What things did we (or our mothers) do right


Well-Known Member
way before finding LHCF? We have a gazillion of threads about the worst thing we did, our biggest hair mistakes, etc. But we/our mothers must have done something right. :look: So spill! What things did we do that were actually good for our hair?

I know that for me, my mom always combed/detangled my hair in sections and she always started from the bottom and worked her way up.

She always made me cover up my hair at night. I rarely got to wear it down. She never used rubber bands on my hair.

When I started doing my own hair I continued to cover it up at night. I actually used to stretch my relaxers (8-10 wks, maybe 12). I did protective styling (wigs or buns) w/o really knowing they were beneficial to my hair. I was just lazy! :lachen:

I used to co wash before I knew the importance of it... then I started getting bad hair habits. :look:

What did you use to do right?
I used to air dry all the time, i learned it from my grandma. I never knew about blowdryers and hot curlers til i became a teenager.
She didn't use heat on my hair. And my hair was always up. (Protective styling and I didn't know it.)
KISS all the way!!! My styles(she could STYLE hair for nothing) wasn't always cute but i always had alotta hair!!

This taught me the difference between hair care and a hair style.
The thing my mother did right was, realizing her limitations with doing hair and sending my sister and I to the salon. I can't think of anything I was doing right once I started doing my own hair.
Our hair was always clean. My mother never over loaded us with grease for weeks on end. Her syling ability was limited but she did her best.
stretching!....i always went about 3 months before a touch-up pre LHCF. glad i was doing something right
My mother would NEVER let anyone put ponytail holders too tight on my hair. She'd wrap them around twice, so I was always the girl with the halo hairline.

I wasn't allowed to get a curl or wave nuveau or anything like that.

I only got a relaxer because I decided one day to cut all my hair off, so instead of letting me walk around with a lopsided fro, she took me to a stylist to relax it and cut it into and angle bob. At 12. :lachen: I was fly too, never even thought about my hair until everyone was all on my jock over my fly non-middle school haircut. :rolleyes:

So all in all, I learned from her not to torture my hair and scalp, just to let it be. Not to worry too much about being neat if I wanted to keep my hairline in tact. Also she taught me not to do too much, keep it simple.
My mother:

did not allow me to use gel

After the relaxer ruined my hair in 3rd grade she said I was not allowed to get a relaxer ever again..

She did not allow me to wear weave...only braids

she brought Shamboosie's book and had me washing and DCing my hair 2x per week starting in HS
i was gonna say she didnt do anything right but although she did a lot of things wrong, one thing was that she believed in using very little heat.
My mom actually did a good job with my hair. She always kept me in braids, or afro puffs. Didn't let me get a relaxer til i was in the 7th grade, and that was because i begged her. When i did get a relaxer, every week she took me to the salon to get it washed and conditioned, and she would NEVER let me wear it down except for special occasions (she said it was bad for my ends). She also would make me wait 3 months between each relaxer. My hair actually thrived when i lived at home,ever since i left for school, it's been down hill :ohwell:

My mother knew she couldn't deal with my hair so she sent me to a beautician every week for a press n' curl until I went away to college.
Mom always kept my hair neat and clean, well greased, and used a spray bottle with water. I suppose that was her way of adding moisture. She taught me all the good habits. I am the one who fell off. Now since I praised her for the great job she did with me, no perms, press, or heat; always air dried, please tell me why she permed my baby's hair without my permission?
My mom never relaxed my hair. I was allowed to get a press and curl on major holidays (Christmas, Easter, and my Birthday). I always had my hair up in a protective style. My mom always made sure my ponytails weren't too tight. My hair was in good shape . . . until I went away to college. I didn't know what to do with my hair. Especially during the winter. I was just a poor California girl lost in the snow.
I was natural with a head full of BSL natural hair until I came to America at 12 years old. In Nigeria we pretty much used all protective styles because that's all we knew. (braids, buns, etc). My mom washed our hair often and put some oil in it. My mom's main thing was about using low manipulation and moisture.

My mom went to work and my aunt who was baby sitting me and my 4 sisters put perms in our hair (the oldest three, I'm the middle child) and she was stopped before she got to my younger two sisters when my mom got home UPSET. Before she permed our hair she told us that things we did in Nigeria were archaic and we should always get rid of our kinky new growth. She showed us the girl on the PCJ box and we thought our hair would turn out like that. LIES!!!!
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