What made you wanna go natural?

I am trasitioning, but I decided to go natura b/ c I was just tired oof straight hair. Really tired of it. And I missed my natural hair. I am really think this the last time I go natural. I am just going to go natural and stay natural.
That's another thing for me - it felt freeing - like I didn't have to depend on anyone but myself to keep my hair up. I could travel, and not have to worry about getting my touch-up at some foreign salon, or trying to carry my chemicals along with me.

It made life simpler, for me.
That's another reason why I stopped relaxing. I've always wanted to live overseas for at least a year and I definitely want to do a lot of traveling to other continents since I got a passport earlier this year. It's nice to know that when I travel I won't have to worry about where the salons are or who can do black hair.
i learn't that my natural hair is so hot...plus there are so many products out there to get natural hair looking straight.

Those mad chemicals are entering peoples pores and they have not be out for that long...who knows what the long term effects might bring..

My mom just mentioned to me this morning how my aunt used to perm her hair for years and now she doesn't. Reason why? She had a tumor and her dr told her it was from the perming. Yall, i'm not dr and of course I don't know how true this is but it's something to think about...
I just was willing to do anything to get my hair grow because it got stuck right below SL for some reason. And, I realized that dying my hair wouldn't be as bad natural as it was with the relaxer. My hair is actually longer than it's ever been i think
Reasons why I went Natural:

No more 3-5 hour salon visits.
no worries about whether my curls will fall from the humidity
low maintenance
I have saved so much money and happier with my hair
My hair is healthier natural han relaxed
no more rollers, hair dryers, curling irons, flat irons.
I love the feeling my nice thick coiled hair, instead of the straight thin limp hair that relaxers gave me.
I was in grad school and had no time to sit in salons for 3+ hours every week (4+ when getting touch ups). Most stylists have no respect for your time.
It got to a point were my hair just would not grow. For over 4 years, it was at shoulder length and wouldn't go any further. Now, I'm sure it grew, but being in such an unhealthy state, growth really couldn't be sustained.

Plus, I was starting to get tired of relaxing every month.

I cut all my relaxed hair off Nov of '04 and had about an inch of hair on my head. My parents had a fit!! lol.

Anyway, now my hair is armpit length when stretched, but most importantly, healthy.
My mom just mentioned to me this morning how my aunt used to perm her hair for years and now she doesn't. Reason why? She had a tumor and her dr told her it was from the perming. Yall, i'm not dr and of course I don't know how true this is but it's something to think about...

This is would be another reason for me as well. I try to be as health conscious as possible, buying organic when I can and a relaxer just didn't fit into that lifestyle change.

To me though, that's just like all these other crazy chemicals that we use on the daily and have no idea of the effect it has in the long term on human health.
I'm transitioning now because I'm tired of relaxing my hair and because i do miss feeling my natural hair texture while shampooing in the shower..there is nothing like it!:yep:
For me it was seeing so many progressive women
going natural... plus I always wanted to do it...
stylists just told me I would have to cut all my hair
off and start from scratch :nono:
I wanted to prove them wrong
I share the same sentiments as the other posters here. But a big part is related to the actual disrespectful stylists.

-I feel like I've wasted a huge part of my life sitting in salons for 3-7 hours!
-I have so many hairdressing horror stories re: them having no respect for their customers. This includes, arriving at an 8am appt, only to have the hairdresser arrive at 9am! ..this has happened more than once. ...or how about this one. Had a newborn at home... woke up like 5am to pumped breastmilk so hubby could feed her while I made it to my 7:30am appt. I arrive at 7:30am, the hairdresser wasn't there yet. To make a long story short, she never showed up. I just wanted to cry. I don't know why that experience alone didn't make me stop w/the relaxing.
-Here's another: They book 8 appts although they have no help that day, 'cause turns out 'the help' quit, or she fired her. So while two people are getting done, the other 6 are waiting, but oh to make you feel better they call your name and put a towel around your neck, then make you wait another hour before you actually get your hair washed.

...but you know what, w/all this, we continue(d) to go back. The stylist do not change their ways, because they know we are enslaved to the touchup and in mental captivity in thinking that we can't attend an event/ special occasion without a visit to their salon. They treat their paying customers with a "you NEED me" type attitude.

So with all that, + much more -all reasons stated by the other posters, I too made the decision to stop relaxing. Mind you, I'm in transition, so I need just as much inspiration as the next.

Thanks for listening.
I wanted to go Natural because I wanted to have hair that I could just wash and go, fluffy hair, big hair, Hair that smells good all day, I wanted curls & waves, I no longer wanted to Relax my hair anymore, I had no issues with my Relaxed hair, I just felt that since I am getting older, I need to try something different, Just let my hair grow on out Naturally! Hopefully by the time I turn 40 in 7 years I will have that Huge hair like Lynnie B:yep:! I just think that Natural hair looks so beautiful!!:grin:
Reasons I went natural...

- My hair naturallyis thick and just dense. Over the last few years, relaxers had started to thin it out. I wanted my thick hair back.

- This is truly an experiment for me. Just something different. There are some days when I get jittery like a crack fiend and want to relax again, but all in all, it's not as bad as I thought.

- I was inspired by the beautiful hair of one of my favorite actresses, Renee Elise Goldsberry. She straightens her chemical free hair and one day my hair is going to be just as gorgeous.
Very very very very limp thin fine hair that is stalling right around APL..

My hair is already very fine from jump, and the added stress of relaxers isnt making it better. I see so many women who are getting excellent results with relaxers, but I am not one of them. I dont want to be relaxing for ever and I am not good at self relaxing and I aint paying chicago prices for things... oh no...

I was natural and i regret everyday going back to perms. In fact i am trying to keep myself together to not B.C early, but hey ya know..
For me, relaxing my hair didn't make any sense because I can straighten my hair without chemicals and achieve the same results so I was adding chemicals and heat for no reason. And looking every single day at all the beautiful and different types of natural hair on this board had a sista :love: and I knew I was ready to be just like them!
One terrible relaxer treatment when I was 16. After that it was braids for almost a decade (and ole and behold I'm BSL length now, when relaxed I didn't get passed SL), but I'm convinced my hair is stronger in it's natural state than it was straight.
I initially started my transition back to natural because my scalp is the boss of me and she demanded it. But once I started transitioning, I learned to appreciate the beauty of my natural hair --- with all of its pros and cons --- and now I'm never looking back.
Along with the health of my scalp, I wanted to see what my natural hair looked like. I agree with those that said I'm not crazy about straight relaxed hair on myself. My straighted natural new growth looks so much shinier/healthier.

Also, I want to look different from the majority. :grin:
1. I didn't want to rely on a stylist anymore for touch ups
2. I can get my hair straightened with a good flat iron
3. I want volume back
4. I want my hair to be as healthy as possible
5. I'm confident my natural hair will exceed the growth I had with relaxers.
insanity. LOL

the REAL answer: on a visit for a touch up, my stylist told me that my natural texture was such that i did not need a relaxer and that i could just do flat irons when i wanted a straight look. i transitioned for about a year and a half, loved it but natural was a lot of work then i relaxed again and hated it and now i'm natural again.
I got tired of the brittleness, breakage and scalp burns from the relaxer (no matter how careful or proactive i was).
Every time i got a touchup, my ends grew more unhealthy, thin and seethru.
I grew bored of the apperance of flat, thin, lifeless hair.
I didn't want to be relaxing my hair til i'm old and gray.
I didn't want to feel like i "have" to have a touch up every so many weeks, dont want to be dependent on it.
I want to save money
I want my hair to be it's healthiest, and for me that ment not relaxing.
Stress and relaxers dont go well with my hair... when relaxed, if i got even a little stressed, it showed in my hair:sad:
so many split ends
got tired of seeing bits and peices of broken hairs on my clothes
dont want to be/look like everyone else
admired the many styles/versatility of natural hair
wanted to do a curly wash-and-go
want my hair to be thick
wanted to be natural like my dd (dont want her to feel like she needs one when she gets older/want to be her hair role model)
It happened on accident for me. I was relaxed but was experiencing dry scalp and hair. So i got some micros, and gradually the relaxed hair started to break off. I was left with a head full of strong, curly, amazing hair that I had no idea how to care for.

I was relaxed from age 6 to 26, so I never learned how to care for my natural locks. But, i came to love the texture. It was like I was compelled to keep it natural...I just felt like I was supposed to.

So I'm learning and I'm getting much better at embracing my hair and what it can/can't do. I feel more beautiful, more connected to me :)
Honestly it was seeing all these LCHF women with gorgeous, healthy natural hair.


The biggest barrier between me and Natural hair was:
1. Styling options. I didn't want to be running around with a 'fro 24/7.
2. Perceived Manageability. I have a lot of hair...I don't like tangling with my hair when it gets to big. I typically relaxed to 'calm' it down.

But--I'm learning.
I learned that 'natural' hair affords more styling options. I've learned not to fear my natural locks.

In any case, relaxers are bad for the hair, imo. Period.
If other's want to use them... eh.
I don't care. It ain't my head.
But...I learned that I could achieve the same level of straightness without the chemicals and if that's possible, why continue relaxing? To be completely real with you, I for one am tired of using that mess and I want to see what my real hair looks like.

....I've been receiving so many compliments on my little braid-outs and hair styles, too. And not just from black folks... This one Korean girl was like, "Your hair is so healthy...is your hair naturally curly like that...?"
That always makes a sista feel good.

I'll be transitioning for a long time ( i want BSL natural hair) but I can't wait until the bulk of my hair is natural. Because my hair is gorgeous...(lol)
I can't keep my fingers out of my little 's-coils'.
My mom just mentioned to me this morning how my aunt used to perm her hair for years and now she doesn't. Reason why? She had a tumor and her dr told her it was from the perming. Yall, i'm not dr and of course I don't know how true this is but it's something to think about...

The bolded section is really scary. Makes me want to Chop today.
I posted this in another thread, but I feel it's pertinent here too :grin: It pretty much sums up how I feel about relaxers... Originally posted on www.roshini.net I love this girl's site!

This a painful, yet necessary section, called Signs that we were killing our hair but we ignored
a.k.a. What we don't miss...

~ excerpts from a thread on the nappturality.com archive forum

Where is my hair?!
Huh?Ouch! that hurts!!!!!!
not scratching my scalp, a week prior to a chemical service for fear of burning
not brushing my hair a few days before getting a perm because it would burn more
giving the stylist explicit instructions to start the perm in the front because the back burns first
enduring burning and scabs because I thought becoming beautiful hurt sometimes
letting the perm burn as loooong as possible to get it straight.
picking scabs from your scalp the day after relaxing
ripping out tracks that were glued in only to discover I had ripped out my own hair
literally having tears running down my face while sitting in the hairdresser chair (or wherever) while I had to wait for the relaxer to "take" and thinking "these people in here really have no idea what kind of pain I am in"
I remember having a scalp burn so badly after a relaxer that I couldn't wear a hat. And it was mid-winter so my head burned and froze at the same time.
sleeping with a hand under my arm to protect my style
knockin' yourself up the head because u don't want 2 itch because u know you're getting a perm
Does anybody remember having to hold their ears while they got their hair pressed?
another sign was scabbing so bad post-perm that my hair would stick onto my scalp and it would be painful to even pull it off I should have KNOWN that wasn't healthy
the smell of singed hair and my mama saying "That's just the heat, baby!"
hearing the curling iron sizzle and smoke as I ran it to the end to get the straight look
fingering the dark black protrusions on my head after every touch-up and actually believing that the fusion of hair & scalp together was normal. *Doesn't everyone get scalp burns that take 5 weeks to heal?*
not being able to comb my hair in a certain style because the hair needed for the updo was chillin' in a scalp burn
having a scalp burnt so bad that the wind blowing on my head HURT
not being able to sleep because my scalp hurt
after all the burning an squirming in the chair with the relaxer, and then more burning when they washed it out and rubbed the spot where it was burning, and then the combing of the funky conditioner stuff and itting the burned spot once again ... the final touch was ... *drum roll* ... spraying the spritz or holding spray on it to 'set' the style and it caused that kind of piercing pain that makes a tear appear instantly in your eyes. LOL I can laugh now but, I darn sure wasn't laughin' then...
I remember as a kid crying so badly because the relaxer burned my scalp. And then after it was done being told not to sweat or get my hair wet. For crying out loud I was 9years old and wanted to go swimming!! (sigh)
head stuck flat to my head a week and being afraid to pull it up because it would break off since it was tangled up in dry scabs
I remember them days and you would be all squirming in the chair and you would be too scared to tell the hairdresser that it was burning!!
My co-worker just got a "touch-up". Each and every time she gets a relaxer her forehead breaks out....it like the top half of her forehead gets "raw", and it takes about 2 weeks for it to heal. She actually has a line dividing the top part of her forehead (the raw part), and the bottom unaffected part. It looks really weird. She complains, but she faithfully goes back every 6 weeks for a touch-up. The last time she went she got bangs cut to cover the part that broke out.
hair so hot it not only smokes, it leaves burns on your fingers from touching it
not being able to comb or brush my hair to close to the scalp for at least a week
sleeping on magnetic roller and waking up with a sore head because they hurt like crazy
My experience: I let this girl put a relaxer in my hair during college. It burned so badly that I ended up running to the tub and washing it out...like in the Malcolm X movie
. I had a burn going from the middle of my head onto my forehead!!!! First it was pink and raw...then the juices came
. Then I had this embarassing scab on my forehead and back into my hair. My hair was soo straight that it wouldn't hold a curl and just hung there. Guess what: I just attributed it to the type of relaxer I used

Lessons Learned: I've learned 'no pain no vain' is a load of crap. I've learned that a chemical burn on my head is just as bad as a chemical burn on my arm
. I've learned that the chemicals used in relaxers are the same as those used in drain cleaners and hair removers
. I've learned that a scab is a scab and a burn is a burn
. Lastly I've learned that wisdom really is the principle thing.