What oils are you using for your oil rinse?

Fine 4s

Well-Known Member
...and how are you oil rinsing?

DC with Aubrey's HSR on dry hair (well spritzed with water)
Rinse with water
I CW with Organix (which btw, seems to be falling out of love with my hair lately)
Rinsed with water
Applied Monoi de Tahiti (trying to get rid of this oil)
Rinsed with Water
Moisturize and bun...

Maybe it was the wrong oil, maybe I didn't put enough but I didn't see any major results. What should I be noticing? Perhaps after a couple of tries? Perhaps I should try a different oil? I didn't want to use my expensive Spectrum Coconut oil which I love on my hair LOL
Here is what I do with my oil rinses

I pre-poo with a yogurt, banana baby food, honey mix (chocokitty) :lick:
Then I cowash with suave tropical coconut and baking soda mix (because I use -cones)
Then I put a mix of spectrum coconut oil (refined, trying to use it up), sesame, and avocado oil that I infused with rosemary last time I oil rinsed I also added castor oil because I want to use it up too
I rinse very well (couple of minutes) with hot water
Sometimes I co-wash again and sometimes I don't my hair is super soft either way but if I don't co-wash again cause I'm in a hurry then I have to watch out for oil slicks on my neck and ears as my hair dries - even if its up :nono:

BTW I'm texlaxed HTH HHG
Here is what I do with my oil rinses

I pre-poo with a yogurt, banana baby food, honey mix (chocokitty) :lick:
Then I cowash with suave tropical coconut and baking soda mix (because I use -cones)
Then I put a mix of spectrum coconut oil (refined, trying to use it up), sesame, and avocado oil that I infused with rosemary last time I oil rinsed I also added castor oil because I want to use it up too
I rinse very well (couple of minutes) with hot water
Sometimes I co-wash again and sometimes I don't my hair is super soft either way but if I don't co-wash again cause I'm in a hurry then I have to watch out for oil slicks on my neck and ears as my hair dries - even if its up :nono:

BTW I'm texlaxed HTH HHG

When do you Deep condition?