what LHCF sins do you knowingly commit?


Well-Known Member
let's say you've been here for some time and have a handle on taking care of your hair... what LHCF no-no's are you still committing??

example: i did my touchup on friday night... decided saturday morning that i didn't like the length of my hair anymore and ran some perm over that to take out some more of the curl... decided i liked the half curly half wavy effect and got up this morning and ran the kiddie version of my perm over the area that i had previously relaxed on friday...

all LHCF no-no's to be sure.. but i think i relied on the fact that i've done so much worse to my hair in years past, that i was sure that it could take this and still be ok... and, so far so good - i haven't noticed any shedding or breaking as of yet... more than likely i'll do a dc later because, as always, my hair is in need of moisture after a relaxer...

all that to say, am i the only one who takes chances like these??
I don't sleep with protection and I know it's wrong:ohwell: I need a :spank:

:blush::blush::blush: SexySin985 - or should I say Sex-Sin:look:
:lachen::lachen:--just kidding, I know you were talking about your scarf....but you set yourself up for that one. Please use protection.........:grin:
After I press my hair..I retouch EVERYDAY that I'm wearing it straight.The wave at the end of my hair irritates me so bad.

I don't cover my hair my hair at night

Sometimes I will shampoo two/three days in a row because it works just fine for me

Earlier this year I was on it. Now I'm allowing influences to make me put more heat on my hair.

its the voice.... the voices in my head saying" straighten dem naps" "Get it silky and smmmmmmooooth". :blush:

But coconut oil have been saving me. I'm getting back in tho. Just you watch.
-My conditioner has mineral oil in it

-My leave in has cones in it

-I don't dc

-The BIGGEST sin: I comb and brush daily :eek: But the comb is a wide tooth comb and the brush is boar bristle, so it's not as bad as you think. Calm down :lol:

...................... And after commiting all of these sins, my hair has never been healthier or looked better :yep: :grin:
HEAT. :perplexed It just won't act right without some heat after a wash!

And I comb it from root to tip (but with a widetooth comb most of the time I swear! :blush:).
Use comb combing from root to end :look:

I'm guilty of that too. I've been trying to stop doing it, but combing starting at the ends takes patience which I don't always have. :look:

I also comb my hair everyday. I used to comb my hair 5+ times a day with a fine tooth comb (I know :naughty:), but now I comb at most 3 times a day with a shower comb.
Since October I have been getting blowouts at a Dominican salon. Blowouts- meaning wet hair blowdried with vent brush and blowdrier.

I know that it it so wrong, but it looks so good. Bone straight hair 4 months post.

So far I have not seen any damage. But I only go biweekly. In between salon visits I am low maintainance.
I've been known to pick up a paddle brush to smooth out the curls from my roller set (after using a wide tooth comb). Then I may pick it up again throughout the week, just cause I like too. I do see hairs in the brush so I know I probably shouldn't being do this too often.

ETA: and sometimes I'll be impatient and not comb tip to root, but root to tip instead.
My favorite wide tooth comb has teeth broken on one side. I just use the side w/o the broken teeth but sometimes I come very close to using the broken side by mistake. If I slip up use the other side it will be TRAGIC! I loved that comb but I just haven't found another like it yet:nono:
I dont tie my hair up at night...but I do sleep on a satin pillowcase. Scarves wont stay on my head anyway bc Im a wild sleeper.
The only one I can think of is that even though I'm apart of the bun-challenge, I sometimes wear it down, especially if it's wet and I want it to dry. I feel somewhat guilty for it, but I hate the way my hair feels when it's up and wet, so I just let it down and I don't care who sees my hair length.
Detangling from root to tip. Too lazy to do it the right way.

My staple d/c, leave-in, and moisturizer all have cones.
I comb from root to tip 3x's daily when I wear it down. I'm sorry, but no combing doesn't work for me....:nono:
I'm a manipulator extradoinaire...I'm always finger-combing dry hair that I think is tangle-free...but it's not. I have to stop:blush:
I dont tie my hair up at night...but I do sleep on a satin pillowcase. Scarves wont stay on my head anyway bc Im a wild sleeper.

Leslie C,
Have you tried the doo-rag type scarft with the flap? It's stays on pretty well. The one I have has extra long ties to wrap around a few times.
let's say you've been here for some time and have a handle on taking care of your hair... what LHCF no-no's are you still committing??

example: i did my touchup on friday night... decided saturday morning that i didn't like the length of my hair anymore and ran some perm over that to take out some more of the curl... decided i liked the half curly half wavy effect and got up this morning and ran the kiddie version of my perm over the area that i had previously relaxed on friday...

all LHCF no-no's to be sure.. but i think i relied on the fact that i've done so much worse to my hair in years past, that i was sure that it could take this and still be ok... and, so far so good - i haven't noticed any shedding or breaking as of yet... more than likely i'll do a dc later because, as always, my hair is in need of moisture after a relaxer...

all that to say, am i the only one who takes chances like these??

:whipgirl: :whipped: