What is your purpose for growing long hair?


Well-Known Member
What is your purpose for growing your hair long?

I would just like a nice length. One that is not hard to contend with.
Each of my daughter's have long hair and at times it is difficult to manage. Not because of damage, etc.
My four year old just gets her hair in everything. so I often pull hair up in a bun, one braid or away form face.
If they wear their hair out at times... their hair will obtain that no boy scout go ever match.

So what inspires you ladies?

medium texture
growing like crazy
* Now that I'm learning how to properly care for it, I want to see just how long my hair can grow.

* Although I look good in short hair, I want to experience how I look with longer hair.

* I love the challenge.

* It's a lot of fun!
me as well..i wanna see how long and healthy it can be....with all the help i have had so far from the boards, it is coming along nicely, plus i have a little i'll show them attitide in me from hearing all my life my hair cannot grow...
hehehe....now they say is that all yours...
I've always had "long" hair (a little below shoulder length is probably the shortest) and it's what I know. Also, I don't think I'd look right with short hair with my head shape.
What motivates me is whe I see long, thick, healthy flowing hair.
I have never had long hair. My mother never knew how to take care of my hair, therefore I was the object of many jokes growing up. For once in my life, I want my hair to reach my BS. It may be trivial, but it would be a personal victory for me
Isis said:
* Now that I'm learning how to properly care for it, I want to see just how long my hair can grow.

* Although I look good in short hair, I want to experience how I look with longer hair.

* I love the challenge.

* It's a lot of fun!

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Me too.
I want long hair because I have never had long hair either. I think that it would be alot easier to style and you can dress it up however you like!
I have always had a little length to my hair, but it would be really nice to have long hair that is also healthy and beautiful.
I think I look better with longer hair. I also think it's easier for me to deal with. I me just throw it in a ponytail and there you go. Another reason is I like longer hair on almost everybody but maybe Halle Berry. She looks awesome with short hair.
To see how long it can grow.
To break the myth (y'all know what myth)
I think it's sexy to have long hair
To be able to do some fabu updos!
I've had really really really short hair in 2002. I cut it because I wanted to go natural, and I had never had shaved off short hair. I've done that, and I'm glad because now I can't say I regret not ever having my hair short.

My purpose for growing long hair is to beat my expectations. The longest I've let my hair grow was 2.5 inches past the length I have now (which is currently 20"). I've always kept my hair just at shoulderlength or neck length due to preference. It wasn't too short, and it was long enough to put in a ponytail if it started bothering me.

In 2000, after getting a short cut in November of 99' I decided to grow my hair out. It didn't take long to reach 22.5 inches. But then I decided to cut and I stopped growing before I could see how long my hair can actually grow.

I regret not letting my hair grow to it's stopping length. I have no idea to guage when my hair will stop growing, and if I had, right now, I wouldn't be in the dark as to where my hair stops growing.

So I'm growing to see where it will stop, and because I want to have waist length hair (9 inches to go).
I never had long hair and would like to see what it is like.
And when I say I never had long hair I mean my hair has been at or above the nape of my neck my entire lifetime.I actually would consider shoulder length long hair.I wonder if it is even possible for me to grow hair past nape length.I am at nape length now.Is anyone in the same boat as me?
anky said:
I have a big head. I need long hair to make it appear smaller.

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LOL I was thinking the same thing about myself...
I think I have a big head too and I just do not look right with short hair..
I want to grow old with long hair sitting on the nape of my neck in a big fat loose chignon or thick braid like the female elders in my family. You know the style with the hair parted in the middle. I also love to wear my hair wild piled up with loose strands spilling down. Just such a romantic at heart....sign. (what you talking bout Miss Scarlet?...You be surprised whats up in this heah headrag...yes maam!!!
How's that for my Little Rock accent????)
I want to grow long hair to prove to myself that I can grow my hair back without the aid of a stylist (who jacked it up in the first place. I had beuatiful hair when i was a child i guess i just want it back!
My purpose for growing long hair is to have a new look and I like long hair because my aunt has gorgeous hair that is almost down to her waist and I will like it because it will make me look very beautiful.
I think long hair is a womans crown and glory. It feels so nice on my neck and I also have a big head that needs lots of hair!
My reason for wanting to grow my hair long again, is that I haven't worn it really long in about 16 years. I use to have it just short of being "brastrap length." But, in the past I've always had it really short (boy cut) or just touching my shoulders. My husband came across a pic of me from when we first met and he remarked "wow babe, I had forgotten how long your hair really was." Well, that encouraged me more to grow it once more. But it's not my a stylist that's scissor happy on me, it's me!
So, I'll try not to cut it for awhile again and see what I get in the end.
*I'm really curious and excited to see how long my hair can actually get.

*I'm not big on doing things for the sole purpose of proving a point to somebody, but I do like to think that growing my own hair out will be an inspiration to some other sister who thinks she can't have long hair just because she's black.

*I am thoroughly enjoying this growing out process. I like trying out products and reporting back on success and failures. I like taking the pictures and noticing the changes in my hair. It's like a big project.
I want long hair mainly for vanity reasons!!
It does help to enhance one's appearance, I think it will help me a lot too.
My main reason is to just see if I can...nothing more nothing less. That hey, it is possible.
2nd reason is to put it in funky styles that require long hair to achieve...hmmm...to be honest I think I will still be doing interlocks

Ok fine! It's just to say nah nah nah nah naaaaaaah nah.
I always had shoulder length or shorter so having long hair is a way to prove to myself and others that you can take care of your hair on your own and still have healthy and long hair. Second, my hubby thinks it's sexy so I know he would love it
Because Black hair is looked down on by other races and even people of our own race. I'm Nigerian and when people hear of Nigerians they think dark-skinned and i'm not and for hair they think Africans have the worse of it so I want to prove all those people wrong and to prove that Africans and all African-American can have that beautiful hair too