How God Led Me To Heal My Mother...through the holy spirit


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Hey everyone.

I know I have been posting alot of testimonies this week but God has really been working powerfully in my life as I submitt myself to him. Remember I told you that he said I would do great exploits in Jesus name. Okay, well yesterday I was in prayer and worship and as I was almost finished my mom told me that her arm was hurting. So, she said to look up something on the internet that could tell her what was goin on. So, I said, "I believe that I can pray for her and heal her by Jesus stripes in his name." But to be obedient, I looked up some of the symptoms on the internet yet I didn't want to tell her what they were saying because it wasn't good for the most part. So, after I prayed for her I told her there could be many diagnoses or reasons, not just one but this happened after what I am about to tell you.:grin:

So, I sat on the bed and I said, "Lord, God you've given me power to heal the sick. This is what Jesus said I would be able to do, heal the sick, cast out demons, etc. Matthew 10:8." I said, "Use my hands Lord for your glory." Then I sat down and the holy spirit began to speak to me cause' I didn't know how exactly to pray for her situation.

Then he gave me these words, "pray that her tendons be restored, connectors of blood vessels be restored." Now I don't know why but you know me, I'm always testing the spirits and asking questions like, "Is Jesus Lord? Or who is Lord?" And then I will hear the holy spirit saying, "Jesus is Lord and he sits at the right hand of the Father." So, I said to myself, "cool, this is the holy spirit."

Then he told me exactly how to pray for her and to annoint her arm with oil. This was the rest of what he said. "Pray that the power of God come upon her and heal her by Jesus stripes that each part of her arm be restored to its original function, that the blood vessels return to its normal size. that peacebe in her arm and body as she has in her soul. that the works of the devil are destroyed for this is why Jesus came, that the works of mankind caused mankind to be plagued with diseases but by Jesus stripes she is healed." Then I repeated the Word of God over her that the earnest prayer of a righteous man availeth much. That the elders can come and annoint the sick with oil in the name of Jesus and a prayer made in faith will heal the sick. I said many more scriptures also.

Well, she could not move her arm...forward, frontward, it was like John McCain's arm...maybe even worse. So, the holy spirit told me to place my hand on her arm and hold it there because I had my hand on the top of her clothes. I did this and repeated that by Jesus stripes your pain is gone and you are healed. Then, I finished praying and thanked God cause' I knew he was going to work it out. Now, I sat down and the holy spirit tole me that it would stop hurting in a few minutes. So, after a few minutes my mom moved it tiny bit, then a bit more, then she started moving it round and round in circular motions like when people are doing those water aerobics. She said, "Oh my God, my arm doesn't hurt anymore. God healed me, I'm healed." I just sat there, nonchalant cause' I had already thanked him and knew he would do it and the holy spirit already told me it would take a few minutes. I had my legs crossed and said, "Yeah, God is good isn't he. Thank you Jesus." She was so surprised.

Now, the holy spirit said it would take a few days for complete healing, you know for the pain not to come back. But I woke up this morning and she was saying, "My arm is hurting" to my grandmother. It immediately disturbed me and the holy spirit said, "she needs to stop saying that and continue to speak over her arm." I was kind of sleepy but I believe that when she says these contrary things, that it kind of thwarts or delays the full manifestation of the blessing.

Anyway, just wanted to encourage those Christians that have a close relationship with God, that you have power in Jesus name. Step out and faith and pray over your children, yourself or husband if they are sick and watch God work!:yep:
Guess what else he told me to tell her? Stop drinking Coffee and Pepsi. So, I told her and she asked, "Well, can I finish this last cup of coffee?" I prayed and the holy spirit said yes. Then she came back like, "well, can I finish this last pot?" The holy spirit was like, "no." LOL.