What Makes Us (LHCF) Girls Different??


New Member
I can't get over over how supportive all you ladies are for each other!!! I kinda feel like this is a soroity/ sisterhood of sorts and I love it. My question is this: Women of color are usually labeled as not being able to get along. They also tend to hate on one another, especially when one has longer hair (Calling it or weave or simply saying it's cause she's mixed). Alot of peole may say, yea, it's a fact. Women of color really can't get along and if they do, it's far and few between. LHCF is appraently ruling out that "fact". My question is, what do you think is the reason LHCF ladies are so different? Is it because we only know each other online? Would we hate on each other if we were walking down the street and didn't know the other was LHCF memeber? Not trying to cause trouble. I'm just curious. I personally love the fact that we help each other out! What do you think the answer is?
I do believe good people flock together in what ever medium provided. I don't think any ladies here would hate on anyone the saw walking down the street because of their hair.
lizjoseph said:
I can't get over over how supportive all you ladies are for each other!!! I kinda feel like this is a soroity/ sisterhood of sorts and I love it. My question is this: Women of color are usually labeled as not being able to get along. They also tend to hate on one another, especially when one has longer hair (Calling it or weave or simply saying it's cause she's mixed). Alot of peole may say, yea, it's a fact. Women of color really can't get along and if they do, it's far and few between. LHCF is appraently ruling out that "fact". My question is, what do you think is the reason LHCF ladies are so different? Is it because we only know each other online? Would we hate on each other if we were walking down the street and didn't know the other was LHCF memeber? Not trying to cause trouble. I'm just curious. I personally love the fact that we help each other out! What do you think the answer is?

hmmm, that's a good question. i sometime lurk on other boards but this is the only one thati post on because i really love everybody here. for the most part, i think it may be something like the LOA at work. we're not all superconfident, or 100 perent happy or perfect, but most of us have a genuine interest in learning about haircare and for those of us who do know more, they have a genuine interest in helping. Positive energy atracting positive energy :)
toinette said:
hmmm, that's a good question. i sometime lurk on other boards but this is the only one thati post on because i really love everybody here. for the most part, i think it may be something like the LOA at work. we're not all superconfident, or 100 perent happy or perfect, but most of us have a genuine interest in learning about haircare and for those of us who do know more, they have a genuine interest in helping. Positive energy atracting positive energy :)

I agree with this. :)

I wouldn't "hate" on anyone's hair if I saw them walking down the street and didn't know they were from here though. If if was really pretty or caught my eye I'd probably compliment them.
You read my mind, I have been wondering the same thing! I have never met any girl or had a friend who are simiar to the girls on LHCF. It's like, girls on LHCF has something besides a man on their mine. Even if it may be finances, their career, and especially their hair. As for an answer to your question, I think LHCF changes you because when you become a member, you chat with career-oriented and educated women who have a different way of thinking and it forces you to become open-minded overtime!
I agree with all of the above. I think that the people here are positive and supportive. And not just b/c we're online. I guess because we all have a common goal to have healthy hair. In the "real" world, I have gotten lots of complements on my hair, but I have also gotten the occasional glance like, "she thinks she's all that". I guess if there are haters here, they keep it under wraps.
I think most people who don't look for things they have in common with other people. We are all brought to this forum because of a common interest..Haircare. That is the first step to open up doors to find even more things we have in common that really makes us bond. No matter what the subject, problem or question is, there are those of us that are here to listen and support one another. It's a beautiful thing.:rosebud:
I have often thought the same thang! I am very positive, intelligent,outgoing, etc,etc,ect. BUT I dont have many friends cause...... not many black women in my area are on the same level that I am trying to be on. The ladies of LHCF are not the same as the women I am surrounded by.

Love y'all.
tnorenberg said:
I think most people who don't look for things they have in common with other people. We are all brought to this forum because of a common interest..Haircare. That is the first step to open up doors to find even more things we have in common that really makes us bond. No matter what the subject, problem or question is, there are those of us that are here to listen and support one another. It's a beautiful thing.:rosebud:

:yep: Yep ITA
Gotta piggy back on what everyone else is saying. We are all here to discover new ways to take better care of our hair and watch it grow. I think it's great that there are groups like this with black women supporting each other and not competing with each other. Everyone here is so willing to help and share their routines and tips. It's great.
I know exactly where you're coming from liz!! I visit other hair forums and it gets really catty and you get the sense that people are being "fake". They also don't have the genuine sympathy and urge to help another out theat the ladies do here. I love this place so much I get in trouble for being on it all day at work!!
I think we have a social dynamic at work where positivity is encouranged and negativity is discouraged. That would make people with more negative comments keep it to themselves, take it somewhere else, or risk being shunned by the group. I think we are enjoying being part of a group. So, when a negative feeling does come up, you are more likely not to post.

With that said, I daresay that a lot of people are not as positive or forthcoming with info IRL. I have seen many threads where people comment that they do not share LHCF with friends and family...we are not always sharing our knowledge outside of this group. A lot of us would not admit to using MTG or MN or the obscene amounts of vites that some of us consume with outsiders...even when asked "Girl, what are you doing to get your hair to grow"...we don't tell people about baggying...we hide our baggies...or about frequent (conditioner) washings because so many of us are from the old school of washing hair once every two weeks...I have even heard once a month...some of our IRL sistagirls would think we were nuts, going to dry our hair out, for washing twice a week. This does not mean we are hating.

So, here, I can come and not be considered obsessed, weird, or a freak. No one outside of my home knows about the 100 bottles of assorted poos and cons that I have stashed all over my apartment. Here, I am not nuts. I may be slightly compulsive but there are people here who understand me and my desire for longer, healthier hair.

Sorry to ramble.:)
We're different because we are interested and positive about each other's hair style choices regardless of our own style or preferences. :)
I love that! No one here gets bashed because of what they want for their hair.

I learn from everyone - relaxed, braided, natural, weaved up... It's all interesting to me and I try to use the info that can be good for my hair.
ITA agree with what everyone has said thats why I LOOOOVE LHCF.... I always wish I could have some LHCF friends to hang out with
My husband always tell me I'm different that's why he married me, he constantly compliment women, he said he never saw anything like that in his life, he seriously ask me why I do that, my answer is if I'm already confident and beautiful and I love myself what difference does it make if you see another beautiful woman and compliment her its not gonna make me less or more beautiful, I would even call him to show him a beautiful girl, its just ok I see nothing wrong with that, and same as hair, I love hair and I'll stop you in a minute and tell you how beautiful your hair is, I believe we share same qualities when it comes to these interest that's why we get along, at least thats what I think, you ladies rock:)
guesswho said:
My husband always tell me I'm different that's why he married me, he constantly compliment women, he said he never saw anything like that in his life, he seriously ask me why I do that, my answer is if I'm already confident and beautiful and I love myself what difference does it make if you see another beautiful woman and compliment her its not gonna make me less or more beautiful, I would even call him to show him a beautiful girl, its just ok I see nothing wrong with that, and same as hair, I love hair and I'll stop you in a minute and tell you how beautiful your hair is, I believe we share same qualities when it comes to these interest that's why we get along, at least thats what I think, you ladies rock:)

ITA with this.. the bf says he loves me for similar reasons, he thinks/ says im not like other girls... this is a reason why I love him b/c he knows exactly who I am.. and loves me for {im going off on a tangent :look: }
I genuinely love coming to this board. There is definately a more relaxed and open minded attitude here. New comers are warmly welcomed and they are not given a 'salty' relpy or flamed if they dare to ask the same question that has been discussed 'ad infinitum'.

There are no banned topics and even the most contraversial (sp?) , crazy or sensitive ones are dealt with or responded to in a cautious and well manner. I also like the fact that the admin staff are responsible as I have seen threads closed to stop potentially argumentative threads developing. This is beneficial for the atmosphere of the board, I also love the input to different threads concerning regimes from naturals, relaxed,texlaxed, pressers,weave wearers and braiders. As a natural, my hair has thrived more here than any where else, and I believe that this board gave me the FULL story because of its diversity. We should carry on supporting each other!

Sorry for the long post!! :-)
I don't vist other hair boards because this one is the most civil and has the most info. I think what makes us different is that we are here for the same thing and we don't tolerate being mean, catty, and just nasty. When someone here makes a post like that, we (as a whole) don't incourage the behavior to continue. Some people like to get a rise out of people and come here to troll but that can only prosper when people take the time to mull over it. We just keep it moving. Those people get fustrated and leave.
I would love to compliment other women but some just look at you like you are crazy. Now I just don't know if I should go there. I just don't get it and i don't meet a lot of women like me.

Not really into my man checking out other women but I we do have our moments when we are cracking up when the boobs are just crazy big or crazy fake. Really how can you ignore that when they are in everyone's face.
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tnorenberg said:
I think most people who don't look for things they have in common with other people. We are all brought to this forum because of a common interest..Haircare. That is the first step to open up doors to find even more things we have in common that really makes us bond. No matter what the subject, problem or question is, there are those of us that are here to listen and support one another. It's a beautiful thing.:rosebud:

:D Great minds think alike
One of the things that instantly hooked me to this site (besides all the fabulous hair) was the genuine way everyone interacts. I love that I can come here and not feel judged behind my love and passion for my hair. I think the fact that we can share this common "obsession" with each other creates a sense of acceptance that we may not receive in the "real world." The acceptance we get also extends to the acceptance we're willing to give others, so it comes full circle. It started with a common bond, and has clearly fostered a very positive, generous, and supportive environment where people aren't afraid to "let their hair down" on other issues as well. I love it!:)
I never hated on beautiful women. I try to encourage and compliment sisters whenever I can. The saddest part is when a sister looks at me askance or suspiciously whenever I give her praise. It's like some sisters have been hated on so much that they cannot simply accept a sincere compliment.

I love the fact that we here seem to encourage and support one another without all the hate. There have been some instances, but those people are cowards because they hide behind an anonymous IP address. But by and large, I cherish the ladies here and have learned so much. My hair is slowly coming together. Better yet, I am finding some nice friends.
I joined and made a fotki because I wanted to leave information for other African haired people on how best to take care of our hair. I sought information when my daughter was about eight. Her hair was much thicker and longer than mine. I was taking me 3 to 4 hours for a simple wash detangle and simple braids. I went online looking for long black hair care, and found ISIS album. It was so helpful. I hope other Black women will take the time to learn about our hair and provide it optimum care. Jeve
i never met so many nice and helpful people in one place:) thats willing to help you grow your hair :) cause i have one in the family married in that wont even tell you where she get her hair done or what she use:eek: but all her girls she hang with have long hair and she didnt have long hair before:confused: hope she dont belong here:lol: :lol: :lachen: naw she too mess up to belong here:lachen: :lachen:
guesswho said:
My husband always tell me I'm different that's why he married me, he constantly compliment women, he said he never saw anything like that in his life, he seriously ask me why I do that, my answer is if I'm already confident and beautiful and I love myself what difference does it make if you see another beautiful woman and compliment her its not gonna make me less or more beautiful, I would even call him to show him a beautiful girl, its just ok I see nothing wrong with that, and same as hair, I love hair and I'll stop you in a minute and tell you how beautiful your hair is, I believe we share same qualities when it comes to these interest that's why we get along, at least thats what I think, you ladies rock:)

Ditto on all the above. Birds of a feather...

PLUS, of all the magazine models & celebrities I've seen, I have to say none of them have anything on the exquisite beauty found here.

My biggest thrill since coming here was meeting one of us - Hi GlamourGirl! She's as sweet and nice in person as she is online. Plus, her pics don't do her justice. :) Even if I don't meet all the LHCF'ers in my area, it's comforting to know there are other forward-thinking, upbeat and positive women of color in the area.
I've found so many ladies on this board who have similar interest that I would never share with my other friends..for example there was a thread in OT about 80's & rock music..I would've sworn I was the only AA in the world who like this type of music and all these other ladies chimed in with their favorite songs and I was like "WOW" other AA women like this music..it was nice to be validated as opposed to hearing I have "white" taste.
We are expressing our intelligence and beauty - both INSIDE and OUT!

This online community is much deeper than just HAIR. :D