What type of hair catches your eye?



Black women's hair? Natural hair? Long hair? Unique hair? Big hair? Shiny Hair? Hair that turns you off?

I was wondering this today because I was discreetly checking out the 'do on a Black woman on the street. I didn't want her to catch me looking because, in my experience, that doesn't go over so well.

I noticed that in my case, I tend to notice BIG hair a lot. I suppose natural hair that reflects my own personal goal catches my eye. However, I also check out a good cut on women of any race. That would have to be runner up.

When it comes to relaxed hair, besides a good cut and big hair, I admire obvious health: thickness, sheen, etc. I don't mind ends that are naturally a bit thinner. It's a very natural look. However, I share the general distaste for damage being flaunted as length.

So what catches your eye? What sort of hair do you find yourself scoping out (neg or pos)?

Just curious...
Big natural hair when it's kind of wild and looks like she just ran her fingers through it and left the house. I saw this lady at Red Lobster with hair like that and lol she caught me staring. I was so embarrassed so I mouthed the words "I love your hair", fortunately she smiled and mouthed "thank you."
Thick, dark, supershiney and bouncy... *sigh* :p
Black women with that kind of longer wavy hair leave me starstruck and staring, wishing it were mine.

I usually don't notice white people's hair, unless it's done in some outlandish 'do. :lol:
what catches my eye . . . :scratchch

*Big hair on naturals
*Neatly done Dreds . . . just fascinated by them!
*Lengthy post-BSL length locks on relaxed heads
*Blunt cuts
*Any type of gorgeous color on both hair types
*Buns . . . makes me wonder if they are intentionally protective styling or just have run out of styling options.
* Hair that really moves
*And long thick, lush ponytails (or puffs :lol:)

I will also take notice if the hair is in terrible shape. Busted, worn out weaves-- damaged lifeless ends...non-existent edges. Black "roots" with blonde ends.
BIG, thick hair, textured hair. When I went to Curve, I was in complete awe at Titi's hair. I'd love to get my hair to her length and volume.
*Long dark healthy hair
*Pretty waves and curls
*Good weave jobs
*blonde or reddish highlights
*Cute short cuts
*Pretty buns
*dreadlocks with color
*Afros and Afro puffs
*Cute braids
*Sexy updos and buns
*even a good phoney pony
I'm basically obsessed hair.:grin:
What turns me off is unhealthy hair.
I guess now that I am natural I notice alot of other naturals, I am mostly looking at how they have there hair styled.

I tend to notice women with naturally curly/coily hair, I love it.

I also notice a nice head of natural relaxed hair, and women with nice weaves. I guess that it is just the beauticians daughter in me.
I love about 2 years or more worth of natural hair on African American women who know about style and versatility! I saw this young lady in Target and I stalked her. We were both going in the store at the same time but she was ahead of me...so here I am, super walking to discreetly catch up to her JUST so I could peek at her hair. What do ya know, we were both going to the hair aisle. I went on the same aisle she did and I pretended I was looking at some products when really I was looking at her head! The style she had aww man...it looked like a week old twist out in an high ponytail on her head. It was so wild and free and looked low maintenance. I wanted to make love to her hair right there!:lol: I knew she could feel I was looking at her.


I love bra-strap length, relaxed hair that shines and has bounce too.
shellzfoshizzle said:
I love about 2 years or more worth of natural hair on African American women who know about style and versatility! I saw this young lady in Target and I stalked her. We were both going in the store at the same time but she was ahead of me...so here I am, super walking to discreetly catch up to her JUST so I could peek at her hair. What do ya know, we were both going to the hair aisle. I went on the same aisle she did and I pretended I was looking at some products when really I was looking at her head! The style she had aww man...it looked like a week old twist out in an high ponytail on her head. It was so wild and free and looked low maintenance. I wanted to make love to her hair right there!:lol: I knew she could feel I was looking at her.


I love bra-strap length, relaxed hair that shines and has bounce too.

Sooooo, what did she pick up? *wink* *wink*
so1913 said:
Sooooo, what did she pick up? *wink* *wink*

Girl, I dont even really know. I was too busy looking at her hair I tell ya! It was on the aisle of the 'professional' products that Target sells. The Target here carries limited Nexxuss and Aveda products and some Beverly Hills wanna-be stuff?!?. I saw her pick up some product to enhance curl though.
Since I've been on this board, I notice ALL hair. I will be in line at the grocery store analyzing every head of hair in front of me. I will stand there and dream up a regimen for folks.

I will say that I get a little extra giddy if I see little girls with healthy looking natural hair. I'm like 'look at that uncorrupted little head!" :lachen:
Long natural hair (APL), extra long relaxed hair (BSL), twa and anything w/ bright red color. I love crazy flaming reds.
JCoily said:
I will say that I get a little extra giddy if I see little girls with healthy looking natural hair. I'm like 'look at that uncorrupted little head!" :lachen:

Lil uncorrupted head is right! Im trying to convince my sister to not relax my niece's hair. Even though she's 7 months, I just want her to be able to be educated about hair and make that decision on her own.
i love all kinds of hair..big natural hair, relaxed healthy hair..even white womens hair when it looks really good..curly nappy..nicely done weaves..nice braids..i love it all..
turn offs.. nasty old weaves..burnt out sides..brittle ends..bad bleach jobs..old dusty braids..
What catches my eye:

*Long healthy hair
*Cute Afro Puffs
*Natural Twists
*Natural Curly Hair
*Pretty Braids
*Pretty Buns & French Twists

Turn offs about hair: Hair thats jacked up period! :lol:
A black woman's hair which is healthy and beautiful at any length always catches my eye and admiration first, natural or relaxed.

Second would be long, healthy beautiful hair on a black woman, natural or relaxed.

I love to check out updos for ideas, especially updos with braids/plaits (not extensions).

Healthy, beautiful, thick hair on white and Asian women with various textures.

I also admire healthy-looking dreds.

The common denominator that attracts my attention is healthy hair. :yep:

I noticed a white woman scoping out my hair today at a store, from a distance then she got up right behind me, close. She smiled and kept examining my hair but didn't say anything. Her hair was worn in what looked like a braidout, but it was fried and very stiff, like over-processed with color. I was wearing a braidout too.:)
shellzfoshizzle said:
Lil uncorrupted head is right! Im trying to convince my sister to not relax my niece's hair. Even though she's 7 months, I just want her to be able to be educated about hair and make that decision on her own.

Oooh is this a typo? Who's 7 months? Your neice? I'm confused, please explain.
  • Afropuffs, especially on little girls
  • Locs of all kinds
  • Nice, neat pixie braids
  • Micro braids done with wavy human hair
  • A great color job
  • Pretty updos
  • Naturally curly or kinky hair
  • A slammin', intricate head of cornrows

Sadly, I see just as many hairstyles and hair conditions that make me think WTF!
  • Decimated hairlines from tight weaves and braids
  • Bald spots from bonding glue
  • Women and girls who wear hair colors that do a hideous job of complimenting their skin tone
  • Breakage and split ends thanks to bad relaxer and hair color use
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For Me:

* A Healthy Head Of Hair ;)

*A Pretty Shiny, Thick Ponytail(I'm In Love With Long Ponys L0L)

*A Huge Afro or Afro Puff

*Long Relaxed Hair That's In Spiral Curls(Really Pretty)

* Hair With A Lot Of Movement

* Pretty Buns In A Different Way(Like A Side Swoop Or Something Else Along That Line)

*Long Natural Hair(I LOVE it)

That's About It For Me
For some reason I always notice jacked up hair. I always want to pull them aside and give em the web address to hair boards I frequent.

Any style that looks very low maintenance (love a wash and go) but you can still see the beautiful coils, and is very shiny and not dry looking. Looks like you can run your hands through it and its very soft. I also like color that compliments the skin tone. Any length looks good to me!

As long as it's healthy and free-flowing. (don't like hard styles). Love a lot of movement. Don't particularly care about the length, just like it "swangin" with a lot of movement! A chin length, shoulder length, or BSL length bob or whatever - as long as its moving!!!
I find myself looking mostly at healthy flowing shoulder length hair. Most times it's down and maybe the front is kind of feathered. And there's usually a lighter color on top. I guess that style is popular here. :confused: I can't wait til my hair's shoulder length and I can wear it like that too. :lol: Oh yeah, and can't forget great weaves.
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Well, I notice lots of types of hair..My pet peeve is split ends, so when I see someone with VERY OBVIOUS split ends and breakage, it drives me crazy. Like the other day, I was waiting to get on the bus, and the girl in front of me had tons of split ends! Her ponytail was of different lengths because of the breakage, and I was just thinking "What are you doing to your hair!!!" LOL I wanted to cut her hair for her...

Anywhoz, I usually am mesmerized by long hair, whether its relaxed or natural. I love people with hair like Mya or the Mowry twins because I'm obsessed with that type of hair lol. But I'll admire anyone's hair that loks pretty and healthy.