Ladies who finally have that beautiful long hair...please come in :)

- When you noticed that you finally reached that unimaginable legnth how did you feel?

It was the best feeling in the world when I hit APL. At BSL i was over the moon. At MBL you couldn't tell me nuthin LOL now I'm at waist length. I was shoulder length for about 26 years and had setback after setback. It was mostly my own fault for allowing stylists to mess up my hair with too much heat plus going to the salon every week. I now go to the salon 2x a year and do my own hair. I also stopped relaxing my hair 5 years ago.

- Is it all you imagened it would be?

More! When I walk down the street and see my hair I can't believe it's all mine. I love my hair and want to maintain it at this length. When I want "short" hair I leave it curly since it is SL curly.

- When you look back and remember that your hair would never grow pass your shoulders and you now have your dream hair how do you feel..

I feel like I can move on to my next goal of losing weight.
- When you noticed that you finally reached that unimaginable legnth how did you feel?

It was the best feeling in the world when I hit APL. At BSL i was over the moon. At MBL you couldn't tell me nuthin LOL now I'm at waist length. I was shoulder length for about 26 years and had setback after setback. It was mostly my own fault for allowing stylists to mess up my hair with too much heat plus going to the salon every week. I now go to the salon 2x a year and do my own hair. I also stopped relaxing my hair 5 years ago.

- Is it all you imagened it would be?

More! When I walk down the street and see my hair I can't believe it's all mine. I love my hair and want to maintain it at this length. When I want "short" hair I leave it curly since it is SL curly.

- When you look back and remember that your hair would never grow pass your shoulders and you now have your dream hair how do you feel..

I feel like I can move on to my next goal of losing weight.

I am really loving this post! inspirational....

Ok, I just got back to WL length recently and I'm back on the growing trail after a promise to just maintain. I know, what you are going to say, post pictures yada yada but I have no one to help with pics so I'll get to it when I get to it.

I went natural 4 years ago then decide to H so then I thought about texlax then went BKT then henna, now doing a BKT/HENNA thing that I hope works. my hairs doesn't grow crazy fast. Did vitamins and I can say that Biotin/MSM/silica does help with slow growth. So does caffeine for shedding, anyway it was god old fashion waiting it out. Nothing special rinse d/c and low mani styling. Boring, yup. But it works.
Ok, I just got back to WL length recently and I'm back on the growing trail after a promise to just maintain. I know, what you are going to say, post pictures yada yada but I have no one to help with pics so I'll get to it when I get to it.

I went natural 4 years ago then decide to H so then I thought about texlax then went BKT then henna, now doing a BKT/HENNA thing that I hope works. my hairs doesn't grow crazy fast. Did vitamins and I can say that Biotin/MSM/silica does help with slow growth. So does caffeine for shedding, anyway it was god old fashion waiting it out. Nothing special rinse d/c and low mani styling. Boring, yup. But it works.

Nice post Bun Mistress :)
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hello @karenjoe your hair is pretty long...looks to be bsl. Is that right? i will be day :look:

you will be:grin:.... I always had skinny ends regardless how many times I trimmed.
in my wet set days, & press n curl days. skinny thin ends
It's hard for me to retain length....( could be the relaxers)
but my hair grow.?:spinning:
I don't think going natural is key for me...:nono: My hair respond to heat.
I would like to "try":drunk: to go natural. the word shrinkage sound painful to me!:grin:

I would have to stay home on rainy days or run from the rain like I'm on fire!!!... "My Hair, My hair":lol:
Please share your experience....when you noticed that you finally reached that unimaginable legnth how did you feel? Is it all you imagened it would be? When you look back and remember that your hair would never grow pass your shoulders and you now have your dream hair how do you feel...before and after please :)


ETA, if anyone has a story or experience please share...I want to read everyones moment of hair related joy lol :)

My Experience was a mix of Happiness that finally after all my efforts i'm there!!!!! i still cant believe it that i almost made it to APL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(will claim it fully by August 2013) !!!! its a dream come true!!:yep::yep:!!!!! I thanks God for keeping me focused, never letting any setback to bring my expectations down. and always doing my best for my hair to look its best!
I had a hair moment with my boyfriend recently that made me appreciate my growth. I wore hair in cornrows for a braidout when I went to visit and watch movies. As we're watching, he starts laughing and goes, "Your hair is so long. How'd you leave this much out?" Apparently I'd left a slip of hair out when I did my braids (I'm still learning) and he'd held it away from my head to stretch out the length.

I thought I'd improved my technique so I was pretty annoyed and went to snatch his hand away. I missed. "No! No! My hand's down here." So I end up traveling the length of my hair, growing less angry as I went. Until then, I hadn't realized that my hair had grown so much. I never really stopped to appreciate my progress, coming from CBL late last year to APL which is the longest my hair has ever been. Although my ultimate goal is MBL, I will remember to be happy with each milestone along the way.
My hair is the longest it's ever been since I was an avid trimmer and pretty much maintained my length at BSL-MBL for YEARS. Then, I went natural and BC'd down to a TWA 3-5" of hair twice since 2008. My hair is an inch or 2 from my hips unstretched (got a bit of ng going on) and dry, but it is HL wet unstretched. I have just done the boring, low-manipulation hair care regimen which includes lots of protective styling and conditioning.

Though my hair was always at least shoulder length from first grade til age 22 when I chopped my hair to a faux-hawk (09/2007), when I found LHCF, I got heavy into hair care. I always took care of my hair since my mom went to cosmetology school, but I was using too much heat in highschool and shortly thereafter, and believed some of those old school Black hair myths, like washing hair infrequently is better, and you have to use grease, etc. A good portion of my hair journey can be seen in my Fotki albums: though I haven't posted pics there in a long time.

The feeling of accomplishment is amazing. Only ONE woman in my family on both sides has hair this paternal grandma (she is natural 2a/2b), so don't believe the crap about genetics. Not tryna preach, but with God, ANYTHING is POSSIBLE. You have to believe it for yourself and make the effort where it is due. Just cuz you don't have family members with long hair doesn't mean you can't have it. There could be a myriad of reasons why their hair is not a certain length, including their own personal preference. :yep:

I don't let the fact that I rarely see Black women IRL with long, thick, relaxed hair deter me either...again, it doesn't mean I can't or won't have it!! Relaxed or texlaxed hair can reach phenomenal lengths with the right care and approach.

My basic regimen is in my profile where comments can be posted. I CW 2-4 times a week...but I only do a full comb-out to remove shed hair once a week. I condition my hair A LOT...using conditioner 80% and shampoo about 15-20% in a given month. I use a homemade sulfur oil mix, take vitamins, try to keep stress low and get enough rest. I have a high protein, high carb, high fat diet. But I'm trying to pack on some pounds, so that is part of the reason for this type of diet. I drink about 40-60 oz of water per day.

It is all I thought it would be, though hairnorexia is real! I'm going for tailbone length by Dec. 2013, and classic length by Dec. 2014 (I always give myself extra time for hair goals in case of setbacks). I'm a non-trimmer, and I don't use direct heat. I s&d about 2-3 times a year, and I only get splits if I use direct heat. I ALWAYS air-dry. I don't go to salons, and self texlax 3 times a year, or every 4 mos. I used to color my hair with Bigen Oriental Black Permanent Powder Hair Color for years, and loved it, but for a while I'm going to let my natural light to medium brown color grow out, and if I need to go back to black, I'll henndigo it. HTH!

I'm growing my hair as long as I possibly can...terminal length which can only be achieved by NOT trimming. I'm excited to see what the coming years bring. I want my hair to truly be the crowning glory as God described it in the Word. I am not cutting my hair for spiritual reasons as well, though I'm non-denominational. I just want to experience super long hair and live with it for a while, if not the rest of my days. :yep:

My grandma told me as a teenager to never cut my hair. I wish I had listened to her! But I am happy I experienced being natural, and did both a long and short transition.
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I'm currently BSL and yes, I have hair anorexia but when I do straighten my hair, bishes can't tell me nuphin!!!!!! I feel so hot, lol.

I was BSL before when I was relaxed but had a stylist who gave me a horrible relaxer and forced me to cut my hair to about neck length. When I was BSL as a relaxed-head, I used to get weave-checked, men who couldn't believe it was all my hair, and i felt like I could make any outfit look fly, lol.

I'm in the midst of a long-term transition tho so I will have to cut the relaxed ends off soon and at sometimes I'm ok with it because I can't wait to see my natural curl pattern but then I have my moments where I don't want to part with my length. I know I just need to cut off these ends and get it over with tho.
The feeling I had when I realized my accomplishment was surreal, exciting, jaw dropping:grin: Ive been at BSB for a while since I've been trimming away heat damage that I caused twice:sad: So mid May i decided to flat iron, I was 10wks post and needed a change from my buns and bantu's. As Im flat ironing and Im dragging the flat iron down further and further my hair, Im thinking I must have shed hairs on my length that knotted up or something(keep in mind I have thoroughly detangled). so I tried seperating with my fingers and realize this hair is coming from my scalp and Im BSL:grin: I had to go put on a bra:blush: grab my mirror and check from the

So it started in 08 with SL ahir and my boyfriend now husband who wanted to see me without the weaves& eyelashes:ohwell: So I was like "OK I can rock anything" and he rocked with me and my slicked back bun that I wore ALL of the I still didn't know what I was doing until I took the magic trek to google and typed" black hair care". Up pops Cathy Howse and it's all ova'

This determination has caused positive changes with my health & carrer so 5yrs and 2 kids later, my hubby is my biggest spokesperson and cheerleader. He gasses me up all the time and talks all the smack that I dont like to say. I enjoy my humble nature ya'll but he is verbal:lol: so its a good balance. Ladies dont ever give up on your goal, even after the set back(s) I caused by the DAMN flat iron:perplexed, I maintained my reggie and God willing, here I am today.

I know I go to the bathroom more at work and check out my hair progress in the mirror:blush: **don't judge** I imagined this but to see it realized is something else:yep:

Now MBL is so much more attainable to me and this is my 2013 goal to have full MBL or close to it:grin:

**collecting my hair award**Thanks to all of the hair boards and the ladies who have contributed so much information that has helped me get here and to all of the ladies on this journey peace and blessings
"we started from the bottom now we here" :drunk: pics are in my profile.

PS.. I even put one of my sister on and she is now a natural SL with poppin' curls- she called me when she found her HG that got her curls poppin' and we were like :dance7:
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Years ago, when I was on here actively, I was content with BSL. I actually recently made it to WL without thinking about it. I attribute this to the fact that I wear my hair up most of the week under a surgical cap.

I have never changed my regime, I'm still relaxed 2x a year and blow dry and flat iron once a week.

How did it make me feel? Well honestly, sometimes I feel like I'm shallow for feeling so preoccupied for how it looks. I do like the looks of admiration I get and I love when those "weave-checkers" realize it's my real hair. But then I hate the angry look or hate I see on their faces, because I wish I could tell them they could grow theirs out also. I've become known for my hair at work and I actually don't mind them putting their hands in it, cuz, hey, it does look good, lol!
Years ago, when I was on here actively, I was content with BSL. I actually recently made it to WL without thinking about it. I attribute this to the fact that I wear my hair up most of the week under a surgical cap.

I have never changed my regime, I'm still relaxed 2x a year and blow dry and flat iron once a week.

How did it make me feel? Well honestly, sometimes I feel like I'm shallow for feeling so preoccupied for how it looks. I do like the looks of admiration I get and I love when those "weave-checkers" realize it's my real hair. But then I hate the angry look or hate I see on their faces, because I wish I could tell them they could grow theirs out also. I've become known for my hair at work and I actually don't mind them putting their hands in it, cuz, hey, it does look good, lol!

I do get that guilt feeling as well sometimes, but I knwo I have worked on getting my progress.
My hair is the longest it's ever been since I was an avid trimmer and pretty much maintained my length at BSL-MBL for YEARS. Then, I went natural and BC'd down to a TWA 3-5" of hair twice since 2008. My hair is an inch or 2 from my hips unstretched (got a bit of ng going on) and dry, but it is HL wet unstretched. I have just done the boring, low-manipulation hair care regimen which includes lots of protective styling and conditioning.

Though my hair was always at least shoulder length from first grade til age 22 when I chopped my hair to a faux-hawk (09/2007), when I found LHCF, I got heavy into hair care. I always took care of my hair since my mom went to cosmetology school, but I was using too much heat in highschool and shortly thereafter, and believed some of those old school Black hair myths, like washing hair infrequently is better, and you have to use grease, etc. A good portion of my hair journey can be seen in my Fotki albums: though I haven't posted pics there in a long time.

The feeling of accomplishment is amazing. Only ONE woman in my family on both sides has hair this paternal grandma (she is natural 2a/2b), so don't believe the crap about genetics. Not tryna preach, but with God, ANYTHING is POSSIBLE. You have to believe it for yourself and make the effort where it is due. Just cuz you don't have family members with long hair doesn't mean you can't have it. There could be a myriad of reasons why their hair is not a certain length, including their own personal preference. :yep:

I don't let the fact that I rarely see Black women IRL with long, thick, relaxed hair deter me either...again, it doesn't mean I can't or won't have it!! Relaxed or texlaxed hair can reach phenomenal lengths with the right care and approach.

My basic regimen is in my profile where comments can be posted. I CW 2-4 times a week...but I only do a full comb-out to remove shed hair once a week. I condition my hair A LOT...using conditioner 80% and shampoo about 15-20% in a given month. I use a homemade sulfur oil mix, take vitamins, try to keep stress low and get enough rest. I have a high protein, high carb, high fat diet. But I'm trying to pack on some pounds, so that is part of the reason for this type of diet. I drink about 40-60 oz of water per day.

It is all I thought it would be, though hairnorexia is real! I'm going for tailbone length by Dec. 2013, and classic length by Dec. 2014 (I always give myself extra time for hair goals in case of setbacks). I'm a non-trimmer, and I don't use direct heat. I s&d about 2-3 times a year, and I only get splits if I use direct heat. I ALWAYS air-dry. I don't go to salons, and self texlax 3 times a year, or every 4 mos. I used to color my hair with Bigen Oriental Black Permanent Powder Hair Color for years, and loved it, but for a while I'm going to let my natural light to medium brown color grow out, and if I need to go back to black, I'll henndigo it. HTH!

I'm growing my hair as long as I possibly can...terminal length which can only be achieved by NOT trimming. I'm excited to see what the coming years bring. I want my hair to truly be the crowning glory as God described it in the Word. I am not cutting my hair for spiritual reasons as well, though I'm non-denominational. I just want to experience super long hair and live with it for a while, if not the rest of my days. :yep:

My grandma told me as a teenager to never cut my hair. I wish I had listened to her! But I am happy I experienced being natural, and did both a long and short transition.


I have to say that when I see a silver haired lady with long hair she doesn't had that common look she looks majestic and regal. Maybe I'm exaggerating a bit but I know from the older men in my family say that they love longish hair on a woman and they always give her young or mature a second look.
Im with you on keeping the hair. So my goal is to grow it out to HL TL and maintain it forever I hope someday to be one of those fly GMs with silver hair flowing down my back.
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I haven't reached there yet and I don't believe I ever will. I recently cut off about 3/4 inches off the side because the hair growth in the back was not keeping up. I cut off enough in the front and back and I love the how it's even all around. Now I'm gonna pay more attention to when I'm relaxing so that I don't overprocess the shorter hairs. Maybe next year I will post a picture but I know for sure that my edges will never fill in and as I get older, my hair seems to be in the resting phase.
@Inspiired I'm still waiting on a regimen!!!! Sharing is caring.

It's been four years plus and I still haven't got a set regimen which is crazy I know!

However, I use shea butter, coconut oil, and castor oil loyally. Meaning regardless of what I do or use, these are my staple products. I also use a bit of glycerin from time to time.

I don't use "products" as I find these ingredients work better, I just make my own with these ingredients :)

What do you use?
I haven't reached there yet and I don't believe I ever will. I recently cut off about 3/4 inches off the side because the hair growth in the back was not keeping up. I cut off enough in the front and back and I love the how it's even all around. Now I'm gonna pay more attention to when I'm relaxing so that I don't overprocess the shorter hairs. Maybe next year I will post a picture but I know for sure that my edges will never fill in and as I get older, my hair seems to be in the resting phase.

Misseyl - what are your goals?
@Misseyl - what are your goals?
Sorry it took this long to reply but I did not know how to get to this section of the site.

Nevertheless, my goals are to have thick healthy hair and since I've began using Phyto Index I, I've noticed that my hair feels thicker and looks better. My hair only gets straight when I flatiron it, when it's wet, it looks natural but that's okay I can live with that. I hope to finally have proper neck lenght by next year this time.
I just recently posted about reaching WL and not even realizing it. I'm natural so my shrinkage is ridiculous--so much so that I thought my go-to products weren't working anymore, only to realize I was using the same amount of product on twice as much hair. I can't front--I've had long hair a few times. When I was a child, after I graduated from college, when I unsuccessfully transitioned and wound up texlaxing and cutting it off, when I transitioned successfully (I was almost WL before I did a LC and then a BC) and I'm back at WL now. I will say this: Each time it's been an achievement, because long hair means healthy hair. More to the point, each time, these were times when I did the least amount of manipulation and styling and just "let" my hair grow. I've found a regimen that works for me that I'm happy to share, although it may very well be specific to me:

#1 - I pre-condition with a deep conditioner and seal with an oil. I leave this in either overnight or 24 hours. On a tight schedule, at least 30 minutes. Deep conditioners: Jane Carter Solution DC, Lustrasilk Cholesterol Shea Butter and Mango, Lustrasilk Hydrate Therapy DC. Oils: Kewee Oil, Wild Growth Hair Oil Lite, Ojon Restorative Treatment Plus.
Note: Just today I steamed in this for the first time (Hydrate Therapy and Ojon), wondering if I'll see a difference?

#2 I rinse the preconditioning out completely and follow with a cleansing conditioner/conditioning cleanser. I like: L'oreal EverCreme Conditioning Cleanser and Coconut Co-Wash from As I Am Naturally.

#3 I use L'oreal EverSleek Reparative Smoothing Conditioner (sparingly) and rinse out.

#4 I apply L'oreal EverStyle Curl Defining Gel generously to four sections of hair.

#5 I twist in two large twists and secure in a loose bun for as long as possible. I undo the twists for final drying.

I have gotten 5 - 7 day hair on this regimen. Usually a minimum of 3 days. I'm lovin' it!