what LHCF sins do you knowingly commit?

Forgive me LHCF, for I have sinned :lachen:

I use direct heat, I comb daily, Some of my products have no no ingredients and My scarf is like 50 yrs old and has lost it's silky feel

Signed, Santia the sinner :lachen:
isn't it just refreshing to let it out??!?!?!... i sometimes have questions that i want to post, but it would reveal my sin, so i leave it alone and hope that someone else will come along with the same issue so i can see what the response is... lol

my others sins:

-i wear my hair out 95% of the time now (although i'm contemplating going back to bunning)
-when i do bun, i ALWAYS do a wet bun
-i haven't dc'd regularly since i began my journey
-i never check my products for the bad ingredients

whew... what a load off!
My name is Raven and I'm a shampoo-a-holic.

I wash my hair... everyday... with shampoo! :perplexed I rarely bun or do protective styles. I don't tie my hair up at night. I don't moisturize and then seal with oil. I'm having a love affair with cones. And some of my products even have alcohol in them (the bad kind).

I'm a sinner and I don't care! :drunk: Except for the protective thing, I'm going to start trying to bun more often. :yep:

ETA: Shoot, sometimes I even use hairspray.
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-I blow-dry
-I flat-iron
-I relax IMMEDIATELY after removing a weave, not two weeks later
-I don't stretch relaxers; eight weeks is max

If I think of anymore I'll post 'em
Lately I've really been guilty of not covering my head when I go to bed. I have a satin pillowcase but I need more. I probably don't deep condition enough either.
This is me to a tee except I do allow my hair to airdry 80% first.

Don't feel so bad now cause I:

-Blowdry instead of rollersetting cause I'm lazy.

-On wash days, i blow dry, then use flat iron, then sleep in my rollers. No pincurls.

-Comb every day.

-Detangle from root to tip.

-Never use a heat protectant when blowdrying. Don't like too many layers of product on hair.
I hold on to bad shampoos, especially the ones I lurve because I can't bear to waste them.

I separated the bad pile out twice in the last week and I *think* I might be ready to chuck them but since some are brand new or almost new I'm torn between throwing them out or giving them away<---but I feel guilty giving away sls poos knowing they're bad.:spinning:
I had been sleeping on naked hair but, since getting it done last week, I have been trying to do better.

I had been wet bunning but I have not wet my hair at all since getting it done. I know it won't look as pretty as when the stylist did it after I get my hands in it.

I don't know if or which of my products have cones, mineral oils, or whatever. Seriously, I hadn't even paid that much attention but I'm sure they do.

Yes, I have been very, very bad.
Twirling my hair around my finger. I've been doing this since I was a kid. I love how soft it feels in between and against my fingers. I only do it to a piece of hair on the right side.
- i wash every two- three weeks. i don't have the time to do it week.
- I haven't used a protien treatment in months.....
- Never mind the fact that i have been back to flatironing
- i am REFUSING TO BUN.... I won't protective style and i frankly dont plan on ever doing it... I hate buns, i look like a boy....

i think that is it. If there is a problem with it you can come see me about that:bat::brucelee::jaws:
I think putting my ponytail in the same place every day is a big no no, and not consistently wearing a scarf when I go to sleep at night.

Other than that, I follow "The Rules" and can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. My hair is a mess right now, and I don't know if it's from working with two textures, or what.
I haven't trimmed in over a year, and I don't plan on trimming anytime soon.

ETA: I deep condition once per month.
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1. i use conditioners w/mineral oil
2. i just cant do the protective style thing
3. i never seal w/oil, i think it makes my hair too stiff, i only use oil for hot oil treatments or mix with conditioner to pre-poo(evoo)