What is your ideal age gap and why?


New Member
Just curious. I'll start.

I think, ideally, I would prefer someone no more than 5 years older (3 would be even more so ) than me and no more than a year younger.I just feel that the closer in age we are, the better we can relate.
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I've heard that nine years is ideal. In my last relationship, he was about 12 years my senior and it bothered me. I quickly got over that! My current SO is 10 my senior and we're also compatible but this time I had no hesitation. Almost as if my prior relationship was a dry run!
Wow... Most guys I date have been 1-2 yrs older than me. I guess I'm like you FtrDrO... Oldest would be fine with is 3 to 5 yrs...
Most of the men I have been in relationships with have been 18-23 yrs older than me. :look:

My current S/O is 6 years younger than me..we have alot in common and he is extremely mature..no issues so far..
I prefer someone around the same age to 5 years older. Most younger guys are still in university or in some graduate/unemployed limbo. 8-10 years older for casual dating (wining and dining :look:) would be cool but not for something more serious. The likely dynamic doesn't interest me. Probably wouldn't date anyone 10+ years older than me at this stage.
I have never dated anyone more than 3 years difference in either direction. Its amazing the wide range of maturity that exists in such a narrow band. Some of these guys are like complete children, some are incredibly mature. Ultimately its about maturity more than anything, though i do like being in the same general age group.
Best dates have been with men 10-15 years older. For something more involved, I think I'd like about 5-7 years between us.

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5-10. My last ex was 6 years older and he was hardly more mature than me. They guy closest to my level of maturity was about 9 years my senior. I dont tend to like guys my age for anything more than 'friend' purposes. Not sure what it is but I tend to be more attracted to a guy that's older anyways. Possibly because they're more likely to want a long term relationships when guys my age don't.
The men I date are usually 2-6 years older than me. My SO is 5 years older. The only problem I have with much older guys is when they have that been there, done that attitude!
I've dated guys literally the same age as me. My preference now are men 5 to 7 years older; I don't know why, older men are very attractive to me.
I'd say no more than 10 years older, although I have dealt with guys as much as 12 years older on a casual basis.
No more than 3 years older. Oldest I have dated was 5 years older (and thats bc he lied and looked younger smdh). Youngest was 3 years younger SMDH and he has his days and other days? Not so much
8 Years would probably be the highest I'd go and the person would have to court me with the intent of marriage.


Oh you said and why.

I think 8 years is not too bad, it's not too dramatic IMO, we'd have the same amount of energy and its not really a dramatic generational gap. However, who knows. I'm just saying 8 years cause I know someone 8 years older...lol..:look:.anyways....before it was 5.
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usually 5-7 years older but if a man was 10-15 yrs older and treated me well i wouldn't shun him

i feel men in this age range are much more mature, secure in themselves, and better off financially:look:
I prefer no more than 5 years older (though I've dated guys 10 years older than me) and I refuse to date younger. Between 2-4 years is my ideal age gap.:yep: I feel it's easier for us to relate to each other and we're more likely to be in the same place in life and want the same things at the same time.
No more than 7 in both ways. I don't really like my men to be too much older than me :look: I've tried it in the past and no bueno!
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IDEALLY I would say within three years older. I have never been into older men. In fact, I have never dated a man more than a few years older than me... the oldest guy I dated was my first year in college I was 18 he was probably 20 or so. Most younger I would go is a year, perhaps two if I REALLY liked him.
Unrelated, I always wanted a little 18 year old tenderoni just to turn him out but I don't know if I'll ever get around to that :look: :lol:
My last SO was 11 years older than me.

My FH is only 2 years older than me.

I like/love older men

My age bracket is 2-10 years older than me.
I prefer a man 10-12 years older than me. A man is about 10 years mentally younger than his age.
I don't think I have an ideal range... I find younger guys attractive. My dad is younger than my mother(4 years). A friend of mine is married to a guy 3 years younger than her. So, as long as he's responsible and not far behind me in terms of success(financial/education), I'd be fine to date a guy who is about 3-4 years younger.

I've never dated anyone significantly older than me. 2-3 years older max. I'd date as old as 37. I'm 30. Maybe older if the guy had a very youthful energetic spirit. It depends on the guy.
I use to always date younger, like 7 years. My current SO is 8 years older than me, which I like.