What is Your Age Gap?

No more than 4 years older..I dont really like dating younger men, but I am trying to be more openminded towards it.
I'm hoping to meet someone a few years older than me. I do understand how age is less important the older you are tho. I'm almost 29 and I highly doubt I'd have interest in anyone that's more than a year younger than me.
I prefer older men. It's getting a little difficult for me though as I get approached by younger men a lot, mainly because I look really young for my age. Most guys are shocked to find I'm near my mid 30's as they think I'm in my early 20's. I even got hit on by a 16 year old last year. He thought I was 18. :lol:

Some of my best relationships were with men who were more than 5+ years older. I guess I relate to them because I've been told I have an old soul.

ETA: Had to jump in this thread because OP mentioned my boo Hill. :grin:
I have better chemistry with guys at least 3 years older than me. I don't really have connections with guys my own age so going younger is out of the question. The times I've tried have ended in disaster. The last guy I really had a connection with was 23 and I was 19. The problem is I look younger than my age, so I get approached by younger guys and guys my age and older don't notice me outside of certain situations.
I'm hoping to meet someone a few years older than me. I do understand how age is less important the older you are tho. I'm almost 29 and I highly doubt I'd have interest in anyone that's more than a year younger than me.

That pic alone is why I am scared of the younger man. YUCK!!!! RED FLAGS for the down low brother!!!
No wonder I can't find a guy my age. Y'all *****s got em all. :lol:
Just kidding... :angeldevi
Age ain't nothing but a number...
I'm 25 and I only want to date other 20 somethings. Since I'm right in the middle, I'll consider 4 years younger through 4 years older.
Thanks for this. I see here that most ladies date older men. That has ALWAYS been my preference. In fact up until now, the youngest man I had ever dated was two years OLDER than me and he got on my last nerve.

This young man never ceases to render me speechless (which is rare! LOL). I'm 34 and he's 27 which raises all kinds of red flags initially, but he is incredibly perceptive and grounded for his age...even more so than some of the 40 year old men I have come in contact with.

My only worry is "mamma syndrome" or some weird type of cougar fantasy he may have. Normally, I wouldn't remotely entertain the idea, just because I know from life's experience that he's got some major hurdles to cross in the next few years, and I don't want to hold him back. I also don't want to parent an adult...

It's strange... I keep writing men off for silly reasons, but maybe I will at least give this one a chance. We'll see
My mom and dad were your and your boo's ages when they dated. They have been married 26 years now.

My two serious relationships have been with younger men. One nine months younger, the other 14 months younger. I just like men who are stable, responsible and mature.
He's 5 years younger....:lick:

:lol: I have a crush on a guy 6 years younger. My friends make fun of me :sad: but he is so sexy! :lick:
I usually date men my age or older. However, the last two men that I've been seriously interested in were/are a year younger than me. I also have another younger guy chasing after me right now (literally, this man hunted me down) but I'm not sure about my interest level.
Though my ex BF was two years older than me, I have decided to be open to younger men to increase the dating pool. The younger guy is more likely to be childless, or never married. I think you have to look at the guy individually vs having a strict cut off. I have been on a few dates with younger guys but they have still been, except one, 30 +).