then (4zzzz all the way!) and now that I can actually see my new growth (from stretching), I know I'm 4a. There's a wavy pattern instead of the z.
My hair type is exactly the same now; nappy, wavy, and some corkscrew curls in various areas throughout my hair. I have 3 different textures going on. I stretch my relaxers for very long periods of time now and my new growth looks the same as it did when I was completely natural as a child.
I believe mine has always been the same (in the 4 something catagory) but it seemed so much harder to manage back then because me and my mom did not know what we were doing. I was natural for two years and my hair was very easy to manage becuase I learned how to properly care for the texture