What is your ideal age gap and why?

5 to 10 years older. I always dated older until my last bf. Dating someone younger was a terrible mistake for me.
10-15 years That's what I'm attracted to and there are certain things about how a woman should be treated in general that I don't have to explain. Doesn't mean they will do it, but they are aware. :lol:

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I'm 27 and my ideal age gap would be 3 years younger to 5 years older. I want to grow old with that person. If they aren't a real man then age makes no difference. Ill never give them the time of day.

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Now, I wouldn't do anyone more than 10 years older. Current SO is 8 years my senior and that's plenty. I've dated up to 14 years older and that just didn't work out as well. We were in two different spaces in a lot of ways. So 10 years my senior max and probably 3 years my junior. I did have a young tenda crushing on me...let's just say he's can legally consume and buy alcohol now :look: But I'd never seriously date anyone that young.
I am attracted to older men and I don't know what my upper age limit would be. . .I guess it would depend on the person. That said, I've been attracted to younger guys lately. But I'm looking for a set of characteristics/qualities that could be found in a younger guy who was mature. I wouldn't exclude anyone solely based on age.
I prefer only about 2-3 years younger or older than me. So that would be between 24-30. I actually prefer the youger end to the older because they will more likely to close to me experience wise and I they are less likely to be set their ways.
I'm 25 years old. I prefer someone who is older but not too much. Someone 27 - 30 is most favorable with 34 being the oldest I would go. This age range includes casual and more serious dating. Older men tend to be more established with dating habits and behaviors that are more to my liking.
My exhusband was 8years old than me and it didn't work out. My age range is 30-35 but that haven't been working out to well.
However, I have been talking to someone who is only 4years older than I n it is going well so far:-)