What matters most: The Feel, The Look, or Length?

What Matters Most: The Look, Feel, or Length of your hair?

  • The Look matters most.

    Votes: 13 3.4%
  • The Feel matters most.

    Votes: 24 6.3%
  • The Length matters most.

    Votes: 5 1.3%
  • Look and Feel matter most.

    Votes: 129 33.9%
  • Look and Length matter most.

    Votes: 47 12.4%
  • The Length and Feel matter most.

    Votes: 32 8.4%
  • Length, look and feel matter equally to me.

    Votes: 130 34.2%

  • Total voters


New Member
Recently I've noticed several girls who have long hair, but when you touch it it feels like straw -- like they sleep on a hot plate.

Does the texture and tactile feel of your hair matter as much/ more than the look and feel of your hair.

Would you sacrifise feel for better appearance?

Is length the most important no matter what it feels like?

Share your Opinion.
for me it's the look and feel. your hair can be long but thin and dull looking. my hair is short and although i really want longer hair, at this point i am focusing on getting my hair hair to look healthy, shiny and not dull. feel is important because somethings not right if your hair is really hard or brittle if so then that means you need moisture.
I say they all matter equally to me. My hair is getting longer and it feels great, but I still don't like it because it's not BSL. Health matters a lot and I always thought it was the only thing that mattered to me when I came to LHCF, but I now know that I want the length, too!
If someone has long unheathly hair, well that's a nono.

There was a older black lady at a PTA meeting last year, when she sat down she would drap her hair over the hair and it drug the floor. The last 6 inches of her hair looked like crap. Even though it was long, it looked very unhealthy and damaged. I believe she should have cut her hair to better care for it and it look like it would feel like straw.

I prefer hair to be health no matter what the length.
For me, it's the feel and look. If my hair feels stringy or hard no matter the length, I will definitely cut it off.
My vote was for feel. I believe this because depending on hair type, "healthy" hair may not be the shiny hair we all want to achieve. Some 4a/4b hair, for example, doesn't shine but if it's healthy, it has a sheen. Some healthy hair doesn't have shine or sheen. But to me, it's hard for unhealthy hair to feel good.
keluric said:
My vote was for feel. I believe this because depending on hair type, "healthy" hair may not be the shiny hair we all want to achieve. Some 4a/4b hair, for example, doesn't shine but if it's healthy, it has a sheen. Some healthy hair doesn't have shine or sheen. But to me, it's hard for unhealthy hair to feel good.

EXACTLYYYY! This is how I feel. I have seen some healthy arse heads, but lack body and shine, maybe because of the right products. Blunt ends aren't the end of the world for me either. As long as there aren't any splits or anything, they are cool with me.

Length is also equally important to me, I won't lie, if it wasn't I don't think I would be here.

This is a great thread btw!:)
look and feel...I'm not hung up on length. I've seen to many ladies with long hair that's really damaged, but they hold on to the length for dear life.
They're equally important to me.

The feel of my hair is very important. If it doesn't feel like silk then I must be doing something wrong. When my hair was damaged it felt like crunchy, hard old straw, since I've started caring for it properly it has always felt silky and soft.

Of course the length is important to me. I feel I look better with long hair and I feel prettier and more feminine.

The look is important too. However most people who know me probably think I don't care about how it looks because my hair is up all of the time.
For me the look, feel and lenght matters most to me. I want my hair to be easy to manage and feel soft and smooth to the touch with the right products. I want the length because I never had hair longer than BSL. It was always between SL and APL.
I voted length and feel because that most accurately describes my situation, hehe.

my hair is relatively long, and it feels soft, but as far as the look:look: not so much... u know, from what ppl expect, i.e swinging hair, down, and all that.

sure it's healthy and it feels soft and smells good, but it's also airdried and some parts are wavy while other parts are straight. It's not exactly "wear your hair down" type of hair.

oh, i thought smell should have been one of it too :lol: because I swear, when we go to parties or whatever outing where everyone has their hair down, the whole ROOM smells like BURNT HAIR!!!!! sure it's down and looks shiny, but it smells like a flat-iron near every girl in there. goodness.
CarLiTa said:
I voted length and feel because that most accurately describes my situation, hehe.

my hair is relatively long, and it feels soft, but as far as the look:look: not so much... u know, from what ppl expect, i.e swinging hair, down, and all that.

sure it's healthy and it feels soft and smells good, but it's also airdried and some parts are wavy while other parts are straight. It's not exactly "wear your hair down" type of hair.

oh, i thought smell should have been one of it too :lol: because I swear, when we go to parties or whatever outing where everyone has their hair down, the whole ROOM smells like BURNT HAIR!!!!! sure it's down and looks shiny, but it smells like a flat-iron near every girl in there. goodness.

girl you need a sedu!!!:eek: :lol:
LocksOfLuV said:
girl you need a sedu!!!:eek: :lol:

:lol: thankfully it's never ME!!! I haven't flat-ironed my hair since i've been here in college, especially not to go to parties, that's crazy, b/c it'd be a waste. Just do a braidout or wear that hair in a bun. I don't play, lol
CarLiTa said:
:lol: thankfully it's never ME!!! I haven't flat-ironed my hair since i've been here in college, especially not to go to parties, that's crazy, b/c it'd be a waste. Just do a braidout or wear that hair in a bun. I don't play, lol

*wipes fo head* whew!:lol: good then! well tell THEM they need a sedu lol!
I voted for look and feel. I'm not walking around with my hair jacked up, so I concerned about look in that respect. And I absolutely cannot stand dry, straw-like feeling hair. I will be the first to shift some stuff in my schedule to deep condition. I don't play 'bout no dry hair.
Look and feel. I like my hair to be soft and healthy looking. Of course I want it to be long, but if it's going to be crap, than what's the point.
B_Phlyy said:
Look and feel. I like my hair to be soft and healthy looking. Of course I want it to be long, but if it's going to be crap, than what's the point.

I voted all three. If my hair isn't soft to the touch I hate it. And it has to look really good too. Days when I can't have that beautiful, swanging hair I pull it up. And length is very important also. I have never had shorter than shoulder length hair and have never experimented with shorter hairstyles because I think long hair to me is feminine
The feel. For me if the hair is soft its moisturized (and I not talking about greasy).. Everything else just falls into place.
i so agree with everyone about the feel.

i don't really care how it looks but if my hair feels soft, i know it's in good condition. normally though, if the hair is soft, it's usually looking pretty good.

hard, straw feeling hair is lacking something and for me, strawhead means breaking hair.
all three baby! i think now as i am working with shorter hair, i will focus on the feel and health. but as i creep up to shoulder and beyond, i'll divide my attention to all three. but in the end, the feel will always be most important for me.
I voted that the feel is the most important. To me, feel is the best indicator of healthy treatment...even from day to day. It indicates the right moisture and or protein levels.

Its appearance is a close second for me. But the look or style or the way it is falling or behaving is so temporary and variable and dependent upon weather, humidity, styling products, etc. I suppose if it looks like it is damaged that is a different story.

Length is becoming more important to me as I am seeing progress in that area, but I agree that long hair with brittle, thin, breaking ends is not attractive. I don't mind that ends are not blunt. They should just be in good shape.