What length were when you started rollersetting?

I started at ear length to mid neck length. You can see my fotki for my trials and tribulations :look: I've come a long way in terms of the rollerset. When I update next, I will take pics of how I rollerset now for a comparison with the old days.
Art... neck legnth huh? I am right about at that legnth, but just not sure how the style would hang? If that makes sense. I guess I'm afraid of a tight-drawn up curl look. Do you remember what roller size you used? And were you pleased with the results? Have you tried that whole saran wrap to wrap your hair afterwards?
My hair has always been short. As long as the hair fits around the roller, you're good. Even if it's just a little bit, it's still good for bumping the ends. :yep:

The shortest I've done was probably on 2-3 inch tapered sides and nape. Using end papers really help to keep the hair together :grinwink:
I am not shoulder legnth yet, but would like to know at what legnth did you start rocking rollersets?? TIA

Hey Shell,

I love rollersets. I started when my hair was about neck length, using small rollers (3/4" to 1"). I wore these little tight curls (*think* Shirley Temple :lol:) all over my head. The look finally "grew on me," though. More importantly, this style was low manipulation and really allowed me to retain length. Now, my hair is full BSL, and I still use the same size rollers for a longer spiral look (see siggy.)
This is a complicated question for me. I have been rollersetting my own hair since I got my first relaxer at 13. Back then my hair was shoulder length or longer. So, when I re-relaxed after going through a big chop, it was easy for me to rollerset my one- to two-inch length hair because I'd had years of experience rollersetting.

I know rollersetting isn't easy when you first start. But for you newbies, once you get the hang of it, it really is (a) doable and (b) best for your hair. Now that I am actively taking care of my hair again, the rollersetting is really helping me to retain length and natural oils (I find my dry hair does not dry out as much when I rollerset it before going to bed).
My hair is short but I still roller set and once it is dry I take the rollers down and wrap my hair and it gives my hair the curls but not the too tight look but my hair has a lot of body in it when I do it this way.
Art... neck legnth huh? I am right about at that legnth, but just not sure how the style would hang? If that makes sense. I guess I'm afraid of a tight-drawn up curl look. Do you remember what roller size you used? And were you pleased with the results? Have you tried that whole saran wrap to wrap your hair afterwards?

Reds and greens to start. I did try to put purples in there b/c I was in denial, but that didn't last long. Now I use mainly reds, purples, and greens (where the shorter layers are) b/c I like the body. Reds are the bestest size in the world--so versatile (thus far)...Also, I now roll the top front of the mohawk going back, and the rest of the hair going up/forward. I've come a long way, haha.

My friend actually had to come to my apt and do a hands on "rollersetting tutorial" b/c my clueless self was all thumbs. She even used some yellows with some of my breakage back then...I had some fairly tight-ish and wayward curls (as you can see in early Fotki pics), but wrapping afterwards took care of that. It took some getting used to just b/c I'd never done it before and didn't know what to expect. I must admit that w/more practice (and more length) I'm more comfy w/which rollers to use where and when, but like I said, it's all trial and error--can't get around that.

I only recently incorporated the saran wrap step into the process...that was a bit too new-fangled and advanced for me back in the day, lol.

ETA: My first rollerset that my friend did on my is in my 2006 folder, but all my [decent] work in the 2007 folder, like from March on to now.
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I was rollersetting at neck length using the green rollers. Rollersetting was the best thing that I did for my hair. I now set on the purple rollers!:grin:
Ear length. I just used small rollers and worked my way up as my hair got longer. Now, I use red, purple, and black rollers (depends on the size curl or straightness I want).
Art... you've got me cracking up at your post and people looking at me here at working... thinking what is so funny. I'm blocked from Fotki's but I will most definitly check it out at home tonight! THanks again for sharing!

Reds and greens to start. I did try to put purples in there b/c I was in denial, but that didn't last long. Now I use mainly reds, purples, and greens (where the shorter layers are) b/c I like the body. Reds are the bestest size in the world--so versatile (thus far)...Also, I now roll the top front of the mohawk going back, and the rest of the hair going up/forward. I've come a long way, haha.

My friend actually had to come to my apt and do a hands on "rollersetting tutorial" b/c my clueless self was all thumbs. She even used some yellows with some of my breakage back then...I had some fairly tight-ish and wayward curls (as you can see in early Fotki pics), but wrapping afterwards took care of that. It took some getting used to just b/c I'd never done it before and didn't know what to expect. I must admit that w/more practice (and more length) I'm more comfy w/which rollers to use where and when, but like I said, it's all trial and error--can't get around that.

I only recently incorporated the saran wrap step into the process...that was a bit too new-fangled and advanced for me back in the day, lol.

ETA: My first rollerset that my friend did on my is in my 2006 folder, but all my [decent] work in the 2007 folder, like from March on to now.