What to get an SO for his birthday??


Well-Known Member
My SO's bday is coming up and I have no idea what to do for him or get since it's Ramadan (He's Muslim). Any ideas ladies? I want to do something creative and thoughtful.
How does it being Ramadan change things? Meaning, what types of things would be inappropriate or what types of considerations would you need to be mindful of?
How does it being Ramadan change things? Meaning, what types of things would be inappropriate or what types of considerations would you need to be mindful of?

Well he's fasting and doing alot praying/meditating, at the Masjid more frequently. Any celebration/party/dinner is out of the question..of course no alcohol..basically his social life is on hold.
A nice watch is a good gift or a good smelling cologne set to get an SO. But I don't know, I never was big on buying gifts for guys I was dating lol. So I may not be good to ask.
A nice watch is a good gift or a good smelling cologne set to get an SO. But I don't know, I never was big on buying gifts for guys I was dating lol. So I may not be good to ask.

He is a watch fanatic and cologne fan too, but I'm not going all out like that yet, it's still a bit early in the game (dating for 4 months).
Well do something simple, like a card and a favorite snack or food. Oh wait, he is fasting lmao. Maybe if you could get him something that's cheap but culturally related, that would be cool.
Well do something simple, like a card and a favorite snack or food. Oh wait, he is fasting lmao. Maybe if you could get him something that's cheap but culturally related, that would be cool.

I wanted to do something sweet, thoughtful and creative.. like bake him a chocolate cake :sad:.

Any(more) help from the married/serious relationship folk?
Does you SO drink tea? A nice tea gift set would work. Does he like reading? Small gift books are nice, like your or his favorite poems. Does he have an mp3 player or iPod? Give him audiobook versions of his favorite titles or authors by way of a gift certificate to Audible or Amazon. Is he into cultural activities, live music, plays, etc.? Buy a couple tickets to an event for after Ramadan. Does he wear dress shirts? Cufflinks make a nice gift.
Does you SO drink tea? A nice tea gift set would work. Does he like reading? Small gift books are nice, like your or his favorite poems. Does he have an mp3 player or iPod? Give him audiobook versions of his favorite titles or authors by way of a gift certificate to Audible or Amazon. Is he into cultural activities, live music, plays, etc.? Buy a couple tickets to an event for after Ramadan. Does he wear dress shirts? Cufflinks make a nice gift.

Thanks for the suggestions!
I would say a card with a coupon for the cake to be redeemed after Ramadan.

However, as I recall Muslims are allowed to eat either before sunrise or after sunset. How about a nice breakfast before the fast or give him the cake/take him to dinner after sunset? (As far as I know, most middle eastern Muslims do have desserts during Ramadan... so I'm guessing dessert is ok unless your beau specifically is fasting from them.)

Might I suggest cupcakes instead of a regular cake though? That is what I made for my now husband's birthday before we were even dating. They are a sweet thoughtful gesture, a little less involved than making a bonafide cake, easier to share, and they have a little innocence about them.

(Sidenotes: 1. if you stay with him, I hope you get a lot of good ideas from this thread :). You'll be facing this issue every year. 2. I also like the tea (does he drink tea?) and cufflinks ideas from Miss Masala5.)
I'm not familiar with the holiday, but if you have a particular quote or scripture you both like or is motivating to him; you can have it engraved on a money clip or something like that from a kiosk in the mall. Engraved things always seem to make my friends happy.
Giftbaskets IMO are the best idea; this is what I do for my SO. I just stuff a basket full of inexpensive gifts (e.g polo, candy, cologne, cupcakes). You can add alot of non-food items (e.g gift cards).
As another posted mentioned, during Ramadhan Muslims eat during certain periods of the day. It would be nice if you could get him what he liked during that time. It would suck to give him a chocolate cake at 9 am if he can't eat it till 10 pm! lol.

In Kenya the sun rises and sets at the same time pretty much all year because we are on the equator, so it was easy to figure out what times fasting was on and off. Plus we had a large Muslim population and so the times were posted in the newspaper.

Or maybe ask him if you can give him his gift after the holy month. Some people like to abstain from luxury excess during fasting periods anyway. I don't know if some Muslims do the same.

Some people are really into it. One of my mom's friends got really sick during Ramadhan one year and he had to have surgery and all and so he could not fast. he continued to fast even after Eid Al Fitr to make up for the days he missed.

I give people props...I have never willingly fasted. My best friend does it all the time to pray for me.