What length were you this time last year?

I was past waist length and trucking toward hip length. Had an unfortunate encounter w/ a Dominican salon and ended up back above BSL a few months ago. I'm just now inch back to WL.
First pic is September 2013, second October 2014


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About same length a week later last year I self cut my hair down to 4-6 inches. lol its back to 10- 13 inches though but it isn't behaving like my hair ever has :/roller sets, twist outs, etc dint look nice all look shriveled and weird. I barely even recognize my hair has grown until I stretch it. And it's dry. I think my hair is missing direct heat.

Pay no attention to the background lol

I suck at straightening my hair for length checks so I'll just use these pics.

Last Nov:


This Nov:

Twa/ear length. Now I'm grazing shoulder length

Would've been longer but I kinda stopped caring for a few months last year, hindered my retention.
Last year: A few inches past shoulder length but almost all the hair on the back of my head fell out at the root.

Currently: A little past shoulder length, full head of hair.
I was knocking on BSL's door when the back of my head starting acting a fool and I had to keep cutting it so my hemline would look decent. It never did get its act together so here I am, SL and transitioning to natural.

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I cut my hair to a neck length bob in June, so I was full SL around this time. I'm now SL again due to another hair cut. I had a little above EL bob with a ton of trims.
Same length MBL. I think I'm gonna maintain at MBL. I keep saying I want to see how long it'll grow to but then I just keep trimming. I've hit WL maybe 9x & then I will trim because it doesn't seem even.
Last year: A few inches past shoulder length but almost all the hair on the back of my head fell out at the root.

Currently: A little past shoulder length, full head of hair.

Now about 3 inches past shoulder length... going to do a proper check in a couple of weeks after my touch up/"corrective" relaxer.