this time last year how was your hair...what changes have you noticed?

Great thread.
This time last year I was about to change my shampoo regimen by:

1- Washing in sections (didn't believe it could help until I finally tried it).
2- Using an organic shampoo - no sulphates, alcohol, parabens.
3- Deep conditioning in the steam room at the gym.

All three changes helped my hair come out more moisturized, stronger and without breakage.
Last year I had just started to transition my SL relaxed hair. Now my I'm about 60% natural and my relaxed ends are past APL. My natural ends are NL.

I love the thickness of my hair. My relaxed hair was damaged because of color and heat damage.
This time last year my hair was approaching BSB but it was thin, dry, and damaged thanks to overuse of heat and the fact that I had a setback in July that made me give up on my hair for a while.

Now I'm fully natural and my hair is ridiculously thick and finally healthy again. Still got a few things to work on, but my ends aren't see-through anymore and it's getting better everyday. I'm almost APL.

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This time last year, my hair was a hot dry mess (sahara desert hot and dry!) .... It was probably BSL/MBL but I didn't flat iron it. I had major breakage, frayed ends and frizz. I thought I was treating my hair well but I was wrong

Two changes that impacted the condition of my hair:
Daily moisturizing -- I thought putting oil on my hair was moisturizing it. WRONG! Now it's water/AVJ/glycerin spritzed every day or every other day followed by castor oil/shea butter/EVCO

Silk/satin on my head and on my pillows -- no more sleeping with my hair loose.

Today my hair is heading toward tailbone and in the best condition of my life -- it's soft, silky, strong and healthy.
This time last year I had just gotten it cut from grazing MBL to above APL. Oooooh I was 500 degrees. Stylist better be glad I ended up loving that "trim" :rolleyes:
My hair has gotten a lot longer and thicker. I have been keeping the back of my hair the same length because I am growing my layers out. My hair was a lot more layered 1 year ago and now I have more of a blunt cut which is what I wanted. It is so much fun to see how the hair changes from year to year.
Last year I had no real idea what I was doing. The only hair products I had ever ordered online were CD. I hated CD.

I was just starting to cowash with vo5 mm's and using infusium. I did not know what I was doing at all.

I learned about label reading. I started ordering good products online. I stopped going to KBSS and rarely go to Sallys.

I have my staples and I make time for my hair. I don't put myself off. The money I spend on products is less than I would spend on beauticians and weave.

I enjoy my hair. I didn't take pictures when I started my hhj. I wish I had. My hair is longer and thicker. I love my steamer. I love doing my hair.

Quality products make all the difference. They just do.
This time last year my hair was in braids, not sure how long it was but I had installed the braids in December of 2009 because of a setback. Rebraid on Saturday and sections of my hair was touching my collarbone. My hair should be resting comfortably on my collarbone when I relax it in July. I can't wait to put in my reliable Phyto Relaxer.