What the Gospels Teach Us About the Holy Spirit?

Nice Lady

Well-Known Member
The Holy Spirit was an essential part of Jesus’ ministry. Not only was Jesus enlivened by the Spirit, Jesus also taught his disciples that the Holy Spirit would be an essential part of their ministry.

1. When and how did the Holy Spirit begin the life of Jesus?
Matthew 1:18, 20; Luke 1:35. What did the Holy Spirit do to Jesus at the beginning of his ministry? Luke 3:22; John 1:32-33.
Christ “made himself nothing” (Philippians 2:7), and the Holy Spirit caused Jesus to begin growing in Mary’s womb. Although the Spirit remained in Jesus from conception onward, a visible sign was given at his baptism that the Holy Spirit was empowering him.
However, Jesus was not the first person to be given God’s Spirit. The Old Testament describes a variety of people who were given power, wisdom and understanding by the Spirit. Jesus said that David — and presumably all other writers of Scripture — spoke by the Holy Spirit in the Psalms (Matthew 22:43).