What Product Combinations Did You Use On Your Hair Today?

So, Im slightly paranoid im going to have postpartum shedding after the baby. After I came in from this cold weather we are having in NJ. I touched my ponytails and some shed hairs came out too easily for my own sanity, So Im currently prepooing overnight with Soultanicals Frosty Deep Repairing Frosturizer mixed with a little Neutral Protein filler, I will shampoo with a Bobeam poo bar tomorrow and mix the Dope DC with the Sweet Thang by Jakeala tomorrow and go from there
I washed my hair Tuesday.

Prepoo with AO original formula Island Naturals, Rosa Mosqueta+ Apretadora Canela y Romero conditioner mix

Condition with AO original formula Island Naturals + Alaffia Everyday Shea vanilla mint conditioner mix

LOC with Oyin Handmade Hair Dew, JBCO+Mahabringraj mix, and Chocolaccio ampule+ SM Manuka Honey serum mix
I detangled with 1/4 of Qhemet Biologics CTDG, alot of MTCG and Soultancials KnotHead Deep Conditioning spread, then rinsed out and cowashed with APB Iced Cowash, conditioned with Shescentit Apple Nourishing Conditioner and added Hydroquench Texture Enhancing Leave in conditioner and sealed with QB Aethiopika Hydrate Twist Butter, currently drying in two tucked ponytails
Cowashed with cream and coco CoComallow Cowash fluff and bar, rinsed and applied TGIN Honey Hair Mask and LACE Naturals Brahmi Ayurvedic deep conditioner on top.

Currently deep conditioning, will rinse evenutally and add my Bobeam condish as a leave in to dry.