What length were you this time last year?

I cut my hair to a neck length bob in June, so I was full SL around this time. I'm now SL again due to another hair cut. I had a little above EL bob with a ton of trims.
I'm past SL now. I have been trimming like crazy, but I will be APL by or towards the end of the summer! Once I make it past APL, I might just start doing one inch trims a month instead of 1/8-1/4 inch trims.
the left pic was early march, two weeks later i cut it to what i thought was undamaged hair....I hated it. A week later i cut it all off. Current length is about neck, maybe a smidge below

This time last year I had my last barbered cut (after almost 20 yrs of barbered cuts). Now it's about 4-5 inches stretched. Looking forward to being twice this length, which isn't much but more than enough for me to deal with :yep:
This time last year I was SL now i'm just grazing bsl. I won't claim it yet since my right side is still a lot shorter.
This time last year I was still transitioning. My hair was almost APL then (half natural, half texlaxed) and now it's... still almost APL (natural)! :lachen:

I'd like some actual forward progress this year, pleaseandthankyou. :rolleyes:
This time last year I got a hair cut that was basically a bog chop all over again. My hair was probably about an inch or 2. Now my hair is between NL and SL. I'm going to see I can get to full shoulder by the start of summer. Fingers crossed!
It was the beginning and the end for me because this time last year I cut off my relaxed hair in the back and cut off the front in May.:afro:
This time last year I had cut my texlaxed hair up to shoulder length from BSL. I quickly realized chemicals were't for me so I decided to transition and I'm slowly approaching full shoulder length again.
This time last year, I was transitioning and maintaining MBL/WL hair.
Right now I am fully natural and BSB (past APL).
I had a hard year last year. Stressful. I chopped myself into a semi cute pixie cut and was content to trim and maintain that until forever.

Then I discovered Keracare Humecto and started using it along with a Keracare shampoo...exclusively.

Funny thing, my hair wasn't breaking off the way it had before.

I looked up and decided to care about gaining some length again.

I paid for a renewed subscription on LHCF and find myself in "challenges."

Hair is fun again.
Last year around this time I had a major setback and went from APL to just below Ear Length. Now I am just back at APL again. Hoping for BSL by the end of the year.
I think I was the same length I am now, because I did cut about 2 inches or so back in October.
I am going to do better about keeping track of my length and doing length checks.
Last year I was still in TWA mode. I'm glancing at an instagram pic like...whoa! Now, when my hair is wet, my back curls reach my shoulders, my front covers my eyes, and my sides reach my earlobes.

Last September I was Apl I think. I've gone from Apl to Bsl back to Apl a few times. Finally I think I'm moving forward...
Last year April, I was SLIMG_20150401_190032.jpg. The same time this year, I was grazing APLInstaSize_0414075417.jpg . I trimmed some of my longer layers in the back, in Jan; up to an inch or so. Now my lower layers are slowly inching past APL.